




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:zhǒu zi






  1. 上下臂相接处弯曲的部分。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部三:“ 刘胜 走回课堂里,坐在一个墙角的行李卷上,两手抱着低垂的头,肘子支在波罗盖上。”

  2. 用作食物的猪腿上部。

    《儿女英雄传》第九回:“果见那连二灶上靠着一个鈷子,里头煮着一蹄肘子。” 张天翼 《清明时节》三:“她想出了几样菜来征求他们的同意:宰一只鸡,烧一碗肘子,做一斤粉蒸肉。”



  1. MY BOSS STANDS too close to my desk with his little smile, his lips together and stretched thin, his crotch at my elbow.


  2. Billy Hodge: [after hitting his teacher in the face] United States Coast Guard I'm here to help you.


  3. That bowl of fresh pork stewed with ham I remarked was so tender this morning would be just the thing FOR her.


  4. Then when he turned around his elbow smacked into my nose causing it to break.


  5. After a whole day of cooking up a storm, her parents cooked an elaborate meal of roast lamb, pork chops and grilled chicken.


  6. My inclination was always to say, "I bet you saw her naked a lot, buddy! " and then elbow him jovially in the ribs.


  7. Almost everyone who reads this email will try to lick their elbow. You tried to lick your elbow, didn't you?


  8. He listened impassively , chin in hand , when he was spoken to, his elbow supported on the back of his other hand .


  9. A cut of meat centering on the carpal or tarsal joint, AS of a pig.


  1. 红扒虎皮肘子

    steamed pork knuckle in chive oil

  2. 菜胆肘子炖海中宝

    Stewed Fish Maw, Sea Cucumber and Ham with Green Vegetable

  3. 看见了吗?他用肘子打中了我。

    Did you see that? He caught me with an elbow.

  4. 花椒盐装碟随肘子上桌。

    The flower salt and pepper pork and serve with the installation disc.

  5. 你不可能舔到你自己的肘子。

    It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.

  6. 我炖了些豆子,和羊肘子一块吃。

    I braised some beans to accompany a shoulder of lamb.

  7. 然后他回头的时候肘子杵断了我的鼻子。

    Then when he turned around his elbow smacked into my nose causing it to break.

  8. 有多少次有人被大叔的肘子打到头。

    How many time will anyone get hit with a elbow to the head?

  9. 我的饭来了, 是甜点心和山羊肘子。

    A meal was brought to me, of fool and boiled goat's knuckles.

  10. 如果没有餐巾纸,用前手臂或肘子挡住。

    If you don't have a tissue, use your upper arm or crook of your elbow.

  11. 我得饭来了,是甜点心和山羊肘子。

    A meal was brought to me, of fool and boiled goat's knuckles.

  12. 穆大叔最好用他的肘子,把韦德击昏!

    Mutomobo better knock wade out with his elbow!

  13. 杰克用肘子推推他得弟弟,得意地指点着。

    Jack nudged his brother and pointed gleefully.

  14. 杰克用肘子推推他的弟弟,得意地指点着。

    Jack nudged his brother and pointed gleefully.

  15. 不过你也许希望将肘子放在膝盖或枕头上。

    However, you may wish to rest your elbows on your knees or a pillow.

  16. 穆大叔做的很好, 一肘子把麦迪打醒啦。

    Deke did a good job to hit tmac back to his old form.

  17. 穆大叔做得很好,一肘子把麦迪打醒啦。

    Deke did a good job to hit tmac back to his old form.

  18. 所以支起你得肘子,拿起一双筷子戳进去看一看吧。

    So sharpen your elbows, pick up a pair of chopsticks and dig in.

  19. 所以支起你的肘子,拿起一双筷子戳进去看一看吧。

    So sharpen your elbows, pick up a pair of chopsticks and dig in.

  20. 红枣煨肘肘子, 是川菜烹调师善于烹制得风味菜之一。

    Jujube Wei elbow pork, Sichuan Cook is good at cooking the flavor of the dish.

  21. 肘子以腕关节或肘关节为中心切下来得肉, 比如说猪肉。

    A cut of meat centering on the carpal or tarsal joint, as of a pig.

  22. 肘子以腕关节或肘关节为中心切下来的肉,比如说猪肉。

    A cut of meat centering on the carpal or tarsal joint, as of a pig.


  1. 问:肘子拼音怎么拼?肘子的读音是什么?肘子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肘子的读音是zhǒuzi,肘子翻译成英文是 upper part of a leg of pork; elbow

  2. 问:肘子肉拼音怎么拼?肘子肉的读音是什么?肘子肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肘子肉的读音是zhǒuzǐròu,肘子肉翻译成英文是 horseshoe piece



肘子种类:前肘, 也称前蹄膀,其皮厚、筋多、胶质重、瘦肉多,常带皮烹制,肥而不腻。宜烧、扒、酱、焖、卤、制汤等。如红烧肘子、菜心扒肘子、红焖肘子;后肘, 又名后蹄,因结缔组织较前肘含量多,皮老韧,质量较前肘差。其烹制方法,和用途基本同前肘。