







汉语拼音:jì qǔ








  1. 记住;记得。

    唐 王諲 《十五夜观灯》诗:“妓杂歌偏胜,场移舞更新;应须尽记取,説向不来人。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“少饮酒,省游戏,记取奴言语,必登高第。” 明 梅鼎祚 《昆仑奴》第一折:“他袖出三指,又反掌者三,然后指胸前小镜子,道是‘记取,记取’。这明明是有心我了。” 冰心 《<寄小读者>四版自序》:“小朋友,记取,春天到了!”



  1. It is worth remembering that this was an astonishing reversal of ANC policy.


  2. If ever you come to your country, be advised, you should not venture again into lands that you know not, lest you never should return.


  3. Perhaps, by the time the next one does come, some lessons will have been learned about the benefits of openness.


  4. not too much publicity. "Stand up to the rafters rotten" life worthy of the old bear in mind the Millennium.


  5. And it was also done with genuine enthusiasm and sincerity. London should take special note of that.


  6. In my book, I try to write things that are not trendy, but are things that are going to be worth remembering for other generations.


  7. There are a few shade to keep in mind for a few color corner, no risk at all.


  8. He learned these two lessons by brooding over the $492 he would have made had he been more patient.


  9. Keep in mind that in the event of a change in the paper, you may be the whole production system.


  1. 明眼人可从中记取宝贵的教训。

    A valuable lesson may be gleaned from it by those who have eyes to see.

  2. 莫如,记取他的好、珍惜现在所拥有的。

    Slots, to remember his good treasure now have.

  3. 我愿今日的三民主义者记取此语。

    I hope the followers of the Three People's Principles today will bear this in mind.

  4. 愿这次事故使大家记取一个教训!

    Let this accident be a lesson to all of you!

  5. 你要记取你是天主的一局部, 你很美。

    And you can remember you are a part of God and beautiful.

  6. 成功是值得纪念的,而失败仅会被记取。

    Success is commemorated; Failure merely remembered.

  7. 让我们记取,人生的秋日很快就会惠临。

    And let us remember that the autumn of life will come on apace.

  8. 是不是忘记取的信里才有你的表白?

    Admission is not to forget the letter you have the explanation ?

  9. 也一一列出了需改进的方面和记取教训的方面。

    Areas of improvement and where lessons need to be learned are also enumerated.

  10. 如果你不记取教训,你将会犯更大的错误。

    If you didn't charge up your mistakes, you would make a greater mistake.

  11. 但愿吾人能从我们放肆的行为中记取教训,

    Hopefully, men will learn the excesses of their ways

  12. 梦如人生, 快乐永记取, 悲苦深刻藏骨髓。

    Life as Dream, happy forever remembered, grief is profound saving in the bone marrow.

  13. 美国决策机构在采取行动时, 应记取这些教训。

    These lessons should be remembered in the actions being undertaken by US policymakers.

  14. 值得记取的是, 这是非国大政策惊心动魄的转折点。

    It is worth remembering that this was an astonishing reversal of ANC policy.

  15. 必须既善于总结成功的经验,又善于记取失误的教训。

    We must be good at both reviewing our useful experience and learning lessons from our mistakes.

  16. 在这生命复苏的季节, 当记取爱是永不止息的!

    The season in this life recovery, be to remember a love is never cease!

  17. 从两岸关系的角度来看此事发展,尤可记取教训。

    Comes from relations acrossStraits'angle to see this matter development, You Ke remembers the lesson.

  18. 我俩得爱永不断绝。在此情人佳节, 愿你记取这句话。

    Ours is not a love in vain. Remember that on this Valentine's Day.

  19. 我俩的爱永不断绝。在此情人佳节,愿你记取这句话。

    Ours is not a love in vain. Remember that on this Valentine's Day.

  20. 负有带领公司走出危机之责的领导人应当记取的七大教训

    Here are seven lessons for leaders charged with leading their organizations through a crisis

  21. 记取我们种种说不完的幸福,还有那废弃了的无数丝巾绸帕!

    Dost thou recall our innumerable joys, and all those fichus changed to rags


  1. 问:记取拼音怎么拼?记取的读音是什么?记取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:记取的读音是jìqǔ,记取翻译成英文是 remember


记取,汉语词汇。拼音:jì qǔ指牢记教训、嘱咐等。如:记取这个血的教训。