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汉语拼音:zài bāng
I was helping father on the winnower. It was right then I got the idea. I could whack a chunk off the end of that bar of chocolate.
我在帮爸爸扬谷,这时我突然有了个主意,我可以从那块巧克力的一头敲下一块来。He tells Michael to take some rubber cement that he's using to build the Pope's Taj Mahal and coat the bottom of a coffee pot with it.
他告诉Michael在帮狱长制作泰姬陵模型时拿些橡胶胶水出来,涂在咖啡壶的底部。Every time I came to clean his house, I would try to converse with him to distract him from loneliness.
我每次在帮他打扫之余,还会尽量找机会跟他聊天,替他排解孤独情绪。that seems to help its passage even when the wind is adverse.
即便是顶风时,似乎气流也在帮它前进。I can outsource more of it later, but right now I can tell that this training is still helping me get stronger.
以后我会交出更多的工作,但现在这份工作仍在帮我变得更强大。Lucy said that she was helping her mother do housework.
露西说她在帮妈妈做家务活儿。if she must be married and you are helping her to get married, then what could be wrong with that?
如果你正在帮她,那就是说呀,如果她一定要结婚而且你在帮她,那么还有什么错吗?Danica: How do you know he wasn't sweet-talking her for you? He could have been putting in a good word for you, you know.
你怎么知道他不是在替你说好话?你要知道,他有可能是在帮你说好话。The President now is trying to do something to help small business, to provide some additional funding.