




1. 纪 [jì]2. 纪 [jǐ]纪 [jì]记载:~年。~元。~行(xíng)。~实。~念。~传(zhuàn )体(中国传统史书的一种体裁,以人物传记为中心叙述史实,“纪”是帝王本纪,“传”是其他人物的列传)。~事本末体(中国传统史书的……



汉语拼音:wéi jì








  1. 违犯纪律。

    《人民日报》1982.10.12:“ 北京市 严处分房建房中的违纪事件。”《红旗》1984年第10期:“实现党风好转,扶正祛邪,必须敢于‘碰硬’。即做到‘官’违纪,敢碰;友违纪,敢揭;亲违纪,敢处。”



  1. Said bluntly , of course repeatedly violence, malpractices, the only course that the perpetrators of the violence is nothing Chishi dog.


  2. Having any other irregularity or discipline breach and causing any unfavorable impact and consequence.


  3. But for a few, the doping controversy which has engulfed the country's two brightest sprinting stars is proving hard to shake off.


  4. Such departures are considered serious offenses for which disciplinary penalties, including suspension and expulsion, can be imposed.


  5. The application of randomized class grouping and examinatorial permit cards can effectively prevent cheating and frauds in an examination.


  6. Discipline management, including violation investigation and punishment, handle outburst accident.


  7. For starters, schools should be required to deal with minor infractions at school, reserving suspension for serious offenses.


  8. Zhou Wenxuan, former President of Wuhan Intermediate People's Court, was investigated for his suspected material violations.


  9. If I were the headmaster, I would spare no effort toteach the troublesome students patiently instead of suspending them.


  1. 轻微违纪行为

    summary offence.

  2. 顶风违纪行为

    act against discipline

  3. 课堂违纪行为

    class violating behavior.

  4. 违法违纪现象

    illegal and undisciplined events

  5. 违纪违规案件

    case of breaching the discipline

  6. 考试违纪现象

    discipline violation in examination.

  7. 违法违纪行为

    activities against law and discipline

  8. 违规违纪住房

    house obtained by violating discipline

  9. 大学生违纪行为

    College Violations

  10. 贿赂违法违纪

    Volations of law and discipline by bribery

  11. 违纪预防机制

    Prevention system of violating disciplines

  12. 违纪违法案件

    case involving in violations of laws and codes

  13. 违法违纪案件

    violations of laws and rules of official conducts

  14. 违纪学生转化

    the instruction of those students who break school regulations

  15. 违纪型变态人格

    antisocial type

  16. 违纪型人格

    Delinquent personality

  17. 严重违纪违法案

    case of violating the law seriously

  18. 违纪行为。违反纪律行为

    disciplinary offence

  19. 学生违纪处分规定

    university regulations for student punishment

  20. 查处违法违纪案件

    to investigate and punish the activities violating the law and discipline

  21. 大学生违纪的人性追问

    A Human Nature Perspective on University students'Violation of School Regulations

  22. 有重大违规、违纪行为的。

    Severe violation of regulation or discipline.

  23. 论大学生违纪处分的适度性

    Moderation of Disciplinary Actions Against University Students

  24. 大学生违纪处分正当程序探析

    Analysis of the due process about Students disciplinary action

  25. 论高校违纪学生之合法管理

    The Maiden Research on the Law Protection of College Students Breaking Disciplines

  26. 新经济领域违纪违法案件透析

    Analyze the Cases of Violating the Law and Discipline In the Realm of new Economy

  27. 这个学校里有很多违纪问题。

    There are many disciplinary problems in the school.

  28. 构建三条防线遏制违法违纪

    Structure of Three Lines of Defense for Keeping down Illegal Activities and Unlawful Practice in Public Security Organs

  29. 高校违纪学生的道德心理教育

    On the Psychological Education of the Students Who Break the School Rules in Colleges and Universities

  30. 被审计单位违纪金额的实证分析

    The Positive Analyses of the Illegal Amount of the Units that were Audited


  1. 问:违纪拼音怎么拼?违纪的读音是什么?违纪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪的读音是wéijì,违纪翻译成英文是 Break rules.

  2. 问:违纪处罚拼音怎么拼?违纪处罚的读音是什么?违纪处罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪处罚的读音是wéi jì chǔ fá,违纪处罚翻译成英文是 disciplinary sanction

  3. 问:违纪惩罚拼音怎么拼?违纪惩罚的读音是什么?违纪惩罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪惩罚的读音是wéi jì chéng fá,违纪惩罚翻译成英文是 disciplinary punishment

  4. 问:违纪拘留拼音怎么拼?违纪拘留的读音是什么?违纪拘留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪拘留的读音是wéi jì jū liú,违纪拘留翻译成英文是 disciplinary detention

  5. 问:违纪犯人拼音怎么拼?违纪犯人的读音是什么?违纪犯人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪犯人的读音是wéi jì fàn rén,违纪犯人翻译成英文是 prison rule violator

  6. 问:违纪行为拼音怎么拼?违纪行为的读音是什么?违纪行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪行为的读音是wéi jì xíng wéi,违纪行为翻译成英文是 undisciplined behavior

  7. 问:违纪报告率拼音怎么拼?违纪报告率的读音是什么?违纪报告率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪报告率的读音是wéi jì bào gào lǜ,违纪报告率翻译成英文是 rate of disciplinary report

  8. 问:违纪惩戒程序拼音怎么拼?违纪惩戒程序的读音是什么?违纪惩戒程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪惩戒程序的读音是wéi jì chéng jiè chéng xù,违纪惩戒程序翻译成英文是 disciplinary procedures

  9. 问:违纪惩罚单元拼音怎么拼?违纪惩罚单元的读音是什么?违纪惩罚单元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪惩罚单元的读音是wéi jì chéng fá dān yuán,违纪惩罚单元翻译成英文是 disciplinary unit

  10. 问:违纪拘留犯人拼音怎么拼?违纪拘留犯人的读音是什么?违纪拘留犯人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪拘留犯人的读音是wéi jì jū liú fàn rén,违纪拘留犯人翻译成英文是 disciplinary detention inmate

  11. 问:违纪型人格障碍拼音怎么拼?违纪型人格障碍的读音是什么?违纪型人格障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪型人格障碍的读音是wéi jì xíng rén gé zhàng ài,违纪型人格障碍翻译成英文是 delinquent personality disorder

  12. 问:违纪处罚通知单拼音怎么拼?违纪处罚通知单的读音是什么?违纪处罚通知单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪处罚通知单的读音是wéi jì chǔ fá tōng zhī dān,违纪处罚通知单翻译成英文是 disciplinary ticket

  13. 问:违纪惩罚适合性证明拼音怎么拼?违纪惩罚适合性证明的读音是什么?违纪惩罚适合性证明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违纪惩罚适合性证明的读音是wéi jì chéng fá shì hé xìng zhèng míng,违纪惩罚适合性证明翻译成英文是 certification of fitness for disciplinary pun...



违纪,词语,读作“wéi jì”,即违反纪律,意指违犯了纪律、违反了规则等有约束力的行为,或是违反了有关章程。凡是其行为与组织、团体、单位等对相关人员行为纪律要求相抵触的,都属于“违纪”。但违纪不一定即是违法。