







汉语拼音:kǎo tí






考题 [kǎo tí]
  1. 用来测试的题目。 【造句】这次月考考题颇为艰深,要取得高分恐怕不太容易。



  1. Half the questions were from parts of the book he told us to read but he never covered them in class.


  2. Less than confident, she went to see a former teacher who assured her that the examiners would not ask overly complicated questions.


  3. Know what sort of questions will be asked. Ask your teachers before hand if it is allowed.


  4. With stakes so high, the Chinese government guards each year's questions as if they were plans for nuclear weapons.


  5. Mother: Oh, not at all well, but then, it wasn't his fault. Why, they asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born.


  6. Invigilator turned over to his staff found that "rubber" inside shows that there are questions and answers to the electronic display.


  7. The new mathematics curriculum has being made college entrance examination changed greatly, as well as the innovation of test the contents.


  8. Professional examination questions does not add standard result commonly, rely on oneself to consider completely may have biased.


  9. Accordingly, take calendar year examination questions seriously adequately, conduce to hold exam key and propositional incline to.


  1. 你偷了考题吗

    You stole the test?

  2. 考题难住了汤姆。

    The examination questions bewildered Tom.

  3. 我们卖考题来赚

    money that we earned selling the test.

  4. 老师正忙于出考题。

    The teacher was busy setting a paper.

  5. 这里是考题的答案。

    Here are the answers to the problems set in the exams.

  6. 教授今天会讲解考题。

    The professor will go over the test today.

  7. 历年考题分析与讲解。

    Analysis and explanation of real interview quest ions.

  8. 想搞到考题没门儿。

    Do you want to possess a copy of the examination papers ? It's impossible.

  9. 想搞到考题?没门儿。

    Do you want to possess a copy of the examination papers? It's impossible.

  10. 考题把汤姆难住了。

    Tom was bewildered by the examination questions.

  11. 我今天必须要出考题。

    I have to set a paper today.

  12. 在你卖偷来的考题

    with a camera when you were selling stolen tests.

  13. 助教今天会来讲解考题。

    The teaching assistant is going to explain the test today.

  14. 他有些旧考题要给他看。

    He's showing him some old exam questions.

  15. 助教明天会来讲解考题。

    The TA is going to explain the test tomorrow.

  16. 考题被偷是怎么回事儿

    What's this about a stolen test?

  17. 为了防止作弊病, 考题要保密。

    The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating.

  18. 有道考题完全把我难倒了。

    One of the exam question baffle me completely.

  19. 对两套期末考题的信度分析

    Reliability analysis of two final test papers

  20. 普里斯特利先生将要出考题。

    Mr. Priestley will set the examination paper.

  21. 在答题前要注意仔细阅读考题。

    Mind you read the examination questions carefully before you begin to answer them.

  22. 估计昨晚上床时泄露过考题了

    She probably quizzed him in bed last night.

  23. 试论大专英语统考题型的改革

    Reform of the unified examination in Junior College English

  24. 那些考题我甚至连一半都答不上。

    I didn't know even half of the answers.

  25. 最後的那些考题答兴不答可听自便。

    The last questions in the examination were facultative.

  26. 最新大学英语四级统考题型汇编

    The latest collection of the types of college English

  27. 老兄, 这英文考题太难了, 我想我挂了。

    Man, that English test was a doozy. I think I failed.

  28. 最后的那些考题答兴不答可听自便。

    The last questions in the examination were facultative.

  29. 最后得那些考题答兴不答可听自便。

    The last questions in the examination were facultative.

  30. 他看到考题的时候,总是会神经紧张。

    He always gets tensed up when he sees the exam questions.


  1. 问:考题拼音怎么拼?考题的读音是什么?考题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:考题的读音是kǎotí,考题翻译成英文是 exam question