






1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……






  1. By the care my love, the hearts of every little flower seems to have a round the joy of tears in the surplus Yang.


  2. By his side hung a curving scimitar, a round shield studded with bosses of brass hung at his back, and his right hand grasped a lance.


  3. The boat was round and green, and very like the other lily-leaves. It was tied to a water-plant in the middle of the pond.


  4. The food of the festival is also round to symbolize family reunion. The food made of flour and various seasonings is called moon cake.


  5. They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know.


  6. After dinner, we went to the balcony to see the moon, the moon like a moon disc hanging high up in a sky, ah, the moon is really beautiful!


  7. You could be twins. He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's round face.


  8. The boy, in earnest, squatted in front of a blade of grass, on which a round dew in the sun gave a colorful light, exceedingly beautiful.


  9. Bundled in a rainbow of blankets, a wide-eyed toddler sits on her mother's lap, munching a cookie.


  1. 圆圆的 非常趣致

    It's round, it's neat.

  2. 八分圆圆的八分之一

    One eighth of a circle.

  3. 我们欣赏圆圆的明月。

    We celebrate the bright, round moon.

  4. 它有着圆圆的外形。

    It has a round shape.

  5. 她有一张圆圆的脸。

    She has a round face.

  6. 这些礼物就是圆圆的月饼。

    These gifts were round mooncakes.

  7. 它黄黄的,圆圆的,像只桔子。

    It yellow, round and looks like an orange.

  8. 我的眼睛大大的,脸蛋圆圆的。

    I have big eyes and a round face.

  9. 多尼戈尔那些圆圆的绿山冈

    the round green hills of Donegal

  10. 在圆圆的海洋和活的空气中。

    And the round ocean and the living air.

  11. 男孩兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。

    The boy's eyes rounded with excitement.

  12. 我母亲黑黑圆圆的脸,很好看的。

    My mother has a round dark face and is very pretty.

  13. 少校的眼睛惊喜地睁得圆圆的。

    The major's eyes dilated with pleasing astonishment.

  14. 圆圆的运动圆圆的道滋润我的心我的人生。

    Circle the round sport circle the round way moisten my life of my heart.

  15. 我身材很好。圆圆的也是一种身材。

    I’m in shape, round is a shape :)

  16. 汤圆就像它的名字一样,团团圆圆的。

    As its name dumplings, circle round.

  17. 他们是小小的,圆圆的,里面有肉的饼子。

    They are small round cakes with meat inside.

  18. 忘掉她们尖尖的黑帽子和圆圆的鼻子。

    Forget the pointy black hat and warty nose.

  19. 他有一张圆圆的脸和大大的眼睛。

    He has a round face and large eyes.

  20. 她的脸圆圆的, 眼睛大大的, 头发金黄色。

    Her face is round her eyes are large and her hair is fair.

  21. 他蓝蓝的眼睛随父亲, 圆圆的脸庞随母亲。

    You could be twins. He has his fathers blue eyes and his mothers round face.

  22. 她圆圆的脸, 非常圆, 一张比较大的嘴。

    She's got a round face, very round face, and a very bigmouth.

  23. 圆圆的, 蛋黄色的月亮照耀住湖面上。

    The moon, round and yellow, was shining upon the water of the lake.

  24. 胖胖的身体,圆圆的肚子,难道它们不可爱吗?

    With its squabby body and round bingy, arent they cute

  25. 村子的原野里渐渐隆起一些圆圆的小山包。

    Rounded hills swell gradually from the village plain.

  26. 他因为视力差而戴一副圆圆的眼镜。

    He was due to poor eyesight wearing a pair of round glasses.

  27. 她圆圆的脸上笑盈盈地现出两个酒窝。

    Two smiling dimples appeared on her round face.

  28. 在她圆圆的脸庞上, 总是挂着温柔的笑意。

    On her round face, there was a mild smile.

  29. 玫带着一块圆圆的滑滑的石头 回家了

    May came home with a smooth, round stone.

  30. 他的脸已不是小时候那副圆圆的娃娃脸了。

    His face had lost its boyish roundness.


  1. 问:圆圆的拼音怎么拼?圆圆的的读音是什么?圆圆的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圆圆的的读音是,圆圆的翻译成英文是 conglobate