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汉语拼音:píng lán
亦作“ 凭阑 ”。身倚栏杆。
唐 崔涂 《上巳日永崇里言怀》诗:“游人过尽衡门掩,独自凭栏到日斜。” 南唐 李煜 《浪淘沙令》词:“独自莫凭阑,无限江山,别时容易见时难。” 明 何景明 《九日黔国后园》诗之二:“忽忆登高去年客, 慈恩 湖阁共凭阑。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二七:“凭栏四顾,水天一色。” 陈毅 《莫干山纪游词》:“凭栏默想透山海,静寂时有草虫鸣,心境平更平。”
亦作“ 凭阑 ”。靠着栏杆。
唐 温庭筠 《菩萨蛮》词:“春水渡溪桥,凭阑魂欲消。” 宋 岳飞 《满江红·写怀》词:“怒髮衝冠,凭栏处、瀟瀟雨歇。” 清 朱彝尊 《曹赞善移居》诗之二:“正欲凭阑看洗象,玉河新水一时高。”
on a saturday. The familiar building, so unfamiliar in its quietness. Peaceful, as if time had frozen still.
我经常在星期六去学校操场玩。凭栏依旧,嘈杂不再。宁静安详,就像时间停止一般。We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came.
我们与大海紧紧相连,不论是扬帆远航还是凭栏眺望,回到大海就回到了来时的地方。Fengyuyulai, Chunhua fall, lean on a railing overlooking the sun always after the storm.
风雨欲来,春花凋落,凭栏眺望,阳光总在风雨后。I would often sit near a window and watch the sights of this populous little settlement.
我常坐在窗子附近,凭栏凝望着这个人口稠密的居留地的景象。Only the sage kept silent and leaned on the railing with the sound of wind and rain.
惟有智者沉默无言,听风雨凭栏。Hard to gather the old ones, township far childhood fence wrinkle heart.
难聚儿时旧友,乡远凭栏心皱。Standing long days upstairs, railing overlooking, Bibo million dumping, and you will have "long Tianyi Chaplain color, " laments?
站在长天楼上,凭栏远眺,碧波万倾,您是否也会有“秋水长天一色”的感叹呢?Upstairs a corridor, a row of wooden horizontal column, I just want "Pinglan Department, drizzly rain hysteria. "
楼上一条走廊,一排木横栏,恰好是我向往的“凭栏处,潇潇雨歇”。Looking Galaxy, the vast sky, the portrait has a lean on a railingIndependencelike Reliance me, right?
Do Not Stay alone on the Rail.
A richly ornamented building grid building, Pinglan view.
惟有智者沉默无言, 听风雨凭栏。
Only the sage kept silent and leaned on the railing with the sound of wind and rain.
游客们或凭栏远眺, 或在船舱里休闲娱乐, 情趣盎然。
Tourists or by column overlook, or recreational in cabin recreation, interest is full.
On the stand, free thought, ancient stroke today, do not have a taste.
你可以凭栏远眺, 放飞心绪, 繁杂的纷尘抛却九霄。
You may lean on a railing overlooking, flying mood, complexity and confusion of dust discard Jiuxiao.
白日可以在阳台远望绿树蓝天, 夜晚可以凭栏欣赏灯火星空。
Bairi can look at greenery blue sky in the balcony, night can admire lights sky by column.
你们凭栏临风顺流疾驰, 行色匆匆, 我也凝神伫立急遽向前。
Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current, I stood yet was hurried.
我在桥上停步, 凭栏俯视流水, 茫然罔觉, 想使自己镇定下来。
I stopped the bridge andthegazing, unseeing into the water, trying to get a grip on myself.
遥望银河, 浩瀚的星空下, 该有一个人像我一样凭栏独倚吧?
Looking Galaxy, the vast sky, the portrait has a lean on a railingIndependencelike Reliance me, right ?
答:凭栏的读音是pínglán,凭栏翻译成英文是 lean on a railing; lean upon a balustrade