


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:tiáo jì









  1. 调治。

    《明史·许相卿传》:“今日病虽稍苏,而元气已竭,调剂无方,将至不起。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·闵预》:“ 景初 大骇,急止之曰:‘师姑少耐,我能调剂之,不久可用。’”《清史稿·食货志三》:“虽经督抚大吏悉心调剂,无如积弊已深,迄未能收实效也。”

  2. 调解。

    《明史·忠义传四·阮之钿》:“总理 熊文灿 许之,处其众数万於四郊,居民汹汹欲窜。 之鈿 至,尽心调剂,民稍安。” 清 顾炎武 《常熟陈君墓志铭》:“然里中凡有繇役争讼之事,君未尝不为之调剂,或片言立解。”

  3. 调节;调整。

    清 王韬 《平贼议》:“今以三途并进,科第也,军功也,捐纳也。仕途愈杂,吏治愈难。督抚上司者,务求调剂,于是视官廨如传舍。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》八:“我们读田园诗觉得有兴趣,只是一种头脑上的调剂,这情形和都市的有钱人故意花了钱到乡间去旅行一次一样。” 赵树理 《邪不压正》:“西房里是农会委员会开会计划调剂房子,东房里是支部开会研究党员与群众几个不一致的意见。”

  4. 药物制剂的配制。

    清 戴名世 《忧庵记》:“以 唐 、 虞 、 三代 之帝王为之医,以 皋 、 夔 、 稷 、 契 、 伊尹 、 周公 为之调剂,以井田学校封建为之药饵,以 仲尼 、 孟軻 为之针砭,如是而子之疾其瘳矣乎!”

  5. 调济;照顾。

    《明史·徐溥传》:“屡遇大狱及逮繫言官,委曲调剂。 孝宗 仁厚,多纳 溥 等所言。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十四回:“我这大关的差事,明明是藩臺有了交情,他有心调剂我的。”



  1. It was a change to see them and exchange a few friendly common places .


  2. If you only feed dairy to your cat occasionally as a special treat, you'll be able to use it to get a finicky cat to take its medicine.


  3. Therefore, we will try to re-election of your style with a similar style to help you adjust.


  4. For her, fashion is fun, a hobby, and not to be taken too seriously.


  5. Reading "The Snakehead, " I could only wish that Keefe had more Hapgood in him to season his abundance of Riis.


  6. This is (at least for now) still pretty much just vanilla Sense UI 32A ROM with just some minor adjustments to be more to my liking.


  7. You know Americans are silly. But they're stimuli of the dull world!


  8. Life at sea is a welcome break for my job as a schoolteacher. I love traveling to exotic places and I love the hard work.


  9. The traditional adjusting methods which are all manual, make it very hard for students to choose a proper school from a huge number of data.


  1. 调剂劳动力

    adjust the use of labor force.

  2. 中草药调剂学

    pharmacy of Chinese herbal medicine

  3. 西药调剂室

    dispensary for western medicine.

  4. 兼营二手设备的调剂。

    Esecuzione di seconda mano gli impianti di swap.

  5. 干法静电复印色调剂

    xerographic toner

  6. 他们唱歌以调剂工作的单调。

    They sang songs to relieve the boredom of the job.

  7. 公司应随时预备一笔调剂金。

    an allowance for profit.

  8. 借款额度不得在行际间调剂。

    The borrowing amount may not be adjusted between banks.

  9. 咱们看部轻松的影片调剂一下。

    Let's see a light film for a change.

  10. 累的时候,就去散步调剂一下。

    When shes tired, she livens herself up with a walk.

  11. 累得时候,就去散步调剂一下。

    When shes tired, she livens herself up with a walk.

  12. 研究生调剂是研究生招生中的重要环节。

    Graduate Adjusting is an important step for Graduate Admission.

  13. 喝杯咖啡以调剂一天的单调

    The monotony of the day over a cup of coffee

  14. 粮食调剂今年有了不少的成绩。

    Much has been accomplished this year in the regulation of food supplies.

  15. 接着来一个喜剧场面以资调剂。

    A comic scene follows by way of relief.

  16. 她累的时候, 就去散步调剂一下。

    When she's tired, she livens herself up with a walk.

  17. 她累的时候,就去散步调剂一下。

    When she's tired, she livens herself up with a walk.

  18. 本调剂商店互通有无, 调剂余缺, 为民服务。

    This junk store serves the people By supplying and regulating their needs and demands.

  19. 我喜欢偶尔出个差调剂一下心情。

    I like taking an occasional business trip for a change of pace.

  20. 他们晚上无聊时常常以跳舞来调剂。

    They often danced to relieve the dull evening.

  21. 在单调乏味的生活中寻求调剂的观众。

    Audiences, seeking diversion from their humdrum lives.

  22. 证考试吧调剂信息券,债券,股票研究。

    Securities bonds common stocks debentures Research.

  23. 医院药房调剂服务成本的模型化研究

    Research on the model of the service cost of Hospital pharmacy dispensing

  24. 药品调剂过程中发药交待的若干要点

    The key points in drug dispensing

  25. 运城盐湖植物有机渗调剂的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Organic Osmotic Substances in Plants of Yuncheng Saltlake

  26. 目得防范调剂差错,杜绝药疗事故得发生。

    Objective To avoid a faulty pharmacy medicine distribution and to eliminate medical accidents as well.

  27. 我们总是帮助外资企业调剂外汇剩余和短缺。

    We always help the enterprise of foreign investment adjust their foreign exchange surplus and deficiency.

  28. 偶尔走出办公室去透透气也是一种调剂。

    It's a relief to get out of the office once in a while.

  29. 目的防范调剂差错, 杜绝药疗事故的发生。

    Objective To avoid a faulty pharmacy medicine distribution and to eliminate medical accidents as well.

  30. 我们需要一次新奇的旅行来调剂一下生活。

    We need an exciting trip to add some spice to our lives.


  1. 问:调剂拼音怎么拼?调剂的读音是什么?调剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调剂的读音是tiáojì,调剂翻译成英文是 make up a prescription; liven … up

  2. 问:调剂员拼音怎么拼?调剂员的读音是什么?调剂员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调剂员的读音是tiáo jì yuán,调剂员翻译成英文是 druggist

  3. 问:调剂片拼音怎么拼?调剂片的读音是什么?调剂片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调剂片的读音是tiáo jì piàn,调剂片翻译成英文是 dispensing tablet

  4. 问:调剂合同拼音怎么拼?调剂合同的读音是什么?调剂合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调剂合同的读音是tiáo jì hé tóng,调剂合同翻译成英文是 contract for adjustment

  5. 问:调剂商品拼音怎么拼?调剂商品的读音是什么?调剂商品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调剂商品的读音是tiáo jì shāng pǐn,调剂商品翻译成英文是 accommodation items

  6. 问:调剂辅佐剂拼音怎么拼?调剂辅佐剂的读音是什么?调剂辅佐剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调剂辅佐剂的读音是tiáo jì fǔ zuǒ jì,调剂辅佐剂翻译成英文是 pharmaceutic aid



词义:调整有无、余缺等情况;调整使合宜天地调剂之法。——清·洪亮吉《治平篇》君相调剂之法。根据处方配制药物。是指配药、配方、发药,又称为调配处方。也指把多和少,忙和闲等加以适当的调整。 如:调剂物资 、调剂生活、 娱乐可以调剂精神。