


1. 卡 [qiǎ]2. 卡 [kǎ]卡 [qiǎ]在交通要道设置的检查或收税的地方:关~。~子。夹东西的器具:发(fà)~。领带~。夹在中间,堵塞:~壳。鱼刺~在嗓子里。卡 [kǎ]用手的虎口紧紧按住:~脖子。把人阻挡住:~住敌人的退路。……





汉语拼音:kǎ zhǐ






  1. 每平方米重约二百克,厚度在纸与纸版之间的一种厚纸。用来制作明信片、卡片、画册衬纸等。

    阿英 《灰色之家》:“那印在原卡纸上的乌黑色的油,那本来印好了的纵横的红色的线条,一切都使我感觉到非常好看。”



  1. B. If client is unable to see print clearly, test each eye separately by placing index card over one eye at a time.


  2. Once you know the size each square needs to be, use a setsquare to cut out a piece of card this size - this will be your template.


  3. Load plain white paper into the bottom tray. Do not force paper too far into the input tray, or it mightcause a paper jam.


  4. It's very easy to find the direction in board, use the feeling method, it's virtually impossible to bend board against the grain.


  5. Currently Sunshine Paper owns the only production line for light-coated linerboard all over China.


  6. Holographic paper is holographic information layer directly attached to the substrate byelaya paper, plastic film on the surface.


  7. As a result of using a paper jam, on the day in the process of cutting a good date to be piling up too long to avoid paper deformation.


  8. Do you know the number of the maintenance department? It looks like the printer has jammed again.


  9. Stencils - draw outlines of a circle, square, rectangle and triangle on a piece of card and cut them out.


  1. 高级胶印卡纸

    offset post card

  2. 涂布白卡纸

    Coated white card board.

  3. 白卡纸烟盒包装

    Package for white card cigarette box

  4. 特度艺术卡纸月历

    Specially glazed artistic paperboard monthly calendars

  5. 全破布浆索引卡纸

    rag index Bristol

  6. 蜡光耐折高级卡纸

    satin folding bristol

  7. 送纸器卡纸请取出纸。

    Paper jammed in feeder please remove paper.

  8. 把答案写在答题卡纸上。

    Write down your answers on the answer sheet.

  9. 哦, 没什么大问题, 就是卡纸了。

    Oh, it's not a big deal. Just a paper jam.

  10. 影响涂布牛皮卡纸质量的因素

    The Factors Affecting the Quality of Coated Kraft Liner

  11. 请问上海哪里有买白色的卡纸?

    Shanghai, I would like to ask where to buy white cardboard?

  12. 请问上海哪里有买白色得卡纸?

    Shanghai, I would like to ask where to buy white cardboard ?

  13. 在卡纸的下面写出这些形状的写法。

    And write the names of every shape below them.

  14. 白卡纸分为特号, 一号, 二号三种。

    Byelaya paper is divided into cutter, number, the second of three.

  15. 广场中心设计构成, 是用卡纸做成。

    The square center's design constitutes, it is with the card paper to make into.

  16. 并寻求灰底白板纸合作与寻求白卡纸合作。

    And seeks the ash bottom white paperboard cooperation with to seek the ivory board cooperation.

  17. 常用的有白板纸,铜版纸,牛皮纸,玻璃卡纸等。

    Very white board paper, paper, paper, glass, cardboard, etc.

  18. 把这两张图画用浆糊贴在卡纸上。

    Paste down these two pictures on the cardboard.

  19. 进口画框木线, 装裱卡纸的批发业务。

    Importa linea cornice di legno, cartone incorniciato business wholesale.

  20. 他们还有些卡纸,孩子把卡纸黏起来成为马槽。

    With some cardboard, the children made the manger.

  21. 基于单片机的折页机卡纸检测系统的设计

    The design of paperboard detect system of folding machine base on mcu

  22. 利用粉红色或红色卡纸剪下大心型。

    Cut heart shapes out of pink or red construction paper.

  23. 哦, 没什么大问题, 就是卡纸了。我帮你取出来。

    Oh, it's not a big deal. Just a paper jam. I'll take them out.

  24. 在那些线缝卡纸板箱里有一些易碎货品。

    There are some fragile goods in those wire-stitched boxes.

  25. 光泽压光机是涂布纸板、涂布卡纸的重要整饰装置。

    Gloss calender is the important finishing equipment for coated board.

  26. 他们从卡纸上把小纸片剪下来 然后贴在这里

    So they're cutting out the little pieces of cardboard here, and pasting them up.

  27. 女郎也是用卡纸剪的, 但是她却穿着透明的纱裙。

    She was also cut out in paper, but she had a dress of the clearest gauze.

  28. 这也会引起制卡机卡纸, 不正确得折叠或者起皱。

    This can cause card printing and card paper, incorrect folding or wrinkle.

  29. 这也会引起制卡机卡纸, 不正确的折叠或者起皱。

    This can cause card printing and card paper, incorrect folding or wrinkle.

  30. 在把它们转移到卡纸上之前, 必须遵守下面的程序。

    Before transferring them to card, the following procedure must be observed.


  1. 问:卡纸拼音怎么拼?卡纸的读音是什么?卡纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡纸的读音是,卡纸翻译成英文是 paperboard

  2. 问:卡纸夹拼音怎么拼?卡纸夹的读音是什么?卡纸夹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡纸夹的读音是kǎ zhǐ jiā,卡纸夹翻译成英文是 paper clip

  3. 问:卡纸板拼音怎么拼?卡纸板的读音是什么?卡纸板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡纸板的读音是kǎ zhǐ bǎn,卡纸板翻译成英文是 paper board