







汉语拼音:diǎn píng








  1. Comments: This year China's banking sector profit growth is a foregone conclusion, the next year to see how China's economic trends.


  2. The boss then comments on the banker's stellar performance, but says 2007 has been a difficult year for the bank and that times are tight.


  3. The comment he gave us just as correct as a professional killer.


  4. It's not unusual for judges to use harsh words about the contestants; or to cry over a contestant's performance; or even walk out.


  5. (Sorry, AA) And, of course, seatguru (another TripAdvisor property) reviews are also included with a separate click.


  6. During peer-assessments, able to analyze mistakes. He concentrates well, perseveres in the face of difficulty, and motivates others.


  7. Yesterday, when I wrote about the new Android music player, I promised a longer look at it once I had the time to install and play with it.


  8. So thank you: for reading, for commenting, for sharing or stumbling or simply smiling as you read something I wrote.


  9. A large picture of the woman or man after their makeover is shown in a public place and passers-by are asked to give their opinions.


  1. 点评与颁奖

    Comments and prize awarded by the Jury.

  2. 经济运行点评

    Comment on the Economy Running.

  3. 图文点评系统

    graphic text comment system.

  4. 作家点评留言板

    message board of comments of writers

  5. 想起了某点评。

    All ahead is a blur.

  6. 企业管理信条点评

    Comment the relevant article of business management faith

  7. 中文电子图书系统点评

    Comparison among Chinese electronic book systems

  8. 他们让观众点评一下。

    They asked the audience for a word.

  9. 他们让观众点评一下。

    They asked the audience for a word.

  10. 若干领导艺术案例点评

    Some leading artistic case comment are counted

  11. 组分夸克模型点评

    Reexamination about Constituent Quark Model

  12. 希望大家给以点评, 谢谢!

    Chance for the Talent People, and Excellence for the Chance!

  13. 活下来了才能写点评

    You gotta be alive to write the review.

  14. 专家点评世乒赛

    Experts Comments on World Table Tennis Championships

  15. 我国锆砂生产贸易点评

    A Review of the Production and Trade of Zircon Sand in Our Country

  16. 点评现代西方公司财务研究

    Comment on Financial Affair Research of Modern West Companies

  17. 进一步尖锐的点评学生的作品。

    Further sharpening of critical assessment of their work.

  18. 在点评网上有四星半

    got four and a half stars on yelp.

  19. 点评获奖作品审视作曲教学

    To Review the Work Born the Palm and Survey the Teaching Music Composition

  20. 生命科学院英语演讲比赛点评

    A Comment on the English Public Speaking Competition Held by College of Life Sciences

  21. 所有的设施, 地图和先前客人的点评。

    All amenities, mapping and previous renter reviews.

  22. 她对这部影片的点评非常到位。

    Her comments on this film are very much to the point.

  23. 赵半狄点评的确影响因素太多。

    Mark Osborne It seems like maybe it is a publicity stunt.

  24. 对于组分夸克模型的几点评注

    Remarks about the Constituent Quark Model.

  25. 一著名评论家对此剧进行了点评。

    A famous critic reviewed the play.

  26. 一著名评论家对此剧进行了点评。

    A famous critic reviewed the play.

  27. 赛后, 专家对整场球赛进行了点评。

    Experts commented on the ball game after the match.

  28. 评委点评, 观众投票选举最具人气奖

    Juries give the evaluation and audience ballot to choose the Most Popular Participator

  29. 赛后,专家对整场球赛进行了点评。

    Experts commented on the ball game after the match.

  30. 专题调查用户点评栏目的运作与思考

    Operation and pondering on monographic survey on the column users'comments


  1. 问:点评拼音怎么拼?点评的读音是什么?点评翻译成英文是什么?

    答:点评的读音是diǎnpíng,点评翻译成英文是 To advise and comment.; Words or speech of adv...


