




1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……



汉语拼音:jí lè









  1. 尽情娱乐。

    汉 枚乘 《梁王兔园赋》:“游观西园,从容安步。鬭鷄走兔,俯仰钓射。煎熬炰炙,极乐到暮。” 晋 成公绥 《啸赋》:“揔八音之至和,固极乐而无荒。”

  2. 非常快乐。

    汉 班固 《西都赋》:“方舟并騖,俛仰极乐。” 明 袁宏道 《致王瀛桥》:“病是苦事;以病去官,是极乐事。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十二:“我死心塌地的肯定了我们居住的世界是极乐的。”

  3. 指极乐世界。

    唐 李绅 《题法华寺》诗:“极乐知无碍,分明应有缘,还将意功德,留偈法王前。” 明 袁宏道 《西方合论·第一刹土门》:“次同居浄土者,如极乐中有众生, 妙喜国 中有 铁围 、男女之类。”

  4. 借指佛经。

    明 袁宏道 《夷陵罗子华墓石铭》:“暮年皈心莲邦,课诵至忘寝食。既病不服药,唯诵极乐如常。”



  1. also , he had money in his pockets , and , as in the old days when he returned from sea with a pay - day , he made the money fly.


  2. People report more marital satisfaction in midlife, with a bump in bliss as the children grow up and leave home, Levenson said.


  3. His madness has removed all impediments to bliss, and Foxx is such a good actor you can just about hear the music in his head.


  4. It is really a state of pure attention and out of this comes a bliss, an ecstasy, that cannot be put into words.


  5. By design, God created a bodily organ that has no other purpose than to provide women with sexual ecstasy.


  6. it comes only when you are not there at all, and its bliss has no continuity.


  7. We discussed the first part of this method in a previous message called Ecstasy and the Heart.


  8. The motive of your search is the desire to experience the unknowable to know the bliss and the immensity of it.


  9. I loathed myself for coming so soon, in the afterglow of my man-of-the-world fantasies.


  1. 去极乐世界

    Go to a better world.

  2. 极乐的心境

    cloud seven.

  3. 极乐,至福。

    pure bliss, happiness, etc.

  4. 极乐凤凰雀

    paradise weaver paradise whydah.

  5. 播撒极乐永恒,

    Sowing seeds of perpetual bliss

  6. 西方极乐净土

    Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

  7. 无上幸福。极乐。

    What bliss to be going on holiday.

  8. 宗教的极乐境界

    religious ecstasy

  9. 极乐净土之快乐

    Pleasures in the Pure Land

  10. 那些极乐世界的仙女们。

    Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian.

  11. 漂浮的极乐回忆

    Set adrift on memory bliss Michy keating

  12. 他现在已在极乐世界。

    He is now in golden hence.

  13. 他在自己的极乐世界。

    He was in his seventh heaven.

  14. 他在自己的极乐世界。

    He was in his seventh heaven.

  15. 这是世上得极乐。

    This is paradise on earth.

  16. 这是世上的极乐。

    This is paradise on earth.

  17. 极乐不笑, 极悲不哭。

    Joys laugh not! Sorrows weep not!

  18. 极乐不笑,极悲不哭。

    Joys laugh not ! Sorrows weep not !

  19. 他们感觉到了极乐世界。

    They were in seventh heaven.

  20. 漆黑, 极乐, 纯粹的废话

    utter darkness, bliss, nonsense

  21. 诸天与极乐之比较

    Comparison between heavens and the Pure Land

  22. 该湖是个极乐之地

    The lake was heaven.

  23. 佛把他们带入了极乐世界。

    Buddha took them all to paradise.

  24. 极乐与喜悦就与我同在

    Ecstasy and bliss are with me

  25. 你真的相信有极乐世界吗?

    Do you really believe there is a Pure Land?

  26. 悲惨与极乐天壤之别的境遇

    The extremes of misery and bliss

  27. 在极乐世界, 根本没有时间的概念。

    That is no time in bliss.

  28. 他们以为已经到了西方极乐世界。

    They thought they had died and gone to heaven.

  29. 极乐, 致福一种愉悦的状态

    A state of delight.

  30. 极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?

    Is Elysium there are joy and sadness?


  1. 问:极乐世界拼音怎么拼?极乐世界的读音是什么?极乐世界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐世界的读音是jílèshìjiè,极乐世界翻译成英文是 Champs Elysées -main boulevard of Paris

  2. 问:极乐拼音怎么拼?极乐的读音是什么?极乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐的读音是,极乐翻译成英文是 bliss

  3. 问:极乐寺拼音怎么拼?极乐寺的读音是什么?极乐寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐寺的读音是Jílèsì,极乐寺翻译成英文是 Gokurakuji

  4. 问:极乐三趾鹑拼音怎么拼?极乐三趾鹑的读音是什么?极乐三趾鹑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐三趾鹑的读音是jílèsānzhǐchún,极乐三趾鹑翻译成英文是 Quail Plover; 0rtyxelos meiffrenii

  5. 问:极乐冠蜂鸟拼音怎么拼?极乐冠蜂鸟的读音是什么?极乐冠蜂鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐冠蜂鸟的读音是jílèguānfēngniǎo,极乐冠蜂鸟翻译成英文是 Festive Coquette; Lophornis chalybea

  6. 问:极乐寺车站拼音怎么拼?极乐寺车站的读音是什么?极乐寺车站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐寺车站的读音是,极乐寺车站翻译成英文是 Gokurakuji Station

  7. 问:极乐杀菌素拼音怎么拼?极乐杀菌素的读音是什么?极乐杀菌素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐杀菌素的读音是jí yuè shā jūn sù,极乐杀菌素翻译成英文是 seligocidin

  8. 问:极乐院樱子拼音怎么拼?极乐院樱子的读音是什么?极乐院樱子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐院樱子的读音是,极乐院樱子翻译成英文是 Ashika Sakura

  9. 问:极乐鸟半岛拼音怎么拼?极乐鸟半岛的读音是什么?极乐鸟半岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐鸟半岛的读音是jílèniǎobàndǎo,极乐鸟半岛翻译成英文是 Cendrawasih

  10. 问:极乐鸟科,风鸟科拼音怎么拼?极乐鸟科,风鸟科的读音是什么?极乐鸟科,风鸟科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐鸟科,风鸟科的读音是jílèniǎo kē,fēngniǎo kē,极乐鸟科,风鸟科翻译成英文是 Birds of Paradise; Paradisaeidae

  11. 问:极乐寺 (哈尔滨)拼音怎么拼?极乐寺 (哈尔滨)的读音是什么?极乐寺 (哈尔滨)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极乐寺 (哈尔滨)的读音是,极乐寺 (哈尔滨)翻译成英文是 Jile Temple