


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……


1. 免 [miǎn]免 [miǎn]去掉,除掉:~除。~税。~费。~官。~检。罢~。豁~。不被某种事物所涉及:避~。~疫。~不了。在所难~。不可,不要:闲人~进。古同“勉”,勉励。古同“娩”,分娩。……



汉语拼音:nán miǎn








  1. 不易避免。

    唐 元稹 《虫豸诗·蟆子一》:“暗毒应难免,羸形日渐枯。”《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“虽不学 伍大夫 吴门 乞食,也难免 吕蒙正 僧院投斋。” 毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“任何政党,任何个人,错误总是难免的,我们要求犯得少一点。”



  1. It is hard not to feel a twinge of pity; few would envy such a life in the spotlight as teenage hormones start to kick in.


  2. If you don't ask for it upfront, it is likely to be forced upon you later, often in the form of a critique of your proposed solutions.


  3. He had not, as a warning for the future, decide the very next day in any case to his beloved girl.


  4. He asked for a margin of at least thirty percent over the German Fleet on account of expected losses in the passage.


  5. He is too tall, and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway.


  6. Keep in mind that no matter how much care you take to avoid the whiff of spam, there's a chance that some of your recipients will complain.


  7. When chewing slowly savored, it is inevitable that some bitterness and sorrow and grief, but it is all for me, as it is beautiful.


  8. They called it a computer error and accidents, we know, can happen in the best-regulated systems.


  9. The market place is much tougher, and in light of what's happened in the financial markets, the art market cannot be immune to it.


  1. 但难免改变?

    But I know I might change.

  2. 性急难免出岔子。

    A hasty man is seldom out of trouble.

  3. 我们难免有错。

    We're fallible, so we make mistakes.

  4. 良工难免出错。

    The best workman sometimes blunders.

  5. 狡狐难免就擒。

    Every fox must pay his skin to the furrier.

  6. 忙中难免出错。

    Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.

  7. 流言蜚语是难免的。

    People talk.

  8. 家家难免有败类。

    It is a small flock that has not a black sheep.

  9. 犯错人皆难免。

    To err is human.

  10. 大人物难免遭误解。

    To be great is to be misunderstand.

  11. 这事谁都难免。

    That can happen to the best of us.

  12. 人难免会犯错误。

    To stop aside is human.

  13. 犯错误是难免的。

    It's hard to avoid mistakes.

  14. 犯错误是难免得。

    It's hard to avoid mistakes.

  15. 谁都难免受批评。

    Nobody is immune from criticism.

  16. 初次下海,难免晕船。

    You will likely feel seasick on your first trip at sea.

  17. 年轻人做事难免浮漂。

    It's inevitable that young people will be careless.

  18. 年轻人做事难免浮漂。

    It's inevitable that young people will be careless.

  19. 我们都难免犯错误。

    We are fallible beings.

  20. 这些过错是难免的。

    These mistakes can't be helped.

  21. 这些过错是难免得。

    These mistakes can't be helped.

  22. 生活难免会有挫折。

    Life will inevitably have setbacks.

  23. 这样的事情是难免的。

    Uhhuh.Well,these things happen.

  24. 行行都干, 难免要饭。

    A man of many trades begs his bread on Sundays.

  25. 难免会有伤痛,难免会有悲苦

    We all have pain, we all have sorrow.

  26. 这样的事情是难免的。

    Uhhuh. Well, these things happen.

  27. 行行都干,难免要饭。

    A man of many trades begs his bread on Sundays.

  28. 玫瑰虽艳,难免凋谢。

    The fair rose at last is withered.

  29. 人生百年,难免一死。

    They that live longest must die at last.

  30. 家规再严,事端难免。

    Accident will happen in the best regulate families.


  1. 问:难免拼音怎么拼?难免的读音是什么?难免翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难免的读音是nánmiǎn,难免翻译成英文是 be unavoidable

  2. 问:难免一死拼音怎么拼?难免一死的读音是什么?难免一死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难免一死的读音是,难免一死翻译成英文是 mortality

  3. 问:难免发生的拼音怎么拼?难免发生的的读音是什么?难免发生的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难免发生的的读音是,难免发生的翻译成英文是 incidental




【读音】nán miǎn


【出处】唐·元稹 《虫豸诗·蟆子一》:“暗毒应难免,羸形日渐枯。”

【示例】《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“虽不学伍大夫吴门乞食,也难免吕蒙正僧院投斋。” 毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“任何政党,任何个人,错误总是难免的,我们要求犯得少一点。”

