


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……



汉语拼音:mén zhèng






  1. 司门的官吏。

    《资治通鉴·陈宣帝太建十二年》:“ 陈王 纯 时镇 齐州 , 坚 使门正上士 崔彭 徵之。” 胡三省 注:“门正,掌门关启闭之节及出入门者。”



  1. Gate experts are considering a ban on liquor and cigarettes to help young people.


  2. Powerful doorways of new love and light are opening the world over and will continue to do so.


  3. The wall that was shaking is directly above the basement door.


  4. The toilet door to door for wealth, leakage curtilage, usable screen keep out.


  5. The lamp-lighter came as usual to light the lantern which was situated precisely opposite the door of No. 7, and then went away.


  6. The hamburg on main bar counter catches people's eyes.


  7. Standard for Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies


  8. He has openedDetroit's nicest new restaurant, Slows Bar B Q, opposite a derelict railway station;


  1. 电梯的门正对着大厅。

    The lift doors opened onto the lobby.

  2. 电梯的门正对着大厅。

    The lift doors opened onto the lobby.

  3. 是的, 灵魂行者门正在跟我说话。

    Yes, the spritis are talking to me. Oh yes, they are coming in clearly. Ah another. I can acutely see them now. The spirit are very powerful today.

  4. 是得,灵魂行者门正在跟我说话。

    Yes, the spritis are talking to me. Oh yes, they are coming in clearly. Ah another. I can acutely see them now. The spirit are very powerful today.

  5. 进门正对的大吧台,上面这个汉堡包引人注目。

    The hamburg on main bar counter catches people's eyes.

  6. 地下室的门正上方的那堵墙又在晃动着。

    The wall that was shaking is directly above the basement door.

  7. 筑坝于再次演奏喇叭,但是现在门正发出声音。

    Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.

  8. 只听厨房门正要打开,我马上跳回公寓去。

    The door the kitchen to open and I jumped to my apartment.

  9. 厕所门不可与卧室门正冲相对正冲,主住者多病。

    Bathroom door is rushing relatively with bedroom door, advocate the person that live is sickish.

  10. 门正中上方的一个小孔看上去像是材料的缺陷。

    A pinhole above the door's center seem an imperfection of the material.

  11. 门正中上方得一个小孔看上去像是材料得缺陷。

    A pinhole above the door's center seems an imperfection of the material.

  12. 门配气正时动作

    valve timing event

  13. 这扇门位置不正。

    The door is out of true.

  14. 她把床头椅转向正对门的方向。

    She had turned the bedside chair to face the door.

  15. 他推开门,她正在床上斜着呢,穿着平常的衣裤,赤着脚。

    He pushed open the door. She was sprawled out barefooted on the bed, wearing her everyday clothes.

  16. 诱惑就是钻出瓶子的恶魔。屈服正打开门, 邀请他

    Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.

  17. 门得部位不正。

    The door is out of true.

  18. 门的部位不正。

    The door is out of true.

  19. 我打开门, 发现你正昏迷不醒。

    I opened the door, and found you unconscious.

  20. 金牙姑姑进门的时候他正靠在床上吃饭。

    He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and blinked at the unwonted light.

  21. 金牙姑姑进门得时候他正靠在床上吃饭。

    He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and blinked at the unwonted light.

  22. 守护此门的大天使正为你打开着这宽阔的光之入口。

    The Archangels who guard the way are holding this expansive Portal of Light open for you.

  23. 他正站在门外面。

    He was standing just outside the door.

  24. 他们正在参观门农神像。

    They are visiting the statue of the god Memnon.

  25. 他正站在门和窗之间。

    He is standing between the door and the window.

  26. 我正想出门, 无奈朋友来访, 我只好作罢。

    I was just about to go out, but my friend came round so I had to drop my plans.

  27. 我正想出门,无奈朋友来访,我只好作罢。

    I was just about to go out, but my friend came round so I had to drop my plans.

  28. 我进不去,有个人正堵着门呢。

    I can't go inside. A man just blocked me at the door.

  29. 我进不去,有个人正堵着门呢。

    I can't go inside. A man just blocked me at the door.

  30. 正在这时门打开了,猫跳了出去,狗在后面追着。

    Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out,with the dog chasing it.