




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:xì shuō









  1. 小人之言,谗言。


  2. 详说。

    宋 苏轼 《和钱安道寄惠建茶诗》:“为君细説我未暇,试评其略差可听。” 老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“待会儿他们就来,我没工夫细说,你打个主意吧!”

  3. 谦词。渺小的说法。

    汉 王充 《论衡·对作》:“况《论衡》细説微论,解释世俗之疑,辨照是非之理。”



  1. But here and there, perhaps there will be a touch of personal sadness as is true of any departure, a point to which I shall return.


  2. In the past certain time, he made a blunder which he even regret today, but he never told in detail and no one knows what it was.


  3. But he said he was determined to overcome the illness.


  4. He said the company is in the retail sector but declined say more.


  5. He added that Sanad might have "foreign links, " without elaborating.


  6. We all know what the difficult was. There was no need to labour the point.


  7. The customs varied with the passage of time, differed between regions and ethnic groups, and cannot be covered in every detail.


  8. RIM plans to open future retail BlackBerry stores in China, Wang said, but did not provide details.


  9. First I'll go through the basic idea, then I'll iterate through a few variations.


  1. 无须细说。

    It's unnecessary to go into details.

  2. 不要细说下去

    Not to discuss this at length.

  3. 明白人用不着细说

    A word to the wise is enough

  4. 等不及想听你细说

    I can't wait to hear all about it.

  5. 不厌其烦地细说

    condescend upon

  6. 细说基金的投资理念

    Tips on Fund Investment Theories

  7. 你想听我细说吗

    Do you want to hear about it?

  8. 细说合同档案的管理

    Detailed Explanation of Management of Contract Archives

  9. 细说英语主谓语一致

    On the Agreement of Subject and Predicate in the English Language

  10. 待我细说与老爷听。

    Let me put all the facts before you.

  11. 这是后话,暂不细说。

    That is for later, so no details now.

  12. 他只是泛泛而谈,没有细说。

    He only talked about it in general terms and didn't go into details.

  13. 我们不细说澳大利亚的事。

    We will not dwell on the matter of Australia.

  14. 她嘴巴僵直, 无法细说下去。

    Her mouth stiffening, she could not elaborate.

  15. 细说过去,现在,和未来古今。

    Of what is past, or passing, or to come.

  16. 我现在没有时间跟你细说。

    I'm not at liberty to discuss the particulars.

  17. 老板说他将离职, 但拒绝细说。

    The boss said he was leaving but refused to elaborate.

  18. 石竹山的景色都不用细说了。

    Words are needless to describe the scenery of Shizhu mountain.

  19. 部长说他将辞职,但拒绝细说。

    The minister said he was resigning but refused to elaborate.

  20. 待会儿在车上再和你细说吧。

    I'll tell you about it in the car.

  21. 细说电子出版物的分类、加工与管理

    A Detailed Study about the Classification, Process and Management of Electronic Publications

  22. 他细说了他在非洲的全部历险记。

    He recounted all his adventures in africa.

  23. 我们不要再细说你过去的错误了。

    Let's not dwell on your past mistakes.

  24. 我们不要再细说你过去得错误了。

    Let's not dwell on your past mistakes.

  25. 我不打算在这儿细说技术上的理由。

    I won't here go into the technical reasons why.

  26. 细说是非标志的概念、平均数及其方差。

    Explain the conception of the mark of yes or no and average number and its involution difference.

  27. 没时间细说,但是他确实受了很多苦。

    I don't have time to go into it, but he went through a lot.

  28. 通过这世上的人类的内心情绪的隐藏细说出来!

    Through the world of emotions always kept hidden.Loneliness IN THE CITY in a choral, urban story.

  29. 他的野蛮行为给我造成的痛苦不需要细说了。

    What I suffered from his barbarity wants not that aggravation

  30. 躺在果园得年轻恋人会读到我们得爱情细说。

    Two young lovers lying in an orchard would have read the story of our love.


  1. 问:细说拼音怎么拼?细说的读音是什么?细说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细说的读音是xìshuō,细说翻译成英文是 to tell in detail; gossip