


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……





汉语拼音:wài mài







  1. 卖食品与顾客带出店外。

    宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·饮食果子》:“诸般蜜煎香药……更外卖软羊诸色包子,猪羊荷包。”



  1. A computer in antiquity would seem to be an anachronism, like Athena ordering takeout on her cellphone.


  2. Sure, Chinese take-out has always been a solid performer as a cornerstone of my diet, but there wasn't any mystery to it.


  3. A dispute is alleged to have started after an order of food with a local pizza parlour arrived without the, no doubt, tasty hamburgers.


  4. Similarly, there is no point in travelling to see your boyfriend for a take-away Indian meal and an evening in front of the telly.


  5. The delivery costs 6mb no matter how much you order, and they specifically put on their website that you DON'T HAVE TO TIP.


  6. You could say that I ordered takeout with such frequency that my dialing finger practically started to evolve into the shape of a phone key.


  7. A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her.


  8. In 1999 fish friers served up more than 283 million meals a year making it the most popular takeaway among the British population.


  9. How about this. . . . We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat.


  1. 送外卖吗?

    Do you deliver?

  2. 叫什么外卖

    From where?

  3. 不是披萨外卖

    You're not pizza.

  4. 外卖,好主意。

    Takeout.Good idea.

  5. 外卖,好主意。

    Takeout. Good idea.

  6. 匹萨饼外卖店

    Pizza takeout

  7. 不要叫外卖。

    Dont order takeout.

  8. 你可以叫外卖

    You can send out.

  9. 和外卖聊天呢。

    Just talking to the delivery guy.

  10. 饮料仅供外卖

    Drinks purchased are for taken away only

  11. 请来点外卖的。

    To go, please.

  12. 这菜能外卖吗

    Can I get that to go.

  13. 店内吃或外卖。

    Eat in or take away.

  14. 我不想做外卖。

    I don't want to do deliveries.

  15. 是外卖的原因吗?

    The takeaway

  16. 是外卖得原因吗?

    The takeaway.

  17. 想叫披萨外卖吗?

    Do you want to order a pizza?

  18. 我们可以订点外卖

    We could order some takeout.

  19. 打电话叫外卖吃吧。

    Let's order something by the phone.

  20. 竹苑中菜外卖店

    Bamboo House Chinese Food

  21. 金龙中菜外卖店

    Golden Dragon Chinese Food

  22. 酒店提供外卖服务吗?

    Do we provide catering service

  23. 谷物包装纸和外卖菜单

    Cereal box tops and takeout menus?

  24. 餐厅是限制外卖服务。

    Restaurants are ordered to limit service to takeout.

  25. 中国餐馆提供外卖服务。

    Chinese restaurants provide a takeaway service.

  26. 这是这里的外卖食品。

    Thats the takeaway here.

  27. 这是这里得外卖食品。

    Thats the takeaway here.

  28. 我们订些中餐外卖吧。

    Lets get some takeout Chinese tonight.

  29. 我们订些中餐外卖吧。

    Lets get some takeout Chinese tonight.

  30. 来两个外卖的比萨饼。

    Two pizza to go.


  1. 问:外卖拼音怎么拼?外卖的读音是什么?外卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外卖的读音是wàimài,外卖翻译成英文是 takeaway; takeout

  2. 问:外卖店拼音怎么拼?外卖店的读音是什么?外卖店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外卖店的读音是,外卖店翻译成英文是 Take out

  3. 问:外卖餐馆拼音怎么拼?外卖餐馆的读音是什么?外卖餐馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外卖餐馆的读音是wài mài cān guǎn,外卖餐馆翻译成英文是 take-out restaurant

  4. 问:外卖鳗鱼拼音怎么拼?外卖鳗鱼的读音是什么?外卖鳗鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外卖鳗鱼的读音是wàimài mányú,外卖鳗鱼翻译成英文是 Eel

  5. 问:外卖饮食店拼音怎么拼?外卖饮食店的读音是什么?外卖饮食店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外卖饮食店的读音是wài mài yǐn shí diàn,外卖饮食店翻译成英文是 take-out service