




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:chū mén rén






  1. 离开了家,在外远行或任事的人。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八五回:“出门人本来保重点的好。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“你是识字的,又是出门人,见识得多。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部二五:“他们都想得圆全,怕家里人惦念出门人。”




  1. 一人出门在外,注意安全。

    When you are away from home, be sure to take care.

  2. 一人出门在外必须提高警觉。

    Anyone going out alone should be extra vigilant.

  3. 一人出门在外必须提高警觉。

    Anyone going out alone should be extra vigilant.

  4. 那晚天冷得要命, 没有人出门。

    It was so cold that not a man was abroad that night.

  5. 那晚天冷得要命,没有人出门。

    It was so cold that not a man was abroad that night.

  6. 我建议你晚上不要一个人出门。

    I'd advise you not to be going out alone in the dark.

  7. 我不愿独自一人出门,带女儿作个伴。

    I take my daughter for company.

  8. 在这以前, 家里有人出门还没有瞒过他。

    He had never before been kept in ignorance concerning departures.

  9. 在早上, 我们中的许多人出门时候会先喝杯咖啡。

    In the mornings, many of us grab cup of coffee running out the door.

  10. 北方的冬天太冷了,很多人出门都要戴皮帽。

    The winter in the north is very cold, many people have to wear fur hats when they go outdoors.

  11. 随着电视机的普及,夜晚出门的人少了。

    Fewer people go out at night with the prevalence of TV.

  12. 鳏夫的日子是不好过的,出门无人惦记,归来无人问寒暖。

    Life is quite hard for a wifeless man: no one cares about him when he goes out and no one shows concerns to him when he comes back.

  13. 固体饮料携带方便,很受出门旅行的人的喜爱。

    Instant beverages are popular among travelers because they are easy to carry about.

  14. 墨菲女士并不像个乘坐航班出门远行的人。

    Ms Murphy did not seem like a typical traveller for that flight.

  15. 一天, 雨果听说她的父兄几人都出门去了。

    One day, Hugo heard that her and brothers were away.

  16. 许多人冲出门去看太阳, 那是一片发光得云。

    Many people rushed outdoor looking for the sun, which with a light cloud.

  17. 许多人冲出门去看太阳,那是一片发光的云。

    Many people rushed outdoor looking for the sun, which with a light cloud.

  18. 有一个穿黑西服的人走出门,手里拿把雨伞。

    A man in a dark suit was walking out of the door, with an umbrella in his hand.

  19. 每天早上, 王冕很早就出门给有钱人放牛。

    Everyday, Wang Mian go out very early in the morning to feed the cattle for the toff.

  20. 晚上大多数人都不出门。

    It is in the evening that most people stay indoors.

  21. 如今都没人想要出门了

    No one wants to go out now.

  22. 如今都没人想要出门了。

    No one wants to go out now.

  23. 今天早上我出门时有点寒气袭人。

    There was a chill in the air when I got out the house this morning.

  24. 他对你说, 平日出门不怕预见熟悉的人吗。

    He says to you, not afraid to go out on weekdays foresee familiar people.

  25. 贡觉活佛虽然出门在外但是给人治病的东西都带在身边。

    Though Gongjue living Buddha is out home, the medicine instruments are taken at all times.

  26. 每个人为了马戏团而出门。

    Everyone turned out for the circus.

  27. 因害怕遭到行凶抢劫,许多人在晚上不出门。

    A lot of people won't go out at night for fear of being mugged.

  28. 我正待出门, 有人来了。

    I was about to go out when someone came.

  29. 有人出门的时候全踩上了。

    Someone walked through all that on his way out the door.

  30. 你们问错人了,我不经常出门

    You're asking the wrong person. I don't go out much.

