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唐 杜甫 《彭衙行》:“煖汤濯我足,剪纸招我魂。” 仇兆鳌 注引 蔡梦弼 笺:“ 甫 意若曰:盗贼充斥,身涉艰苦,魂魄为之沮丧,故 孙宰 剪纸为旐以招其魂也。” 宋 王安石 《次韵致远木人》之二:“纷纷剪纸真虚负,立槁安知富可求?” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷一:“每岁出灯迎神,仪仗卤簿,皆剪纸为之。”
《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二四:“若是天雨不出,就剪纸为戏,或蝶或凤,或狗或燕,或狐狸,猿猱,蛇鼠之类皆有。” 柯岩 《从一个孩子看中国》:“外婆不会画,就用民间的剪纸法给孩子剪出来各式各样的动物花卉。”
Some of these professional artisans are quite outstanding, and their skill and sense of design represent the culmination of the art.
这些艺术家有的相当杰出,他们的技法和图案设计推动剪纸艺术达到高峰。Asked why she did such a great age is still paper-cuts, the elderly, said that with is a hobby and interest.
问她为什么这么大岁数还在剪纸,老人说,凭的就是一个爱好和兴趣。Chiang Feng-shan of the paper-cutting works were generous with gifts and never make money, and he always said he is a little effort.
蒋风山的剪纸作品都是慷慨相赠的,从来不收钱,他总说自己是举手之劳。Paper cutting Wang Fu at his house that day was the work of the platform to enjoy his paper-cut, like a gourmet chew anything.
剪纸王那天正伏在他家的工作台上,欣赏着他的剪纸,象个美食家咀嚼什么。Finally, we add a simple animation to make the majority of paper-cutting patterns of the background image to swing like in the wind.
最后,我们加入了简单的动画,可使背景图中大部分剪纸图案随风摆动或者停止摆动。Let's son, school paper-cutting, he did not want, like sports, said his son does not like to do the work as a paper-cutting.
让儿子学剪纸,他不愿意,儿子称比较喜欢体育运动,不喜欢把剪纸当作工作来做。She said that taking advantage of a good light now, we should accelerate the completion of this huge paper-cutting.
她说,趁着现在光线好,要加紧完成这一巨幅剪纸。This is Miss Gu's Paper Cut Class's assignment: Rat marry to a girl and a woman with her baby.
这是顾老师带我剪纸课临摹的两张剪纸:老鼠娶亲和抱娃娃。Chinese paper cuts, Chinese paintings, or other things like that , or even you can cook a Chinese dish and bring it with you.