







汉语拼音:hào yóu






  1. How much fuel does it sweal per a hundred kilometres.


  2. Do you know how much oil the Americans consume daily?


  3. His aomori abalone was the most Chinese of all his dishes, very tender, almost melting with a light glaze of oyster sauce.


  4. in the past six months , the launches saved up to one fifth of the volume of the fuel consumed by other police launches of similar size.


  5. Although downsizing came into brief vogue, cars soon grew bigger and their appetite for gasoline expanded apace.


  6. piston ring: color Riken Piston Rings, while the mill, less fuel consumption, easy to coke, long service life.


  7. This would make it harder for companies to specialize in larger vehicles that may consume more fuel but may also be more profitable.


  8. If you leave your CAR idling away outside the house for an hour or more, you will burn more petrol than you think.


  9. There might also have been a mistake. What we ordered is Romaine Lettuce with Oyster Sauce.


  1. 耗油里程计

    gas mileage meter.

  2. 坦克很耗油

    tanks are very heavy on fuel

  3. 舰船耗油标准

    POL consumption standard for ship and boat

  4. 这种车子耗油量大。

    This car is heavy on oil.

  5. 老旧的汽车耗油多。

    Older cars are heavy on gas.

  6. 他的新车非常耗油。

    His new car just runs away with the petrol.

  7. 这辆车子耗油量大。

    The car is heavy on oil.

  8. 那辆旧车耗油很多。

    The old car consumed much gasoline.

  9. 他的旧汽车耗油很多。

    His old car consumed much gasoline.

  10. 这款车以低耗油著称。

    This type of car is famous for its low oil consumption.

  11. 这款车以低耗油著称。

    This type of car is famous for its low oil consumption.

  12. 我的新汽车耗油太多了。

    My new car really runs away with the petrol.

  13. 这辆卡车耗油量低吗

    Does the truck get good gas mileage.

  14. 这车每百公里耗油是多少?

    How much fuel does it sweal per a hundred kilometres.

  15. 那可是百分之0。5的美国耗油量。

    That is 0. 3 percent of the U. S. oil consumption.

  16. 你认为你的车耗油比我的车少吗?

    Do you think your car tops mine when it comes to gas mileage.

  17. 这辆大的小汽车耗油量很大。

    The petrol consumption of the big car as very high.

  18. 我们正在寻找一辆耗油少得汽车。

    We arelooking for a car with a low petrol consumption.

  19. 我们正在寻找一辆耗油少的汽车。

    We arelooking for a car with a low petrol consumption.

  20. 耗油量太大, 增加了空气污染。

    They say SUVs use too much fuel and increase air pollution.

  21. 我的车很多地方生了, 而且很耗油。

    My car has got rusty in places and its a bit heavy on gas.

  22. 你知道美国人每天的耗油是多少?

    Do you know how much oil the Americans consume daily.

  23. 汽车可以在耗油量方面相互比较。

    Cars comparable with each other in terms of fuel consumption.

  24. 汽车可以在耗油量方面相互比较。

    Cars comparable with each other in terms of fuel consumption.

  25. 我的车很多地方生了锈, 而且很耗油。

    My car has got rusty in places and it's a bit heavy on gas.

  26. 我得车很多地方生了锈,而且很耗油。

    My car has got rusty in places and it's a bit heavy on gas.

  27. 那只是世界耗油量微不足道的一部分。

    That is oh point oh well percent of the rest of the world.

  28. 小的汽车比大的节约, 因为它耗油较少。

    A small car is more economical than a large one, because it uses less petrol.

  29. 并能同步测定锯切效率和锯切耗油率。

    The test device can measure the cutting rate and the fuel consumption in the cutting operation.

  30. 这是一部好汽车。它唯一缺点是耗油较多。

    This is a good car. Its only drawback is that it uses a lot of petrol.


  1. 问:耗油拼音怎么拼?耗油的读音是什么?耗油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耗油的读音是hàoyóu,耗油翻译成英文是 To consume oil.

  2. 问:耗油电子控制器拼音怎么拼?耗油电子控制器的读音是什么?耗油电子控制器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耗油电子控制器的读音是hào yóu diàn zǐ kòng zhì qì,耗油电子控制器翻译成英文是 oil consumption electronic controller