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衬在底下或铺在上面:~高。~平。~背。~脚石(喻被人用来往上爬)。用来衬、铺的东西:~子。~褥。替人暂付款项:~款。~付。~支。陷沉,淹没:~没(mò ㄇㄛˋ)。~陷。填补空缺:~补。……
汉语拼音:zuò diàn
He grunted, rose up off his seat, shifted his weight onto the pedals, and was on his way.
他咕哝着站起身,坐到三轮车座垫上,就上路了。Who would not grieve upon a gilded chair? Who would not suffer amid perfumed tapestries, cushioned furniture, and liveried servants?
谁不愿意坐在镀金的椅子上伤心呢?谁不愿意在散发着香味的挂毯、铺有座垫的家具和身穿制服的仆人之间受苦呢?He ascended into the fine parlour of the Morton House, then one of the best New York hotels, and, finding a cushioned seat, read.
他走进莫顿饭店豪华的休息室,当时这是纽约最好的旅馆之一,找到一把铺着座垫的椅子,坐下来看报纸。The gap at the bottom of the backrest will allow the seat to slide inwards, keeping the backrest-seat pan ratio constant.
椅背下方的空隙可允许座垫往内滑动,维持靠背与座垫比率不变。Now two entrepreneurs have come the rescue with a seat cushion that also silences the sound and stanches the stink of breaking wind.
现在两位企业家前来救援,同座垫还沉默健全stanches臭气熏天破风。The automobile seat of the utility model is composed of a backrest and a seat cushion.
一种车用座椅,由靠背和座垫两部分组成。The room was covered in Persian rug designs, glass multi-colored lights, brass tables, and cushions against the wall around the perimeter.
室内铺满波斯图案的地毯,玻璃彩灯金碧辉煌,还有一张张铜制的桌子,四面靠墙排放着一个个座垫。He flings the cushion at her, hitting her square in the face. She staggers backward. He turns, runs toward the stairs and stops.
他把座垫朝她扔去,打中了她的脸。她摇晃着往后倒。他马上转身,跑到楼梯口那里停了下来。the glow of the palatial doors was still in her eye , the roll of cushioned carriages still in her ears.