







汉语拼音:yǎo dìng







  1. 谓话说得十分肯定。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“ 李氏 与 大郊 面质,句句是 杨化 口谈,咬定 大郊 谋死真情。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六回:“那姓 刘 的取去了一万九千两,一万九除了三千,还有一万六,他咬定了要店里众人分着赔呢。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简·美的追求者》:“ 韩美林 一口咬定:他的童年是幸福的。”



  1. Commit to your goals and do not waver from them a one bit regardless of what else is there.


  2. Attachment is a "Yao Ding Aoyama do not relax, he served as Seoul Old and style. "


  3. Since then I have performed some of the most daring robberies of anybody in my neighborhood and I'm sure that everyone fears me.


  4. But Mr. Ryan is sure that the dollar is being debased and won't take no for an answer.


  5. She would deny that there had ever been a chest of china in the room.


  6. For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.


  7. Place these shapes on top of the duct shapes; their alignment boxes match the width of the ducts so that they snap into place.


  8. Some friends and family of both men insist Brando's relationship with Cox was platonic.


  9. Their alignment boxes match the width of the ducts so that they snap into place.


  1. 断言,咬定说

    speak with finality.

  2. 有人一口咬定他是强盗。

    Someone swore a charge against him as a robber.

  3. 他一口咬定了张明是凶手。

    He insists that Zhang Ming is the murderer.

  4. 他一口咬定了张明是凶手。

    He insists that Zhang Ming is the murderer.

  5. 六宝是一口咬定了看见的。

    She insisted she had seen everything with her own eyes.

  6. 被告一口咬定说他是无辜得。

    The accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime.

  7. 被告一口咬定说他是无辜的。

    The accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime.

  8. 她一口咬定那全是不实之词。

    The story was a fabrication, she insisted.

  9. 她一口咬定说她没有拿那笔钱。

    She swore blind that she had not taken the money.

  10. 她们一口咬定那棵树是她们的财产。

    They persisted that the tree was their property.

  11. 咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。

    Grasp the mountain relentlessly to take root in the cracked rock.

  12. 总之,姑娘一口咬定,她根本不认识他们。

    In short, the girl insisted that she did not know them.

  13. 那个流氓诬赖那个年轻人,一口咬定他是小偷。

    The rogue swore against the young man, saying he was a thief.

  14. 拖到机架或机柜形状上可立即咬定位置。

    Drag onto a rack or cabinet shape to snap into place.

  15. 哥伦布一口咬定说地球实在是圆的。

    Columbus contended that the earth was round.

  16. 那贼一口咬定他是在找他自己的财物。

    The thief maintained that he was looking for his own property.

  17. 那贼一口咬定他是在找他自己得财物。

    The thief maintained that he was looking for his own property.

  18. 他一口咬定他整晚都呆在他女友的家里。

    He swore blind he'd been at his girlfriend's house all night.

  19. 你若心中存记, 嘴上咬定, 这便为美。

    For it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.

  20. 她诬告我是小偷,一口咬定我偷了她的钱包。

    She swore against me, saying I had stolen her purse.

  21. 对事故的说法我们必须一口咬定,再不改口。

    We must stick to our story about the accident.

  22. 她会咬定说,屋子里从来没有什么装瓷器的盒子。

    She would deny that there had ever been a chest of china in the room.

  23. 他嘴上一口咬定她缺少上流社会的翩翩风采。

    He asserted that her manners were not those of the fashionable world.

  24. 他事先就一口咬定彻底改造是可能的和必然的。

    He has decided beforehand that a complete reconstruction is possible and necessary.

  25. 他们当中有的人一口咬定我们在帮助并怂恿敌方。

    Some of them insisted we were aiding and abetting the enemy.

  26. 可刘景升一口咬定是人家丢在他家店门坎上的。

    Liu can be stated categorically that it is people throwing up in his store on the threshold.


  1. 问:咬定拼音怎么拼?咬定的读音是什么?咬定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咬定的读音是yǎodìng,咬定翻译成英文是 To not change one's point of view after being told...



咬定 yǎodìng 〖assertemphatically;insist〗∶说定;一口认定 〖grip;takefirmholdof〗∶咬住