




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:shuí mén






  1. 哪一家。

    唐 杜甫 《孟氏》诗:“卜邻惭近舍,训子学谁门。” 唐 杜甫 《冬深》诗:“风涛暮不稳,捨棹宿谁门。”



  1. 网络
  2. SEVEn

  1. 谁有门的钥匙?

    Does somebody have keys to these doors?

  2. 谁让门敞着得?

    Who left that door open?

  3. 谁让门敞着的?

    Who left that door open ?

  4. 不管谁叫门,都不要开!

    Don't open the door, no matter who calls!

  5. 我不知道是谁让门开着。

    I wondered who had left the door open.

  6. 谁开了门不关?

    Who has left the door open ?

  7. 谁来叫门也别开。

    Don't answer for anybody.

  8. 谁开了门上得锁?

    Who unlocked the door?

  9. 谁开了门上的锁?

    Who unlocked the door ?

  10. 谁在把门得把手弄得格格地响?

    Who is rattling the door handle?

  11. 谁在把门的把手弄得格格地响?

    Who is rattling the door handle ?

  12. 老师想查明是谁弄坏了门。

    The teacher wanted to find out who had broken the door.

  13. 是谁把储藏柜得门打开没关?

    Who left the doors of the cabinet open?

  14. 是谁把储藏柜的门打开没关?

    Who left the doors of the cabinet open ?

  15. 但已经不记得当时是谁来开的门了。

    But he could not be sure which one answered the door that night.

  16. 谁先到的门口谁为后者打开门, 不分男女。

    And whoever reaches the door first, regardless of gender, should open it for the other person.

  17. 我想找出谁在我们前门上留了个红点。

    I'm trying to find out who left the red dot on our front door.

  18. 在一个没有围墙的世界里, 谁还会需要门呢?

    In the world of no fences, who needs Gates?

  19. 听,谁在敲我的门

    Hark!Who knocketh upon my door?

  20. 谁打开了马房得门?

    Who opened the stable door?

  21. 谁打开了马房的门?

    Who opened the stable door ?

  22. 会是谁在敲我的门?

    Who can it be knocking at my door?

  23. 在1977年欧洲冠军杯决赛中,利物浦的替补门将是谁

    Who was the substitute goalkeeper for Liverpool in the 1977 European Cup final

  24. 谁都没管带门,于是门砰得一声重重地关上了。

    One of us misses catching the screen door. It'slams.

  25. 谁都没管带门, 于是门砰的一声重重地关上了。

    One of us misses catching the screen door. It'slams.

  26. 大家几乎都怒目的往外看,看谁这么不得人心,把门推开。

    Everyone glared around angrily to see who was being so inconsiderate.

  27. 沃里谁来开开这可恶的门。

    Wally Will somebody open this darn door.

  28. 昨天有谁敲了作者家的门?

    Who knocked at the writer's door yesterday?

  29. 谁是2005年欧冠的决赛的替补门将

    Who was our substitute goalkeeper in the 2005 Champions League final

  30. 谁是2005年欧冠得决赛得替补门将

    Who was our substitute goalkeeper in the 2003 Champions League final.