


尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……





汉语拼音:jìng shén







敬神 [jìng shén]
  1. 尊敬神灵。如:「一般人均敬神而畏鬼。」



  1. "To feed the poor and the needy, and to help others out, is also an act of worship that brings us closer to Allah, " said Asal.


  2. This savour our poets often made much of; leaving out the god in whose worship they were indulging.


  3. In some areas it adheres to its old ancestors worship, pray for the new year favorable weather, peace, good harvest.


  4. What little town by river or sea shore, Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel, Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?


  5. Athenians sentenced the death penalty to Socrates for " impiety " and "corrupting the youth" , which is the last tragedy of ancient Greece.


  6. As an American Plains Indian, I learned their spirituality, which is the one that I remember as the most natural and Godly.


  7. Having or exhibiting religious reverence; earnestly compliant in the observance of religion; devout.


  8. The Confucian not against drinking wine, with sacrifice worship god, in the Philippines, are all aged virtue.


  9. The Book takes the form of a letter from the apostle Paul to the people of Rome, in which he rails against all manner of godlessness.


  1. 敬神的读物

    pious readings.

  2. 虔诚的敬神的虔诚的

    Having great reverence for God pious.

  3. 不敬神的或不献祭的

    Not hallowed or consecrated.

  4. 不信神的拒绝承认神的, 不敬神的

    Recognizing or worshiping no god.

  5. 用来敬神或祭祀死者的黄纸

    Yellow paper for worshipping the gods

  6. 罪恶感并不代表敬神与虔诚。

    Guilt is not a Godly place to be.

  7. 有人指责他不敬神, 信奉无神论。

    He was accused of impiety and atheism.

  8. 酒新, 先斟第一杯用来敬神得酒

    First produced wine to deity

  9. 酒新,先斟第一杯用来敬神的酒

    First produced wine to deity

  10. 来了这些人,在这敬神得清早?

    Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?

  11. 来了这些人,在这敬神的清早?

    Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn ?

  12. 向上帝供奉,祭献向神供奉,如敬神或感恩

    The act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, to a deity.

  13. 不敬神的或不献祭的他神情严肃地走向祭坛。

    He walked soberly toward the altar.

  14. 这天晚上大家照例敬神,很快地行完了礼。

    That evening, the usual prayer service was concluded early.

  15. 只要有善行。这才与自称是敬神的女人相宜。

    But with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship god.

  16. 一种表达敬神的仪式中所要被杀的祭牲。

    The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person.

  17. 为了祭天敬神,我也已经吃素十天、避静三天了。

    In order to do the sacrifice of heaven and god, I have fasted for ten days and calmed myself for three days.

  18. 墨家敬神,提倡兼相爱,交相利的侠义型之人。

    Mohist respect god. advocate simultaneously appearance like. deliver appearance advantage chivalrous type person.

  19. 祝典为纪念某一事件,敬神或圣人的定期的宗教节日。

    A periodic religious festival commemorating an event or honoring a God or saint.

  20. 乃藉著善行,以那适宜于自称是敬神之女人的为妆饰。

    But, what befits women professing godly reverence, by good works.

  21. 乃藉着善行,以那适宜于自称是敬神之女人的为妆饰。

    But, what befits women professing godly reverence, by good works.


  1. 问:敬神拼音怎么拼?敬神的读音是什么?敬神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬神的读音是jìng shén,敬神翻译成英文是 modus faciendi homagium et fidelitatem

  2. 问:敬神的拼音怎么拼?敬神的的读音是什么?敬神的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬神的的读音是,敬神的翻译成英文是 god-fearing

  3. 问:敬神保有土地权拼音怎么拼?敬神保有土地权的读音是什么?敬神保有土地权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬神保有土地权的读音是jìng shén bǎo yǒu tǔ dì quán,敬神保有土地权翻译成英文是 tenure by divine service