


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……





汉语拼音:zhōng yuè







  1. 间隔一月。

    《仪礼·士虞礼》:“又朞而大祥曰荐,此祥事。中月而禫。” 郑玄 注:“中,犹间也;禫,祭名也。与大祥间一月,自丧至此二十七月。”《北史·隋文帝纪》:“依《礼》十三月而祥,中月而禫,庶以合圣人之意,达人子之心。”

  2. 当空的明月。

    南朝 齐 谢朓 《奉和随王殿下》之四:“云阴满地榭,中月悬高城。”



  1. Indeed Rex Tillerson, the firm's chief executive, once humorously referred to biofuels as "moonshine" .


  2. However, an Internet user identified as "yunzhuiyue" said the ceremonies are laudable.


  3. The 42-year-old German had been the favourite to be handed the Final of the tournament, but this also now appears unlikely.


  4. However, it is a blind date, lack of deep feelings of love, it is like a mirror, water, poor scarlett is in after Melanie.


  5. Caption: : In the dark, Moon rise is a fantastic moment, as the moon shine so brightly.


  6. But it was a false dawn. The Nikkei is now under half its end-1999 level.


  7. Midnight, silent, night Qing Hu, insect sound of children on high-hanging, full of a lovingly humble look.


  8. When overridden in a derived class, returns the number of months in the specified year in the specified era.


  9. But after all, most people the mirror in the dream is only on water, flowers, waiting.


  1. 论盛唐边塞诗中月的意象

    Discussing about moon's imagery in poems of the tang dynasty

  2. 从七月中到八月中

    from mid July to mid August

  3. 月中嫦娥在琼楼玉宇里歌舞。

    The goddess in the moon danced and sang in the celestial halls.

  4. 五月中一个暖和的傍晚

    On a warm evening in May

  5. 未指定一个月中的哪一周。

    No week of the month specified.

  6. 这几个月中下雪并非罕见。

    Snow is not uncommon during these months.

  7. 这里七月中得气候是非常热得。

    The climate in the July is very ardent here.

  8. 这里七月中的气候是非常热的。

    The climate in the July is very ardent here.

  9. 这个月中我将介绍实际的编程。

    This month I'll show you the actual programming.

  10. 这张账单必须在月中以前付清。

    This bill must be paid not later than the middle of the month.

  11. 将军澳都会?分店将于六月中开业。

    Tseung O at Metro Town will open at the end of June.

  12. 这事在五个月中发生了三次。

    It happened three times in the space of five months.

  13. 高峰时间在夏天的几个月中最糟糕。

    Rush hour is the worst during the summer month.

  14. 至少有122个美国人在这个月中死亡。

    At least 122 Americans were killed over the four week period.

  15. 在以后3个月中,我们歼灭了大约25个旅。

    We destroyed about 25 brigades in the next three months.

  16. 过去的6个月中我的谈了两次恋爱

    I've gone on two dates in the last six months.

  17. 在短短几个月中建成的廉价房屋

    Shoddy houses that were thrown up in a few months

  18. 在那几个月中他老得快极了。

    He had aged rapidly in the last few months.

  19. 在以后的几个月中这个就要出问题。

    This will create problems in the months ahead.

  20. 这人在过去八个月中一直担任卧底。

    This guy's been undercover for the last eight months.

  21. 它在过去的七个月中一直在收集数据。

    It has been collecting data for the past seven months.

  22. 和他这样做是在过去一个月中,仅!

    And he did it in the last month alone!

  23. 三月中燕子已经筑好了它的巢穴。

    In March swallows have got their nests ready.

  24. 在过去的几个月中,红豆的销量急剧下降。

    The sale of red bean fall off considerably in the past few month.

  25. 在过去的三个月中他一直在向她求爱。

    He has been courting her for the last three months.

  26. 这批内地富豪预计五月中陆续抵港。

    Regal Mainland China is expected to start in May this inward.

  27. 七八两个月中一连好几个星期没下雨。

    During July and August there was no rain for weeks on end.

  28. 但在这六个月中,杂志却失去了重点。

    But over those six months, the magazine had lost its focus.

  29. 冬季的几个月中,早班公汽要停开。

    The early morning bus will be taken out of operation during the winter months.

  30. 在大学的四个月中,我交了好些朋友。

    In four months at college, I had made a number of new friends.