




行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……



汉语拼音:huá bù






  1. You want to have completed your cross step and be back in the side shuffle before your opponent hits the tennis ball.


  2. After using this recovery step footwork, the next step is to slide the additional distance to your ideal recovery position on court.


  3. "It's frustrating because I can do everything but what pertains to basketball -- running and jumping, defensive slides, " he said.


  4. In the left side technology of backward slide of shot put "early turning the shoulder" is an easily mistaken movement.


  5. That year, he first performed his trademark moonwalk dance, gliding backwards while appearing to walk forward.


  6. With the method of biomechanics, it analyzed and researched on back gliding shot putting technique of women shot putter LI Ling.


  7. A ballroom dance of Dominican and Haitian folk origin , characterized by a sliding step .


  8. I don't believe that. I bet you're very graceful on the dance floor. You wouldn't stumble; you'd glide across that floor.


  9. Ever the survivor, Strauss died at 85, not in a fall to earth but in a graceful slide.


  1. 背向滑步技术

    back sliding step technique.

  2. 滑步走, 装腔作势地走

    Walk or proceed, especially in an exaggerated manner

  3. 背向滑步推铅球技术

    back gliding shot put technique

  4. 在芭蕾舞中表演快滑步。

    perform a chasse step, in ballet.

  5. 滑步推铅球教法的探讨

    On Teaching Method of Putting the Shot with Sliding Steps

  6. 对滑步推铅球技术的再认识

    Further Understanding of Shifting Shot Put Techniques

  7. 这种新舞蹈中有一连串的滑步。

    The new dance consists of a series of glides.

  8. 这种新舞蹈中有一连串得滑步。

    The new dance consists of a series of glides.

  9. 舞者在地板上轻盈滑步而过。

    The dancers glide over the floor.

  10. 滑步推铅球技术的能力培养和训练

    Training of Ability in Sliding Shot Putting.

  11. 对推铅球滑步双支撑阶段的认识

    Cognition for Double Feet Uphold Process in the Back Sliding Shot Putting

  12. 力求完整滑步技术动作结构的简单化。

    Striving to make the complete sliding technique as simple as possible in structure.

  13. 对推铅球滑步技术速度节奏的探讨

    Research on the Speed Change in Coule Technique of Pushing Lead Balls

  14. 到处走动, 行走, 滑步而舞, 大摇大摆地走

    Sashay glide or move in a nonchalant way

  15. 从推铅球技术的演变谈滑步推铅球技术教学

    Discussion on Slippery Shot Put Technology Teaching Based on the Development of Technology.

  16. 谁能教偶超级跑跑里面得滑步和偷步?

    Who can teach the occasionally super coul in running and steal a step?

  17. 谁能教偶超级跑跑里面的滑步和偷步?

    Who can teach the occasionally super coul in running and steal a step?

  18. 女子铅球运动员滑步阶段速度节奏特征研究

    Study on Characteristic of Velocity Rhythm in Glissading Phase of Elite Female Athletes in China

  19. 两步舞节拍为24拍的舞厅舞,其特点是长的滑步

    A ballroom dance in 22 time, characterized by long, sliding steps.

  20. 我国男子铅球运动员滑步技术的运动学分析

    Kinematical Analysis of Shot Putting Technique of the Gliding Stage by Male Shot Putter

  21. 关键词铅球运动滑步最后用力专门性练习衔接。

    Keyword shot campaigns Huabu Finally forceful Specialized exercises Convergence.

  22. 滑步推铅球教法的探讨推铅球最后用力新论

    On Teaching Method of Putting the Shot with Sliding Steps New discussions on the finally exerted throwing of the shot.

  23. 我想像他们那样滑步, 旋转, 飞跃, 但那并不容易!

    I wanted to glide and spin and fly like they did. But it didn't come easy.

  24. 大学生背向滑步推铅球出手技术的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the college students'techniques of letting Go of the shot in putting the shot with the Steps slided Backwards

  25. 而我国主要普及的是背向滑步推铅球技术。

    The technique of shot put in China mainly focuses on sliding step.

  26. 而我国主要普及得是背向滑步推铅球技术。

    The technique of shot put in China mainly focuses on sliding step.

  27. 女子背向滑步推铅球技术分析和评定指标研究

    The Study of Evaluation Index System of Female Glide style Shot putter's Techniques

  28. 集体教学模式在背向滑步推铅球教学中的实验研究

    Research on Experiment of Collective Teaching Pattern in Backward Slide Shot Put Teaching

  29. 跳舞者跳曳步、滑步,并在人们拍手时在舞池上跑动。

    The dancers shuffle, glide, or run while people clap.

  30. 无预摆背向滑步推铅球技术在教学中的运用

    To Use the Skill of Putting the Shot Without Oscillating Back Sliding Steps in Teaching


  1. 问:滑步车拼音怎么拼?滑步车的读音是什么?滑步车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滑步车的读音是,滑步车翻译成英文是 push-bike



滑步,是poppin之中一类元素,最为被大家熟知的是迈克尔杰克逊的经典太空漫步(月球漫步、MoonWalk),大家可以去看看他的太空舞视频,里面有很多滑步包括横滑,原地滑和后滑步,其中后滑步最为基本,自杰克逊在billie jean演出之中运用通过更早的雏形是法国哑剧表演家马歇·马叟和美国跳舞歌手杰弗里·丹尼尔为基础的滑步之后,由自己优化而创作的滑步,太空步在各类舞蹈中均有体现。