


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


1. 雇 [gù]雇 [gù]出钱让人为自己做事:~工。~主。~用。~员。~佣。~请。租赁交通运输工具:~车。……



汉语拼音:hé gù






  1. 同“ 和雇 ”。《续资治通鉴·宋孝宗淳熙九年》:“﹝三月﹞甲申, 金 主諭户部:‘今岁行幸 山后 所须,并不得取之民间;即所用人夫,并以官钱和僱。’”

  2. 古代官府出价雇用人力。

    唐 魏徵 《十渐疏》:“杂匠之徒,下日悉留和雇;正兵之辈,上番多别驱使。” 宋 苏辙 《论雇河夫不便札子》:“兼访闻 河 上人夫亦自难得,名为和雇,实多抑配。”《元史·世祖纪十三》:“近制,和雇、和买不及军家,今一切与民同。”



  1. Immediately He called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went away to follow Him.


  2. Need for training and hiring personnel to collect data, help prepare data for analysis, analyze data and prepare report.


  3. Businesses postpone capital spending and hiring until the clouds clear.


  4. We had to choose between leaving early and paying for a taxi.


  5. He will seize the treasures of gold and silver and all precious objects of Egypt. Libyans and Ethiopians will join him.


  6. He guarded the slaves with dogs and hired thugs before police swooped.


  1. 寄居的和雇工人都不可吃。

    but a temporary resident and a hired worker may not eat of it.

  2. 她得在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出抉择。

    She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.

  3. 我们不得不在早点动身和雇计程车中间作出选择。

    We had to choose between leaving early and paying for a taxi.

  4. 珀尔不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出选择。

    Pearl had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.

  5. 对我来说这样,加税款,执照费和雇佣金反正总数就是这些。

    Plus tax, license and dealer prep, whatever the hell that is.

  6. 他为妻子和孩子雇了专业司机。

    His wife and kids are driven around by a professional driver.

  7. 董事费和受雇收入的处理是不一样的。

    Directors fees and income from employment are not treated the same.

  8. 我打扮成农民模样,和村里一位雇农交上了朋友。

    Dressed as a peasant, I made friends with a farmhand in the village.

  9. 这也是为什么他要雇她和自己一起工作。

    That's why he hired her to work with him.

  10. 女舍监受雇管理和看守年轻人的住所的女性

    A woman employed as supervisor or housekeeper of a residence hall for young people.

  11. 我去了哈佛和耶鲁大学去雇你们。

    And I went to Harvard and Yale to hireyou.

  12. 我想你和汤姆应该可以 雇他来做点杂活什么的。

    Well, I was thinking maybe you and Tom Could hire him for a few hours a week as a handyman.

  13. 这项服务公开、透明,并且免费为求职者和雇者提供。

    Their services were open, transparent, free of charge and accessible to both employment seekers and employers.

  14. 他们建议雇游说公司和公关事务所来做纠正的工作。

    And they suggest that we hire lobby companies and public relations firms to do the correcting job.

  15. 根据特别服务协定受雇的人员和个人承包商不包括在内。

    Persons employed on special service agreements and individual contractors are not included.

  16. 你还多半雇了一个律师和一个会计。

    You probably have a lawyer and an accountant.

  17. 被雇来照看比赛和野生动物的人。

    a person employed to take care of game and wildlife.

  18. 主办机构可为参展商代理雇请展台翻译和临时工作人员。

    The host organizer may provide the exhibitors with the temporary interpreter and the temporary employees.

  19. 被政府雇来帮助农民种植和处理家政的顾问。

    An advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics.

  20. 工厂确实在招人,但现在只雇有330名技工和20名管理人员。

    The plant is hiring but it currently employs only330 technicians and20 supervisors.

  21. 她随心所欲地雇用人和解雇人。

    She hires and fires people at whim.

  22. 他雇有两个佣人,一个厨师和一个园丁。

    He keeps two servants, a cook and a gardener.

  23. 她雇一个木匠来修理沙发和桌子。

    She engaged a carpenter to repair the sofa and the table.

  24. 她雇了一个木匠来修理沙发和桌子。

    She engaged a carpenter to repair the sofa the table.

  25. 一个一般性的雇来人和矮人人工智能。

    A generic mercenary and homunculus AI.

  26. 那旅客说他雇的驴子包括驴子本身和影子。

    The visitors said that he employed the ds themselves, including ds and shadow.

  27. 那旅客说他雇得驴子包括驴子本身和影子。

    The visitors said that he employed the ds themselves, including ds and shadow.

  28. 邮差就是雇用来投递信件和包裹的人。

    A postman is a man employed to deliver letters and parcels.

  29. 他们雇请著名艺术家来画他们,及他们的住宅和其他的财产。

    They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and other possessions.

  30. 被雇来统计持有公司发行的股票和证券股东的人。

    A person employed to keep a record of the owners of stocks and bonds issued by the company.