


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……


1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……



汉语拼音:wéi shèn







  1. 为什么。

    宋 周邦彦 《迎春乐·携妓》词:“为甚月中归,长是他、随车后。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第三本第三折:“为甚媒人,心无惊怕。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·惊丑》:“为甚的爇席薰兰处,好气息不见分毫。” 郭沫若 《瓶》诗之二三:“啊,有酒,你为甚总怕提壶?”



  1. And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased.


  2. None of them had any previous filings with the police and that's why I beg you to spread the word.


  3. Colleagues see a few of its work, I sometimes wonder why the boss, a person can create so much work for others to be completed?


  4. Earlier, in Iowa Romney talked agriculture, he said the incumbent had done little to grow agriculture related jobs in the last four years.


  5. Four young do not understand why the work group, HK has its own desk, should fill the corner of furniture, until the date the work space.


  6. Now therefore, why tempt you God to put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?


  7. In turn, how we do at work is vitally affected by the kind of education we get -- and most especially what we get out of our education.


  8. The next day the man related the incident to a friend. The friend asked, "Why didin't you try them on to see if they fit? "


  9. Four young do not understand why young people should always playing games, car, walk, eat, wait, bowing to a machine at home.


  1. 为甚麽要有期限?

    Why it have an expiration date ?

  2. 为甚麽你要拿者弹弓?

    Why are you holding a slingshot?

  3. 为甚麽坐起来作行乞状?

    Why is she sitting up and begging?

  4. 这方面尤其以宙斯为甚。

    Aegis type wife Hilla traits very heavy.

  5. 如果有的话, 为甚麽会有?

    If so, how did your character acquire them?

  6. 这种情况尤以亚洲为甚。

    This is particularly important in Asia.

  7. 我不知道我为甚麽要拿绿卡?

    I don't know why I am getting a Green Card ?

  8. 为甚麽我们要培养宽恕的心?

    Why should we cultivate a forgiving spirit

  9. 为甚麽要等待另一个五年?

    Why wait another fiver years

  10. 基围及鱼塘值得保育吗?为甚麽?

    Do you think Gei Wai and fish ponds worth conservation and why

  11. 马克沁我不知道。为甚麽这样问

    Maxim I dont know. Why do you ask.

  12. 你们觉得涂鸦对上海重要吗, 为甚麽?

    Why do you think graffiti is important to Shanghai?

  13. 但我们为甚麽可以成功捍卫联系汇率?

    But why have we succeeded in defending the linked exchange rate ?

  14. 但它为甚麽会发出特别的啪啪声呢

    But what is the cause of distinctive popping sound

  15. 祠堂得作用又是甚麽呢 他们为甚麽祭祖?

    Why did they spend so much money in ancestral halls.

  16. 我不明白为甚麽上帝应许苦难来侵袭我。

    I do not understand why affliction has been permitted to smite me.

  17. 为甚麽说这个花篮能够代表我的人生呢?

    Why do I say this flower basket symbolizes my own life ?

  18. 米克我不太确定。你为甚麽会想参选?

    Mick Im not sure. Why do you want to do it.

  19. 为甚们他们在预测赛事结果时会如此精确?

    Why are they so accurate at predicting the outcome of a race ?

  20. 为甚麽客户会透过这种另类方式购买产品?

    What's the explanation for this alternative way to purchase products ?

  21. 我们不知道为甚麽有些人选择要有信心,有些不要。

    We don't know why some choose to have faith and some do not.

  22. 你是否在找某一种规模的公司?为甚麽?

    Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?

  23. 为甚麽它们不是一些可持续发展的农耕方法。

    Why is using them not a sustainable method of farming ?

  24. 痴迷于服装得人也痴迷于鞋, 尤以男人为甚。

    People who obsess about clothes also obsess about shoes, particularly men.

  25. 痴迷于服装的人也痴迷于鞋,尤以男人为甚。

    People who obsess about clothes also obsess about shoes, particularly men.

  26. 我们有钱。为甚麽我们不捐一点钱给救难组织呢

    We have lots of money. Why don't we give to a relief organization

  27. 诗篇2诗21外邦为甚麽争闹?万民为甚麽谋算虚妄的事?

    Psalms 2 Ps 2 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing.

  28. 异端邪教因而得以迅速蔓延, 尤以农村教会为甚。

    This is one reason why cults and the occult are rampant, especially among rural churches.

  29. 我今天还可以生存是福气, 为甚麽我要苦口苦脸过活?

    I'm blessed to live today. Why do I a sad face to live ?

  30. 作父母的,为甚麽要抚育儿女长大和细心照顾他们呢?

    Why do most parents feed, clothe and care for their children?