







汉语拼音:zǐ mèi







  1. 姐姐和妹妹。

    《左传·襄公十二年》:“无女而有姊妹及姑姊妹。”《汉书·外戚传上·孝武李夫人》:“夫人姊妹让之。” 唐 戴叔伦 《女耕田行》:“姊妹相携心正苦,不见路人唯见土。”《儿女英雄传》第十三回:“不但像是个同胞姊妹,并且像是双生姊妹。”

  2. 对年辈相当的女性的通称。

    宋 张先 《贺圣朝》词:“ 谢家 姊妹,诗名空杳,何曾机巧。”《儿女英雄传》第十九回:“便説眼前靠了 九公 你合大娘子这萍水相逢的师生姊妹,将来他叶落归根,怎生是个结果?” 张天翼 《同乡们·夏夜梦》:“远远地有人在唱着‘见娘’的哭板,来了一遍又来一遍,可辨不清是哪个姊妹。”

  3. 兄弟姐妹。

    元 无名氏 《谢金吾》第三折:“今皇帝是俺嫡堂叔姪,先皇帝是俺同胞的那姊妹。”《中国歌谣资料·嫂嫂不爱小姑》:“哥哥才是亲姊妹,嫂嫂到底是个外头人。”

  4. 称妓女。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·访翠》:“这一条巷裡,都是有名姊妹家。”



  1. "By granting a title to his only sister, Kim Jong-il is trying to signal that he is prioritising the army, " Mr Choi said.


  2. Not one of those sisters is left. It will be interesting to see what husbands they find for the younger generation .


  3. After the death of her mother, Sonora and her siblings were raised by their father William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran.


  4. Then with one heart, a group of us brothers and sisters praised God, prayed and cast the demon out in the name of Jesus.


  5. A certain young man asked for the hand of one of them, but people were wary of him since he came out only at night.


  6. There are many possibilities, but your sibling does seem to be "in the news" this month, which will be very good for you, too.


  7. He never referred to his sisters in his letters.


  8. Want to use this three days of recipes, sisters and because eat less, it will be very easy to be hungry, is not physical.


  9. Plus a few months later, my baby sister was born, so then I had to add her to my panic list too.


  1. 非婚生姊妹

    Illegitimate sister

  2. 姊妹俩的重聚

    a reunion between the two sisters

  3. 以及他姊妹, 灵魂

    And his sister the soul

  4. 以及他姊妹,灵魂。

    And his sister the soul.

  5. 他们是兄弟和姊妹。

    They are brother and sister.

  6. 欢迎你各姊妹兄弟。

    Wele all brothers and sisters.

  7. 忠贞是正义的姊妹。

    Fidelity is the sister of justice.

  8. 供养兄弟姊妹免税额

    dependent sibling allowance

  9. 相互全姊妹轮回选择

    Reciprocal recurrent selection population of the sisters

  10. 她是我的同胞姊妹。

    She is own sister to me.

  11. 我是我姊妹的守护者。

    I am my sister's keeper.

  12. 请姊妹们唱最后一节

    Sisters, please sing the last stanza.

  13. 堂兄弟姊妹或姨表兄弟姊妹

    parallel cousin

  14. 我得年长姊妹非常好!

    My elder sister is very good!

  15. 我的年长姊妹非常好!

    My elder sister is very good!

  16. 我的年长姊妹非常好!

    My elder sister is very good!

  17. 那两姊妹性情不一样。

    The two sisters are unlike in disposition.

  18. 你或你配偶的兄弟姊妹。

    The brother or sister of you or your spouse.

  19. 我们爱自己的兄弟姊妹。

    We adore our sisters and brothers.

  20. 那三个女孩是姊妹。

    Those three girls are sisters.

  21. 我挂念母亲和兄弟姊妹。

    I miss my mother, my brothers and sisters.

  22. 马姑妈很喜欢这些姊妹。

    Aunt March did like the sisters very much.

  23. 我们学校和他们学校是姊妹学校。

    Ours and theirs are sister schools.

  24. 她是克莱儿的孪生姊妹。

    She is Claire's twin sister.

  25. 你有几个姊妹和兄弟?

    How many sisters and brothers do you have?

  26. 让他姊妹们一处顽顽罢。

    Let them amuse themselves together for a while.

  27. 这个故事最近有了姊妹篇。

    The tale took on new relevance recently, when Mr.

  28. 我的小姊妹想要帮助我。

    My small sisters wanted to help me.

  29. 但是我确实有二个姊妹

    But I did have two sisters.

  30. 近亲, 如父母和兄弟姊妹

    close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters


  1. 问:姊妹拼音怎么拼?姊妹的读音是什么?姊妹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹的读音是zǐmèi,姊妹翻译成英文是 sisters

  2. 问:姊妹篇拼音怎么拼?姊妹篇的读音是什么?姊妹篇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹篇的读音是zǐmèipiān,姊妹篇翻译成英文是 articles, novels, or movies that are related in th...

  3. 问:姊妹石拼音怎么拼?姊妹石的读音是什么?姊妹石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹石的读音是,姊妹石翻译成英文是 Sisters' Rock

  4. 问:姊妹种拼音怎么拼?姊妹种的读音是什么?姊妹种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹种的读音是zǐ mèi zhǒng,姊妹种翻译成英文是 sibling species, dual species

  5. 问:姊妹交配拼音怎么拼?姊妹交配的读音是什么?姊妹交配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹交配的读音是zǐ mèi jiāo pèi,姊妹交配翻译成英文是 adelphogamy

  6. 问:姊妹岩虾拼音怎么拼?姊妹岩虾的读音是什么?姊妹岩虾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹岩虾的读音是zǐmèiyánxiā,姊妹岩虾翻译成英文是 Periclimenessoror

  7. 问:姊妹细胞拼音怎么拼?姊妹细胞的读音是什么?姊妹细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹细胞的读音是zǐ mèi xì bāo,姊妹细胞翻译成英文是 sister cells

  8. 问:姊妹群落拼音怎么拼?姊妹群落的读音是什么?姊妹群落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹群落的读音是zǐmèiqúnluò,姊妹群落翻译成英文是 vicarious community

  9. 问:姊妹染色单体拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ,姊妹染色单体翻译成英文是 sister chromosomes

  10. 问:姊妹染色单体交换拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体交换的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体交换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体交换的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ jiāo huàn,姊妹染色单体交换翻译成英文是 sister chromatid exchange

  11. 问:姊妹染色单体分离拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体分离的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体分离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体分离的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ fēn lí,姊妹染色单体分离翻译成英文是 sister chromatid segregation

  12. 问:姊妹染色单体重组拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体重组的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体重组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体重组的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ chóng zǔ,姊妹染色单体重组翻译成英文是 sister chromatid recombination

  13. 问:姊妹染色单体黏结拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体黏结的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体黏结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体黏结的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ nián jié,姊妹染色单体黏结翻译成英文是 sister chromatid cohesion

  14. 问:姊妹染色单体不结合拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体不结合的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体不结合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体不结合的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ bù jié hé,姊妹染色单体不结合翻译成英文是 sister chromatid non-union

  15. 问:姊妹染色单体黏合蛋白拼音怎么拼?姊妹染色单体黏合蛋白的读音是什么?姊妹染色单体黏合蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姊妹染色单体黏合蛋白的读音是zǐ mèi rǎn sè dān tǐ nián hé dàn bái,姊妹染色单体黏合蛋白翻译成英文是 sister chromatid cohesion protein



“姊妹”是个多义词,它可以指姊妹(汉语词语), 姊妹(张哲书执导电视剧), 姊妹(基督徒间的一种称呼), 姊妹(张惠妹演唱专辑), 姊妹(杨千嬅演唱歌曲), 姊妹(萧玉芬演唱歌曲)。