




1. 纹 [wén]2. 纹 [wèn]纹 [wén]丝织物的文理,物件的文理:~理。~饰。条~。水~。指~。斜~。纹 [wèn]器物上的裂痕:这个碗上有一道~。打破砂锅~到底(“纹”谐音“问”,喻对问题穷根究底)。……



汉语拼音:píng wén







平纹 [píng wén]
  1. 布的织纹,由单根经纱和单根纬纱交织而成。平纹:经纱与纬纱以一上一下的交织形成的织物。其中分子表示经组织点,分母表示纬组织点。 这种布的特点是交织点多、质地坚牢、挺刮、表面平整,较为轻薄耐磨性好,透气性好。高档绣花面料一般都是平纹面料。



  1. Carrie had hung muslin curtains over the folding-doors, and also over one of the entrances, for we had removed the door from its hinges.


  2. Unless colors have been printed onto the surface, plain weave fabrics are generally considered to be reversible.


  3. Consider the simplest, plain shuttle loom on which only two harness frames are used FOR the shedding operation.


  4. regardless of you whether has such official clothing , all the tabby wrinkle silk must have body type , and never will look to have surplus.


  5. Through running result of VC program, this yarn model combing with twist structure used in simulating plain weave fabric has living effect.


  6. The wind blew through Tess's white muslin to her very skin, and her washed hair flew out behind.


  7. Silk is plain woven into or to the end of Jacquard made plain formed by a silk fabrics.


  8. It is a plain cotton fabric weaving a sparse, easy-to-liquid penetration, as sizing its stiffness.


  9. Poplin and plain fabrics, hot stamping and easy-to-fibroarthrosis.


  1. 平纹条格布

    check cord.

  2. 斜纹平纹缎纹

    peach skin twill tabby plain.

  3. 平布。平纹织物

    plain cloth

  4. 涤纶平纹基布

    polyester plain weave fabric

  5. 黄麻平纹布

    hessian of jute

  6. 头作为经典平纹。

    Head as classic tabby.

  7. 粗纺平纹女衣呢

    convent cloth

  8. 牛油平纹薄棉布

    butter muslin

  9. 平纹方眼网

    plain filet net.

  10. 无光平纹薄丝织物

    mousseline matte

  11. 人棉平纹细布坯

    grey spun rayon muslin

  12. 科科拿大条子平纹棉织物

    coconada stripe

  13. 府绸用平纹组织织成。

    The poplin is made into by the plain weave organization.

  14. 桃皮绒斜纹平纹缎纹

    Peach Skin Twill Tabby Plain.

  15. 平纹织造用平纹纺织方法制造

    Made in plain weave.

  16. 印第安人头商标平纹棉布

    Indian head

  17. 航空用聚酯纤维平纹网规范

    Specification for polyester plain netting suitable for aerospace purposes

  18. 平纹组织, 单, 双罗纹组织, 胖花组织。

    Plain stitch and interlock stitch, tucking stitch.

  19. 双经双纬平纹织物的织造实践

    Weaving practice of double warp and double weft plain fabric

  20. 有斜纹,平纹,缎纹等多种规格。

    And we can provide fabrics of twill plain cloth, satin etc.

  21. 高密平纹织物经纱上浆实践

    Practice on Warp Sizing of Plain Woven Fabrics with High Density

  22. 我这儿有点平纹细布,你看行吗?

    I've got some muslin here; will it do?

  23. 该产品有条纹, 格子和平纹款式。

    The styles of the products include stripe, twill and tabby.

  24. 平纹布封面材料一般选用细纹布。

    Plain weave fabric cover material General selection of fine cloth.

  25. 下面是关于平纹皱丝织品的保养知识。

    The following is Tabby wrinkle silk on the maintenance knowledge.

  26. 这是112平纹组合如果你去过中!

    Thats 112 tabby combinations if youve been counting!

  27. 相对来说,平纹组织的生产成本较低。

    The plain weave is comparatively inexpensive to produce.

  28. 不同文化都有自己独特的方法装饰平纹布。

    Every culture has its own way plain cloth.

  29. 用双层平纹细布或干酪包布过滤混合料。

    Strain the mixture through a double thickness of muslin or cheesecloth.

  30. 府绸封面材料比平纹布效果好,档次高。

    Poplin cover materials good effect than plain cloth, shoes.


  1. 问:平纹拼音怎么拼?平纹的读音是什么?平纹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹的读音是píngwén,平纹翻译成英文是 tabby

  2. 问:平纹石拼音怎么拼?平纹石的读音是什么?平纹石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹石的读音是píng wén shí,平纹石翻译成英文是 druid stone

  3. 问:平纹木材拼音怎么拼?平纹木材的读音是什么?平纹木材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹木材的读音是píng wén mù cái,平纹木材翻译成英文是 flat-grained timber

  4. 问:平纹玻璃拼音怎么拼?平纹玻璃的读音是什么?平纹玻璃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹玻璃的读音是píng wén bō lí,平纹玻璃翻译成英文是 brush line

  5. 问:平纹织物拼音怎么拼?平纹织物的读音是什么?平纹织物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹织物的读音是píngwénzhīwù,平纹织物翻译成英文是 Even weave

  6. 问:平纹衣藻拼音怎么拼?平纹衣藻的读音是什么?平纹衣藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹衣藻的读音是píngwényīzǎo,平纹衣藻翻译成英文是 Chlamydomonas parallelistriata

  7. 问:平纹镶板拼音怎么拼?平纹镶板的读音是什么?平纹镶板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹镶板的读音是píng wén xiāng bǎn,平纹镶板翻译成英文是 lying panel

  8. 问:平纹台毒蛾拼音怎么拼?平纹台毒蛾的读音是什么?平纹台毒蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹台毒蛾的读音是píngwéntáidú'é,平纹台毒蛾翻译成英文是 Teia parallela

  9. 问:平纹真管螺拼音怎么拼?平纹真管螺的读音是什么?平纹真管螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹真管螺的读音是píngwénzhēnguǎnluó,平纹真管螺翻译成英文是 Euphaedusa planostriata

  10. 问:平纹黑岛尺蛾拼音怎么拼?平纹黑岛尺蛾的读音是什么?平纹黑岛尺蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平纹黑岛尺蛾的读音是píngwénHēidǎochǐ'é,平纹黑岛尺蛾翻译成英文是 Melanthia postalbaria