


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……


1. 甲 [jiǎ]甲 [jiǎ]天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称:~子。花~(六十岁的人)。居于首位的,超过所有其它的:~等。古代科举考试成绩名次的分类:一~(名为“进士及第”);二~(名为“进士出身”);三~(名为“同进士出身”)。古……



汉语拼音:zhōng jiǎ






  1. 金 代科举考试进士及第、成绩属中等者。参阅《金史·选举志二》。

  2. 中甲科。谓考中进士。

    宋 孔平仲 《孔氏谈苑·渴睡汉及第》:“ 吕 ( 吕蒙正 )明年中甲,寄声 胡 ( 胡旦 )曰:‘渴睡汉状元及第矣!’”



  1. In the case, company Jia's guarantor of security is in the form of a general guarantee.


  2. Object: To improve the identification method for trimethoprim of compound sulfamethoxazole tablets.


  3. Determination of metoprolols concentration and pharmacokinetics in rabbit blood with high performance liquid chromatography.


  4. The relationship between the species, number of oribatid mites and the level of plumbum pollution was explored in this study.


  5. In this case, Company Jia planed to convert the convertible bonds to shares after 3 months from the issuing date, less than 6 months.


  6. An increased level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in the blood may be a sign of liver cancer.


  7. The title of a kind of tree to endanger the second housing security, is relates to the adjacent your rights.


  8. then the community structure and diversity of soil oribatid mites in different plots were analyzed.


  9. Our results showed that mean serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels decreased steeply in the first 3 days of life.


  1. 本品中甲苯咪唑的含量为什么可以用分光光度法测定?

    Why can the content of mebendazole of this compound tablet be assayed by the spectrophotometric method?

  2. 那么,在目前得意甲中,巴西人最为欣赏哪个球员呢?

    In that case,the current A,which enjoy the most Brazilian players do ?

  3. 在过去, 骑士在战斗中戴盔披甲。

    In the past, knights, used to wear suits of armour in battle.

  4. 检查中药中掺入甲睾酮的方法研究

    Study on the methods for detecting methyltestosterone mixed in traditional Chinese medicine preparations

  5. 组织中去甲肾上腺素的荧光测定法

    A Fluorometric Method for the Determination of Norepinephrine In Tissue

  6. 本题中,甲公司的保证人的担保形式为一般保证。

    In the case, company Jias guarantor of security is in the form of a general guarantee.

  7. 抢匪逐一搜抢过程中,甲律师把某样东西塞到乙律师手中。

    While this is going on lawyer number one jams something in lawyer number two hand.

  8. 罗本在年度最佳新人评选中位列三甲。

    Robben is third in the Young Player of the Year awards.

  9. 催化臭氧化饮用水中甲草胺的研究

    Studies on the catalytic ozonation of alachlor in water

  10. 均相光催化氧化去除水中甲草胺的研究

    Research on the Removal of Alachlor by Homogeneous Photocatalytic Oxidation Process

  11. 方法建立处方中黄芪,炮山甲得薄层鉴别方法。

    METHODS To set up the thin layer chromatogram identification method for Radix astragali, Squama manis.

  12. 水中甲霜灵和扑草净提取方法的研究

    Study on the method of extraction of metalaxyl and prometryne in water

  13. 在长途旅行中能有个甲等座位简直太舒服了。

    It is very comfortable to have a Class A seat during the long journey.

  14. 自一九九五年起,浸大代表队在历届比赛中均名列三甲。

    Our BBA students have been among the top three teams in this annual competition since 1995.

  15. 国际米兰队以2-1击败利沃诺队后,在甲A联赛中以领先16分的优势位居榜首。

    Inter Milan moved sixteen points ahead at the top of Serie A after beating Livorno 2-1.

  16. 中甲反向弯曲

    paradoxical middle turbinate

  17. 不同样本中甲螨的分离方法

    Separated method of oribatid mite in different sample

  18. 蔬菜中甲胺磷超标原因分析

    Reason analysis and investigation on methamidophos exceeding standard in vegetables

  19. 不同类型人造板中甲醛释放量

    Analysis on the amount of formaldehyde released from different types of artificial board

  20. 小麦粉中甲醛本底值的测定

    Determination of Background Value of Formaldehyde in Wheat Flour

  21. 冰乙酸中甲酸的标准试验方法

    Standard test method for formic acid in glacial acetic acid

  22. 废水中甲苯的臭氧氧化动力学的研究

    Investigation of Kinetics for Toluene in Wastewater by Ozonation.

  23. 氟双相体系中甲苯硝化反应的研究

    Nitration of Toluene with Fluorous Biphasic System

  24. 测定食品中甲醛的样品前处理方法比较

    Comparison On The Pretreatment Method Of Formaldehyde In Food.

  25. 利用水溶液吸收空气中甲醛的实验研究

    Experimental study on formaldehyde in the air absorbed by aqueous solution

  26. 蔬菜中甲氰菊酯农药残留检测方法的建立

    Establishment of Fenpropathrin Pesticide Residue Analysis in Vegetables

  27. 氧气对空气中甲烷、总烃分析的干扰研究

    Research on the Oxygen's Disturbance to the Analysis of Methane and Total Hydrocarbon

  28. 酸度计法测定水发食品中甲醛的含量

    Determination of Formaldehyde in Soaked Food by Acidimeter

  29. 试论后勤改革中甲, 乙方的辩证关系

    Try to discuss the dialectical relationship of A side and B side in rear service reforming

  30. 水产品中甲醛的风险评估与限量标准研究

    Study on Risk Assessment and Limit Standard of Formaldehyde in Fishery Products


  1. 问:中甲板拼音怎么拼?中甲板的读音是什么?中甲板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中甲板的读音是zhōng jiǎ bǎn,中甲板翻译成英文是 underdeck

  2. 问:中甲板吨位容积拼音怎么拼?中甲板吨位容积的读音是什么?中甲板吨位容积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中甲板吨位容积的读音是zhōng jiǎ bǎn dūn wèi róng jī,中甲板吨位容积翻译成英文是 Underdeck Tonnage