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汉语拼音:bì jìng
终究,到底。必,通“ 毕 ”。
唐 贾岛 《投孟郊》诗:“必竟获所实,尔焉遂深衷。” 宋 周弼 《会稽山》诗:“必竟兴亡谁可料,但闻陵谷变飞尘。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二九:“内科又説:‘是肺经受风,必竟要吃消风散毒之剂。’”《红楼梦》第二六回:“必竟是 寳玉 恼我告他的原故。”
tonight advised that she was still out walk it, After all, did not endure to see the moon in 15, 16, 17 then missed the moon.
今晚劝自己还是出去走一走吧,必竟十五的月亮没忍去看,十六,十七的月亮又错过了。Because to meet all my future is still unknown, well-educated After all, I did not like that kind of survival skills.
因为将来迎接我的一切还是未知,必竟我没有诸如高学历那样的生存技能。If for a toothbrush, I would not ask questions. I'd just quote a price. But a toothbrush, is a non-lethal object, isn't it?
如果是把牙刷,我就不会问你,而直接说价钱。必竟牙刷没什么杀伤力,明白?I am so sorry to hear that he went through a lot of pain, he is just a child.
听到他経历了许多痛苦时,我很难过,他(必竟)只是一个孩子。But [Zuckerberg], he's not a researcher, he's just a businessman.
必竟马克扎克伯格不是一个研究员,只是一个商人。If you wanted a toothbrush, I would not ask questions. I'd just quote a price. A toothbrush, see, is a non-lethal object.
如果你要把牙刷,我就不会问你,而直接说价钱。必竟牙刷没什么杀伤力。The work of art is clinically abortion though a small operation, but will have to female friends body has certain harm.
工流产术虽然是临床上的一个小手术,但必竟对女性朋友的身体有一定的伤害。After all, everyone needs a hobby. And he had one. Lenin's brain.
必竟,每个人都需要有一个业余爱好的。是的,他也有一个,那就是列宁的大脑。After all, they don't call you old windbag for nothing!
But after all it is a times classical.
必竟, 爱是一个过程, 而不仅仅是目的。
Love is a journey, rather than a destination!
必竟, 每个人都需要有一个业余爱好的。
After all, everyone needs a hobby.
A pile of lumber, after all, is not a house.
People will disappoint us and fail for after all they are only human.
Mathild thought it was a diamond necklace, but it was not a real one after all.
Mathild thought it was a diamond necklace, but it was not a real one after all.
I was afraid that a high call will take old man frightened, she will have advanced in age.
Who are you that you fear mortal men, the sons of men, who are but grass.
But for that explored the treasure and will are and others, with house in the church basement hiding.