











汉语拼音:luàn diǎn yuān yāng








  • 【解释】:鸳鸯:鸟名,常比喻夫妻。使夫妇互易错配。也比喻胡乱配合姻缘。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷八:“今日听在下说一桩意外姻缘的故事,唤做《乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作宾语;比喻胡乱配合姻缘


  1. Without love, the combination of pure at yuanyang spectrum, Lack of affection, should not remain in marriage.


  2. 'You may predict a wrong marriage, belle. I may promise to marry you not him. You forget it? ' He makes eyes at Molly.


  3. She subjective conjecture haphazard, the result is frustrated, who got burnt.


  4. very interesting . he will make the different ideas mixed up so that he will understand with a humorous manner.


  1. 乱点立体图是不具单眼线索的立体感测试工具。

    Randomdot stereograms do not have monocular cue in testing stereopsis.

  2. 现在流行返朴归真, 拿着根小棍乱点得时代过去了。

    Fanpuguizhen popular now, with a root Xiaogun arbitrary point of the times have passed.

  3. 我们刚迁入新居,所以现在还有点乱。

    We have just moved in, so we're in a bit of a shambles.

  4. 我在第一局的第一个发球失误,使我有点乱了方寸。

    I lost my first serve in the first set, it threw me off a bit.

  5. 你们只是点错了鸳鸯谱。

    You guys just haven't met the right girl.

  6. 你有点胡思乱想了

    You're being paranoid.

  7. 生活中总是把点线弄乱。

    In the life always disarrayed the line of point.

  8. 这里太乱,找个安静点的地方谈谈。

    It's too noisy here; let's find a quieter place to chat.

  9. 我喜欢下班后乱逛,顺便买点东西。

    I like ramble about the street after work, and buy something passingly.

  10. 抱歉有点乱

    Excuse the mess.

  11. 但这是有点乱。

    but it is a bit of a mess.

  12. 对不起,房间有点乱。

    I'm sorry, the room's in a bit of a mess.

  13. 不好意思这里有点乱

    I'm sorry that the place is a little messy.

  14. 对,开始有点乱了。

    Yeah, it was starting to get a little feral.

  15. 你可以加点面粉以假乱真。

    You can cheat by adding a little flour.

  16. 现在看来得确有点乱。

    It is quite a mess now.

  17. 你的头发看起来有点乱。

    Your hair looks a bit tangled.

  18. 好吧,这些新椅子是有点乱。

    OK, little mixup with the new chairs.

  19. 听着,我住的地方附近有点乱。

    Listen, I live a bit of a rough neighborhood.

  20. 对不起,有点乱。我会收拾一下桌椅的。

    Sorry its a bit untidy. Ill tidy up the tables and chairs.

  21. 书的目次有点乱,还需要再调整一下。

    The preface and table of contents of a book.

  22. 即使老练如他,此时当真有点乱了章法。

    Even an old hand like him had made a blunder this time.

  23. 书的序目有点乱, 还需要再调整一下。

    The preface and table of contents of the book are a bit messy and need further adjustment.

  24. 书的序目有点乱,还需要再调整一下。

    The preface and table of contents of the book are a bit messy and need further adjustment.

  25. 你知道, 仅仅是, 我发现整件事情有点乱。

    You know, it's just, I'm finding the whole thing just a little confusing.

  26. 它的味道尝起来有点乱,有点酸,可却有一股暖意。

    The drink was busy and sour to the taste, but warming.

  27. 对不起,请大家原谅我这篇写得有点乱的日记。

    I am sorry, please forgive me for my mess journal entry.

  28. 浪比昨天小了,并且有点扣,有些乱,风也比较大。

    A bit smaller than yesterday, breaking closer to the sand, and messier with stronger winds.

  29. 宝宝今天骑摩托车上班, 有点乱的长发, 看上去感冒了。

    Bi rode motorcycle to work today, with long hair in a mess, seems he has a cold.

  30. 目前我不能让这么一个有点能耐旳东西到处乱飘对吧?

    I cant have something of that kinds power floating around now can I.


