




1. 委 [wěi]2. 委 [wēi]委 [wěi]任,派,把事交给人办:~托。~派。~任。~员。~以重任。抛弃,舍弃:~弃。~之于地。推托,卸:推~。~罪。曲折,弯转:~曲。~婉。~屈。积聚:~积。末、尾:原~。穷源意~(追究事物本原及……



汉语拼音:píng wěi








评委 [píng wěi]
  1. 评委是一个汉语词语,读音是píngwěi ,是指评选委员会委员的简称。



  1. Following her mother's advice, xu changed her fashioned dress with a more generous and polite one, winning the interviewers' high praise.


  2. I think the judges wanted what they had on Cycle 5, but it was just one of those things that it wasn't possible for me to give.


  3. Boyle said that he had never been a jury in any film festival before and he would make no criteria for this year's winning films.


  4. I wanted to make sure that it was a balance of me being myself and me giving the judges what they needed.


  5. She came out on the cover of Time magazine, had a hit sit-com, now hosts a daily talk show and is one of the judges on American Idol.


  6. The judges said it had made more of an impact than any other device and marked the start of a "laptop for everyone" era.


  7. Firth's win was an extremely popular choice by the jury, whose president this year was the Oscar-winning director Ang Lee.


  8. The judges' citation declared that she had been "consistently in front of the curve as the world's economy went into meltdown" .


  9. I would worry about this, but for the fact that I fall into the lower end of the audience-participation spectrum.


  1. 由评委判分。

    Judges will give them marks.

  2. 请评委亮分儿。

    Will the judges please display the marks?

  3. 专业面试评委会评委

    Training for CIOB Professional Interview Panel Members CIOB

  4. 评委选出决赛选手

    The members of the jury selected the finalists

  5. 好的,评委正在品尝。

    And we are gonna see what you get,Susan.

  6. 评委们要来了 我好了

    The judges are coming.I'm ready.

  7. 评委们要来了 我好了。

    The judges are coming. I'm ready.

  8. 我见评委的时候很震惊。

    When I went to see the judges, I was kind of shocked.

  9. 我进去见评委的时候。

    When I go in to see the judges.

  10. 那你认为评委犯了错误?

    So you think the judges made a mistake?

  11. 他被邀请当画展的评委。

    He was asked to judge at the art exhibition.

  12. 法官, 还有各种比赛的评委,

    Judge of a beauty contest

  13. 最后评委们选中了拉什迪。

    The judges had chosen Rushdie at the last.

  14. 法官,还有各种比赛得评委,

    Judge of a beauty contest.

  15. 评委的判断将成决定性的。

    Panel of Judges decision is Final and binding.

  16. 评委得判断将成决定性得。

    Panel of Judges decision is Final and binding.

  17. 我对评委的评价非常满意。

    I was so happy with what the judges had to say.

  18. 现场的评委, 佳宾们, 你们好!

    The scene appraisal committee, the welcome guests, you are good!

  19. 这个表格是提供给评委参考。

    This form is for the reference by the jury.

  20. 噢, 我和罗斯可以当评委。

    Oh, me and Ross can be the judges.

  21. 她姿色迷人, 因而评委都偏向她。

    Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.

  22. 评委们说明了参赛的高标准。

    The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.

  23. 早上好,尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们!

    Good morning, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen!

  24. 国家葡萄酒评委年会在济南召开

    National wine appraisal committee was convened in Tsinan

  25. 上海衡山集团高级技师考评评委

    Evaluation Committee of Senior Technician in Shanghai hengshan Group

  26. 她被邀请担任散文比赛的评委。

    She was asked to judge the essay competition.

  27. 我不认为应该依赖评委的决定。

    I don't like relying on the judges' decisions.

  28. 一名评委为参赛宠物狗打分

    A member of the judging committee grades a pet dog

  29. 上海锦江集团高级技师考评评委

    Evaluation Committee of Senior Technician in Shanghai jinjiang Group

  30. 我们明天就要在评委前表演了。

    We perform for the judges tomorrow.


  1. 问:评委拼音怎么拼?评委的读音是什么?评委翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评委的读音是píngwěi,评委翻译成英文是 judging panel member; selector; members of a se...

  2. 问:评委会拼音怎么拼?评委会的读音是什么?评委会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评委会的读音是píngwěihuì,评委会翻译成英文是 evaluation committee





【英译】Judge commission that choose through public appraisal
