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1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……
汉语拼音:xiōng zhōng
《孟子·离娄上》:“胸中正,则眸子瞭焉;胸中不正,则眸子眊焉。”《史记·苏秦列传》:“是故明主外料其敌之彊弱,内度其士卒贤不肖,不待两军相当而胜败存亡之机固已形於胸中矣。” 明 王守仁 《泛海》诗:“险夷原不滞胸中,何异浮云过太空。”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“脸上一团正气,胸中自然是一片至诚。”
Prudence saw me to the door, and I returned to my apartment with tears of rage in me eyes and a thirst for revenge in my heart.
普律当丝一直把我送到门口,我回到家里,眼里含着愤怒的泪水,胸中怀着复仇的渴望。If you want a red rose, . . . you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood.
如果你想要一朵红玫瑰,你就必须借助月光用音乐来造出它,并且要用你胸中的鲜血来染红它。Vaguely aware of this, the child thinks the surge of feeling in him is love for his mother.
孩子对于这些模模糊糊地有所觉察,他认为胸中翻涌的情感正是对母亲的爱意。All her goodness rose up from her soul and her indignation roused her to sarcasm.
全部真理从她的心灵中升了起来,愤怒激起她胸中的讥讽。Xichun hope for a bright light, of the wasted years of hate, and everything in the chest Ling and realizing proceeds of life.
惜春光之美好,恨岁月之蹉跎,凌万物于胸中,悟人生之所得。But the fever, allayed for an instant, gradually resumed possession of him.
到这时,他胸中平息了一会的烦懑又渐渐起来了。He had an impulse to kneel and plead for forgiveness. But a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him.
他一阵冲动想跪下来请求宽恕,可苦涩的愤恨此时在他胸中已燃烧成了狂怒。It is the jewel at my own breast that shines and gives light. I do not know how to hide it.
那闪烁照耀的,是我自己胸中的珠宝。我不知道怎样藏起它。Likes not being willing to stand still in the chest clamors must wants you to hear.