


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……









汉语拼音:tóu rù zī jīn



  1. If the Fed keeps money flowing, it's better to hold other assets, but if it shuts off the spigot, being in cash becomes less painful.


  2. While he lacked any scientific expertise, he said, "the one thing I have is the ability to put money to work" .


  3. Yet if the research is right, money for improving nutrition would be the most effective sort of aid around.


  4. Finally, holding costs include the cost of funds that could be used for other purposes if they were not tied up in inventory.


  5. Bringing their systems up to standard will typically involve investing in and installing new networking systems.


  6. Kraft has promised to keep the remaining manufacturing plants open for at least two years and to commit investment to research activities.


  7. Even those with a strong presence overseas have to spend steadily to build wider manufacturing and distribution networks.


  8. Jim Donoghue, chairman of Liugong's U. S. subsidiary, says the company is investing in better painting methods at all its plants.


  9. As soon as we started to see that drop [in mailings] we started to pour in the money.


  1. 此外他们还投入资金。

    They also spend money on their gardens.

  2. 如果我们不再投入资金,我们会失掉本金。

    If we don't put money in we will lose our investment.

  3. 妻子对我的投入资金商量持悲观的看法。

    My wife gets a dim view of my investment plan.

  4. 我们缺少的是投入资金把上述方案付诸行动。

    All we lack is the action to actually spend the money to put those into place.

  5. 投入资金者通过所买股票价格上涨而得利润。

    An investor gains by buying stocks those go up in value.

  6. 投入资金修复这座小教堂简直就是一次冒险。

    The finance for the restoration of the chapel was a gamble.

  7. 投入资金修复这座小教堂简直就是一次冒险。

    The finance for the restoration of the chapel was a gamble.

  8. 他说他不适宜就政府进一步投入资金的承诺发表评论。

    He says that it is not his place to comment on government commitment to further funds.

  9. 然而, 在投入资金之前, 您希望知道哪些权证具备获利潜力。

    However, before you part with your cash, you want to know which warrants are lucrative.

  10. 他们在教师的职业发展与协作 和其它很多方面投入资金。

    They invest in professional development and collaboration and many other things.

  11. 需要大量资金投入

    A massive influx of funding is needed

  12. 把资金投入某事

    to inject money into something

  13. 将资金投入基本建设

    to inject money into capital construction

  14. 宁夏扶贫资金投入效益评价

    Evaluation of the Investmental Efficiency of Funds to Support the Poor People in Ningxia

  15. 他将大批资金投入校园建设。

    He pumped a lot of money into building the school.

  16. 论农业结构调整的资金投入。

    On Investments in the Agricultural Structural Adjustment.

  17. 一大笔资金投入了各分公司。

    A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches.

  18. 农业资金投入到底投到了哪里?

    Where did agricultural capital investment cast after all?

  19. 我们应该把大量资金投入技术项目。

    We should pump fund into technological projects.

  20. 这些更为重要的方面 资金投入不足

    on a number that's more important in terms of equity, in terms of learning.

  21. 资金投入是科技创新得助推剂。

    Capital throws be innovation of science and technology to aid push an agent.

  22. 资金投入是科技创新的助推剂。

    Capital throws be innovation of science and technology to aid push an agent.

  23. 政府把大笔资金投入了这项工程。

    The government poured a large sum of money into the project.

  24. 每年都有大量资金投入到教学中。

    An enormous sum of money is injected each year into teaching.

  25. 这能减少资金投入, 时间和劳动得重复。

    This can reduce the duplication of investment, time, and labor.

  26. 历史性建筑的保存需要更多的资金投入。

    More money is needed for the upkeep of the historic buildings.

  27. 这能减少资金投入,时间和劳动的重复。

    This can reduce the duplication of investment, time, and labor.

  28. 有限得资金投入很难保证球队得训练质量。

    The limited funding is very difficult to guarantee the quality of the training team.

  29. 有限的资金投入很难保证球队的训练质量。

    The limited funding is very difficult to guarantee the quality of the training team.

  30. 加大对就业再就业的政策支持和资金投入。

    We increased policy support and spending to expand employment and reemployment.