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汉语拼音:gǔ yàn
晋 王嘉 《拾遗记·后汉》:“ 何休 木訥多智,三坟五典,阴阳算术,《河》《洛》讖纬,及远年古谚,歷代图籍,莫不咸诵也。” 明 杨慎 《谭苑醍醐·重较说》:“古谓‘较’为车耳。古谚云:‘仕宦不止车生耳。’” 清 杜文澜 编有《古谣谚》一百卷。
There seems to be a growing sense of entitlement within society, but the adage remains true: "The world does not owe you a living. "
社会上似乎愈来愈多人认为一切都是理所当然,但古谚说得好:「世界并没有欠你什麽而需要养活你。」All educators in China know this ancient Chinese proverb: "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. "
中国的教育工作者都知道这个古谚:“授人以鱼不如授人以渔。”The old saw, that if you allow a little democracy you end up by getting the whole caboodle, applies to this kingdom too.
“如果你允许一点民主,你最终将得到全部”这条古谚也适用于这个王国。But I do affirm the old saying that heaven is in the heart, hell is in the mind and so is Nibbana.
但是,我绝对肯定一句古谚:「天堂在心中,地狱在心中,涅槃也一样。」The question is given more edge if you accept (which I don't) the old Chinese adage, "No mountain can accommodate two tigers. "
如果你赞同(我并不赞同)中国的古谚“一山难容二虎”,这个问题就更尖锐了。always put as putting together with common words, find their favorite style.
老是把古谚与俗句合在一起在一路,找到本身喜欢的笔调。There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats , it loses a mouthful of hay.
有句古谚曾说,绵羊每叫一声,它就会掉落一口干草。There is an old Chinese saying: "A scholar need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world. "
一句中国古谚说:「秀才不出门,能知天下事。」As the old saw has it, faint heart never won fair lady.
There is an old saying that time is money.
正如古谚所说, 软弱得心无法赢得美人。
As the old saw has it, faint heart never won fair lady.
As the old saw has it, faint heart never won fair lady.
As goes Ohio, so the old saying has it, so goes the nation.
As the old adage goes
There's the old saying everyone's familiar with a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
有句古谚曾说, 绵羊每叫一声, 它就会掉落一口干草。
There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful of hay.
MAN may labour from sun to sun, but a womans work is never done, says the old proverb.