


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……





汉语拼音:bǐ lái







  1. 近来;近时。

    《三国志·魏志·徐邈传》:“比来天下奢靡,转相倣效,而 徐公 雅尚自若,不与俗同。” 唐 韩愈 《与华州李尚书书》:“比来不审尊体动止何似?” 明 张居正 《答湖广巡抚赵汝泉书》:“比来 楚 土彫瘵,视昔更甚,连年涝垫,民罔攸居。” 清 汪懋麟 《过云渐草堂慰其伤逝》诗:“檐雀比来犹报客,壁琴何事独伤神?” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“比来两遭议会质问,谓此书何以当刻,事遂不能进行。”

  2. 从前;原来。

    《北齐书·段荣传》:“吾每与 段孝先 论兵,殊有英略,若使比来用其谋,亦可无今日之劳矣。”《敦煌变文集·丑女缘起》:“比来丑陋前生种,今日端严遇 释迦 。”《景德传灯录·永嘉真觉大师》:“比来尘镜未曾磨,今日分明须剖析。”



  1. The steady-state response of a vehicle is often evaluated by the steady-state yaw velocity and front wheel angle at a equal speed.


  2. It "s impossible. You may notice that the cost of raw materials has gone up in recent years. "


  3. He made three bogeys and one double bogey in his first six holes and ended the day 12 shots behind leader Matthew Baldwin, from England.


  4. And in terms of the debt-to-disposable income ratio, the United States is now at the lowest levels seen since 2004.


  5. There was growing competition between the President and First Lady, and each would try to outdo the other in little ways.


  6. Bobby: OK. Let me try. You know what? Whenever things like this don't work, hit it. And it'll work.


  7. Do you and your brother always whip it out like this?


  8. His prose, too, was simplified, though it had become more supple than that of Typee.


  9. Currently, a storm system is a few hundred miles southwest of the Cape Verde Islands, which are off the coast of Africa.


  1. 你比来体重减少了吗?

    Have you lose weight recently?

  2. 海伦比来过的怎么样?

    Helen has recently been how ?

  3. 带着你和托比来这

    alone most of the time.

  4. 你和你弟弟经常这样比来比去吗?

    Do you and your brother always whip it out like this.

  5. 比来发现了一些古代文明的记录。

    Some records of ancient civilization were discovered recently.

  6. 没有什么比来点那个更爽的了

    Nothing makes you feel better than a hit of blow.

  7. 为什么评论家们总是把艺术家们比来比去?

    Why do critics insist on comparing one artist with another?

  8. 比来我读了威尔斯的一部新作。

    I have read a new Wells recently.

  9. 可以灵活地改变选抽比来改变谱的分辨率。

    We can therefore, flexibly change the spectrum resolution by changing the decimation factor.

  10. 比来报纸上对这样丹青的讨论有很多。

    There has been a heated discussion about this picture in the news paper recently.

  11. 可能有人会说,把艺术家比来比去真是庸俗!

    Some might say it's philistinism to put artists in competition with each other.

  12. 按照现在的投入产出比来算, 基本上算是持平。

    Yield to calculate than coming according to present investment, basically be keep balance.

  13. 比来报纸上对这样的图片有着热烈的讨论。

    There has been a heated discussion about these pictures recently in the newspaper.

  14. 他以为去时用的时间比来时短,其实正好相反。

    He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just the other way.

  15. 噪声通常以其与正常信号的伏特比来标定其大小。

    Noise is usually measured in volts relative to the generated signal.

  16. 提出用液气动量比来反映不同操作工况条件。

    The ratio of liquid to vapor momentum flux were used to describe various operating conditions.

  17. 另一位是比来出的人物之一,共和国的一位开国元老。

    the other, one of the most illustrious figures, and a founding father of the republic.

  18. 首页图片猎奇比来比去,还是台湾的亲吻大赛最牛啊!

    Bi Lai Bi Qu, be still Taiwanese kissing megagame most cattle!

  19. 容克后来又说,我不能说我比来这里之前更加乐观了。

    I can't say I'm more optimistic than I was before coming here,'Mr. Juncker added later.

  20. 从同比来看,14家寿险公司的银保保费收入出现降温。

    From the same period last year, 14 life insurance firms insurance premium income of cooling.

  21. 它是根据要保险的财产价值的百分比或千分比来计算的。

    It is calculated at so much percent or per mill on the value of the property to be insured.

  22. 比来的喷绘技艺与数年后比拟有了很不小长进。

    Recent inkjet technology and a few years ago a lot of progress.

  23. 假如比来被汲引或分派了新的事变,确定要让黉舍知道。

    Make sure to inform the school of any recent promotions or new work assignments.

  24. 嘿,咱们来比腕力吧!

    Hey, let's arm wrestle!

  25. 不然我们现在就来比一场。

    Maybe we'll have that match right now.

  26. 不然我们现在就来比一场。

    Maybe we'll have that match right now.

  27. 我们哪天也应该来比一场

    Hey, we should play hoops together sometime.

  28. 那孩子伸出她的小指头来比。

    The child held up her tiny finger.

  29. 说不定你处理起事情来比我还高明。

    You will perhaps manage things better than I could.

  30. 世间的女人, 你们有谁敢和我来比?

    Compare with me, ye women, if you can.

