


物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……





汉语拼音:pǐn píng







  1. 评价;评论。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“﹝ 习凿齿 ﹞於病中犹作《汉晋春秋》,品评卓逸。” 元 陈镒 《次韵齐子和山长过访》:“明朝又向山城去,满路梅花入品评。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·槐西杂志三》:“﹝某妾﹞闻窗外帘隙,有数十人悄语品评其妍媸,忸怩不敢举首。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第十九章:“人们在交头接耳……品评着没过门的媳妇。”



  1. Secondly, it is open and original that the assessment about many historic persons of him.


  2. Each team's three tasters sniff, swirl, spit, confer; one puts his face in his hands, searching for inspiration.


  3. The court of France's King Louis XIV, who himself drank Burgundy and the still wines of Champagne, was the arbiter of most alcoholic taste.


  4. For salon or Wen is recited after endless charm, desire and emotional evaluation, this is all good poetry.


  5. appreciate, the main means to judge the merits of the work is a study of the scope of art criticism.


  6. The higher different results were removed by sequence method, the better consistency results which represented one kind of taste were found.


  7. Evaluation will be to attend or to cultivate fish Caixing perfect fan.


  8. For example, spend a week becoming a connoisseur of your many intentions around eating, shopping, or cleaning house.


  9. The sensory score of oven drying product was 8. 82. The total amino acids was the highest by oven drying and lowest by microwave drying.


  1. 喻象化品评

    metaphor judge.

  2. 黑珍珠的品评标准

    Comment on Standard of the Black Pearl.

  3. 绍兴酒的品评与欣赏

    Evaluation and appreciation of Shaoxing rice wine

  4. 关于腐乳的感官品评方法

    Sizing up of sense organ about fermented bean curd

  5. 他以品评的目光环视四周。

    He looked about him appraisingly.

  6. 专家将对此画进行品评。

    Experts will appraise the painting.

  7. 裁判员对每位参赛者加以品评。

    The judges passed on each contestant.

  8. 浓香型基础酒感官品评的研究探讨

    Study for Sense Organ and Judge on Strong Fragrant Basis Wine

  9. 裁判员对每一位参赛者加以品评。

    The judges passed on each contestant.

  10. 我决不让他们来细细品评我的心。

    My heart shall never be put under their microscope.

  11. 我决不让他们来细细品评我得心。

    My heart shall never be put under their microscope.

  12. 方法感官品评与理化成分分析相结合。

    Methods Defluorided bricktea was sensuously judged and its physical and chemical components were analyzed.

  13. 全国优质粳稻优良食味品评情况报告

    Reports on taste and evaluation of national fine quality japonica rice for good palatability

  14. 对食物和酒类精于品评, 却是求之不得的。

    It is definitely desirable to have a good palate for dood or wine.

  15. 新年来了,品评在这里给读者朋友们拜年啦!

    New Year came, comment pay a New Year call to reader friends here!

  16. 论人物品藻对魏晋南北朝书法品评的影响

    On the Impact of Characters on Calligraphy Criticism in Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

  17. 听力朗诵语言记忆力语义理解力话语品评力。

    Listen to dint Read aloud Language memory Language righteousnessapprehension The words criticize dint.

  18. 品评用语是汉语言词汇中最具特色的用语之一。

    Commentary Phraseology is one of the most distinct phraseologies in Chinese language vocabulary.

  19. 模糊综合评判在湘泉基酒质量感官品评中的应用

    Application of Syntheticall Fuzzy Assess to Sense Organ Quality Judge in Xiang Quan Base Wine

  20. 对陶渊明的品评是元好问诗学批评最重要的内容。

    Critical review of Tao Yuanming forms the most important part of Yuan Haowen.

  21. 春晚给人们带来欢笑,在品评晚会的同时增加了节日的气氛。

    The Gala adds a mood of celebration in house as people laugh, discuss and performance.

  22. 在一些面试中, 他们会迅速品评你一番, 不管结论是对是错。

    In some interviews, your counterparts will quickly size you up, right or wrong.

  23. 阿切尔不可能去品评梅陪她爸爸有多大的必要性。

    It was impossible for Archer to discuss the necessity of May's accompanying her father.

  24. 让我真正感到很惊讶的是竟然没有其他人来品评这家酒店。

    I really am so surprised there hasnt been other reviews stating this.

  25. 五十年功如电扫, 华清花柳咸阳草, 品评史实人物, 大气如虹。

    Fifty years, such as power sweep Gong, Huaqing Salix Xianyang grass, to judge the historical facts of characters, the atmosphere, such as rainbow.


  1. 问:品评拼音怎么拼?品评的读音是什么?品评翻译成英文是什么?

    答:品评的读音是pǐnpíng,品评翻译成英文是 judge


