


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……





汉语拼音:tóu kào








  1. 投奔权贵,求得托身。多指卖身为奴。

    明 张居正 《答应天巡抚宋阳山书》:“优免核,则投靠自减;投靠减,则赋役自均。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·世风》:“ 太祖 数 凉国公 蓝玉 之罪,亦曰:‘家奴至於数百。’今日 江 南士大夫多有此风,一登仕籍,此辈竞来门下,谓之投靠。多者亦至千人。” 吴晗 《海瑞》:“贵族和官僚家里养着无数的奴仆,有的是用钱买的,更多的是农民忍受不了田租和差役的负担,投靠来的。”

  2. 谓政治上的依附。

    谢觉哉 《光芒万丈的狱中著作》:“为着保全少数人的剥削生活,不惜与正义为敌,不惜投靠帝国主义,断送自己民族国家。”

  3. 投奔依靠。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二四回:“有甚么穷亲戚、穷朋友投靠了他,承他的情,荐在本行做做西崽,赚得几块钱。” 吴组缃 《山洪》三十:“他们将到镇上去投靠亲戚。”



  1. And he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed hogs.


  2. Jingzhou to join the history of the early years of his Ding, Ren main thin, Ding that he particularly close.


  3. Investors are waiting to see if the company's loyalty remains with its shareholders or is shifting to the state.


  4. As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.


  5. So he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine.


  6. It was as if a flock of foolish sheep placed themselves under the protection of a pack of ravening wolves.


  7. If James' switch to Miami proves to be a success then James might be remembered as a pioneer.


  8. All this made it extremely difficult for most dealers to make money, leading some of them to defect to other brands.


  9. Officials are first trying to reunite orphaned children with other relatives.


  1. 我要投靠苏联。

    Im defecting to the Soviet Union.

  2. 受雇于某人,投靠某人

    hire oneself to sb.

  3. 部队投靠了敌人。

    Troops were deserting to the enemy.

  4. 他投靠自由党了。

    He went over to the Liberals.

  5. 投入。的怀抱里。投靠

    Throw oneself into the lap of

  6. 穷文人, 雇佣文人, 卖身投靠的文人

    a hack writer

  7. 他总是去投靠他的律师。

    He is always running to his lawyer.

  8. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。

    The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders.

  9. 让险境驱使你投靠耶稣。

    Let danger drive you to jesus.

  10. 求你保佑我, 因为我投靠你。

    Keep me safe, for in you i take refuge.

  11. 投靠耶和华,强似倚赖王子。

    It is better to have faith in the Lord than to put one's hope in rulers.

  12. 这个孤儿没有人可以投靠。

    The orphan has nobody to turn to.

  13. 投靠耶和华, 强似衣赖人。

    It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

  14. 那军官被指控投靠敌人。

    The officer was charged with selling out his share of the business and went abroad.

  15. 他说你投靠了黑暗势力。

    He said you've turned to the dark side.

  16. 哇喔,投靠另一边啦,长官?

    Gosh. Joined the other side, sir ?

  17. 我投靠苏联之后受的伤。

    I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union.

  18. 凡投靠他的、都是有福的。

    How blessed are all who take refuge in him!

  19. 他出卖自己投靠到另一方去

    He sold out to the other side.

  20. 这个工会头头被控背叛工会投靠雇主。

    The Union leader was accused of selling out to the employer.

  21. 你成为了可以投靠的安全地带

    You're the safe place to come in to.

  22. 我会和你翻脸投靠公共律师。

    I'll fire you and go back with the public defender.

  23. 工会领导人被指责卖身投靠雇主。

    The Union leaders were accused of selling out to the employers.

  24. 世上投靠在你翅膀的荫下。

    Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

  25. 上帝啊, 求你保佑我, 因为我投靠你。

    Keep me safe, o god, for in you I take refuge.

  26. 他们除了我们没有别人可以投靠了。

    They've got nowhere to run except to us.

  27. 他宁可自杀而不愿卖身投靠敌人。

    He committed suicide rather than sell himself to the enemy.

  28. 你会逃进饭店,投靠联合国的人。

    You'll run into the hotel and hide behind the u, n.

  29. 贫穷的朋友们,来投靠富有的天父吧!

    O poor friend, try your rich God. O helpless one, lean on His help.

  30. 女朋友背着你偷人而来投靠他?

    And found your girlfriend with another guy?


  1. 问:投靠拼音怎么拼?投靠的读音是什么?投靠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投靠的读音是tóukào,投靠翻译成英文是 depend on; give oneself up



tóukào 1.投奔权贵,求得托身。多指卖身为奴。 明 张居正 《答应天巡抚宋阳山书》:“优免核,则投靠自减;投靠减,则赋役自均。” 清 顾炎武《日知录·世风》:“ 太祖 数 凉国公 蓝玉 之罪,亦曰:‘家奴至于数百。’今日 江 南士大夫多有此风,一登仕籍,此辈竞来门下,谓之投靠。多者亦至千人。” 吴晗 《海瑞》:“贵族和官僚家里养着无数的奴仆,有的是用钱买的,更多的是农民忍受不了田租和差役的负担,投靠来的。” 2.谓政治上的依附。 谢觉哉 《光芒万丈的狱中著作》:“为着保全少数人的剥削生活,不惜与正义为敌,不惜投靠帝国主义,断送自己民族国家。” 3.投奔依靠。《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二四回:“有甚么穷亲戚、穷朋友投靠了他,承他的情,荐在本行做做西崽,赚得几块钱。” 吴组缃 《山洪》三十:“他们将到镇上去投靠亲戚。”