







汉语拼音:rén yú







  1. 即鲵鱼。俗称娃娃鱼。

    《山海经·西山经》:“又西五十二里曰 竹山 …… 丹水 水焉,东南流注于 洛水 ,其中多水玉,多人鱼。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·伊水》:“ 伊水 又东北流,注于 洛水 。《广志》曰:‘鯢鱼,声如小儿嗁,有四足,形如鯪鱧,可以治牛,出 伊水 也。 司马迁 谓之人鱼,故其著《史记》曰, 始皇帝 之葬也,以人鱼膏为烛。’ 徐广 曰:‘人鱼,似鮎而四足,即鯢鱼也。’”参见“ 人鱼膏 ”。

  2. 儒艮的别称。哺乳动物。哺乳时用前肢拥抱幼仔,头部和胸部露出水面,宛如人在水中游泳,故称。



  1. This all happened so quickly. The young man was actually a prince. he never got a chance to say thank you to the mermaid.


  2. TianQi, do you know how much I like you? Even if I become foam like Princess Mermaid, I'll still like you.


  3. Tianqi, can you imagine how much I love you? I love you no matter what. Even I'm asked to vanish like the mermaid, I would say yes.


  4. And as he spake there came a great cry of mourning from the sea, even the cry that men hear when one of the Sea-folk is dead.


  5. The little mermaid wanted so much to be with the prince to live together, she knew the witch there must be a way, then she found a witch.


  6. Mermaid princess, even after a few years continued to unrequited love, and then finally turned into a old woman.


  7. "Yes, I will, " said the little princess in a trembling voice, as she thought of the prince and the immortal soul.


  8. When Wars asked Sawa to many him . Sawa was very sad . She told him that she was a mermaid and she couldn't marry man .


  9. Mermaid of the country's girls were very saddened to hear of thought should never become the kind of old woman.


  1. 人鱼综合征

    mermaid syndrome.

  2. 人鱼形胎儿

    mermaid fetus.

  3. 珍珠三叉戟人鱼

    Merfolk of the Pearl Trident

  4. 四个人鱼从废墟离开。

    All four mermen rose from the silt.

  5. 人鱼有他们自己的风俗。

    Mermen kept their own customs.

  6. 我听见了人鱼对彼此唱歌。

    I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

  7. 人鱼在石刻墙壁弹奏著竖琴。

    The mermaid is playing harp on the carved wall.

  8. 什么?他又不是食人鱼他是。

    What Hes not a piranha! Hes.

  9. 我觉得我是个讲道理的人鱼。

    I consider myself a reasonable merman.

  10. 象3亲爱的,非洲没有食人鱼。

    Elephant 1 Sweetheart, there are no piranhas in Africa.

  11. 你们知道为什么吗?因为她是人鱼。

    You know why?. because she is a mermaid.

  12. 舍姆森不认识这四个人鱼。

    Shemsen didn't know the four mermen.

  13. 你当人鱼的时间就快要过了。

    Your time as a mermaid has just about expired.

  14. 特莱顿国王?哎呀, 人鱼的统治者, 伙计。

    King Triton Why, ruler of the Merpeople, lad.

  15. 这个渔夫打捞上来一条珍稀得人鱼。

    The fisherman found a rare dugong in the water.

  16. 这个渔夫打捞上来一条珍稀的人鱼。

    The fisherman found a rare dugong in the water.

  17. 这个渔夫打捞上来一条珍稀的人鱼。

    The fisherman found a rare dugong in the water.

  18. 从没见过人鱼的孩子们,实在有点恼火。

    It was really rather irritating to children who had never seen a mermaid.

  19. 啊!我是只食人鱼,住在亚马逊河。

    Raah! Im a piranha, theyre in the Amazon.

  20. 但是如果他没吻你,你就会变回人鱼。

    But if he doesnt, you'll turn back into a mermaid.

  21. 研究人员现在研究,食人鱼在交配时是否发声。

    The researchers are now interested in whether piranhas vocalize during mating.

  22. 这是一部在讲人鱼之间彼此关系的电影。

    This is a film about the human relationship between man and fish.

  23. 这是一部在讲人鱼之间彼此关系得电影。

    This is a film about the human relationship between man and fish.

  24. 有一个闷热的邦德女郎,也扮演人鱼女王。

    There is a sultry Bond girl, too, playing the mermaid queen.

  25. 到死那一刻,都彷佛孤独一人的人鱼公主。

    To death the moment, seems a lonely persons mermaid princess.

  26. 找一大桶食人鱼来,让我头钻进去。

    Just get me a bucket of piranhas, I'll stick my head in it.

  27. 可采用食人鱼作为光源, 耐大电流, 散热好

    Take superflux LEDs as the light source, which can endure higher current with better heat dissipation

  28. 如果你相信传说,人鱼就有寻找失落财宝的能力。

    Lf you believe the legends, mermaids have the power to find lost treasures.

  29. 真的吗?那么,为什么一个人鱼会愿意令你暴富?

    Really? Now, why would a mermaid want to make you rich?

  30. 女级长在哪里洗澡?墙上的人鱼偷看人洗澡吗?

    Where do the female prefects bathe? And does the mermaid on the wall watch people as they take baths?


  1. 问:人鱼拼音怎么拼?人鱼的读音是什么?人鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人鱼的读音是rényú,人鱼翻译成英文是 A popular term for 儒艮

  2. 问:人鱼之森拼音怎么拼?人鱼之森的读音是什么?人鱼之森翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人鱼之森的读音是,人鱼之森翻译成英文是 Mermaid Saga

  3. 问:人鱼小姐拼音怎么拼?人鱼小姐的读音是什么?人鱼小姐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人鱼小姐的读音是Rényú Xiǎojiě,人鱼小姐翻译成英文是 Mermaid Lady, a popular South Korean television...