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汉语拼音:fù miè
晋 陆机 《五等诸侯论》:“覆灭之祸,岂在曩日。”《南史·宋纪下·顺帝》:“司徒 袁粲 据 石头 ,谋诛 道成 ,不果,旋见覆灭。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致榴花社》:“战斗当首先守住营垒,若专一衝锋,而反遭覆灭,乃无谋之勇,非真勇也。”
Biotechnology companies patent genes, the very stuff of life, while scientists worry that this risks compromising basic research.
生物技术公司为基因申请专利,基因是生命元素。而科学家担忧这样作会有致使基础研究覆灭的风险。With the Saudis able to squeeze the oxygen tube at his hospital bed, they can surely tell him to sign up to his own political demise.
随着沙特能够挤压他病床上的氧气管,他们一定能使他他赶快宣告自己的政权覆灭。before we go on to monogamy , which developed rapidly with the overthrow of mother-right, a few words about polygyny and polyandry .
在说到随着母权制的覆灭而迅速发展起来的一夫一妻制以前,我们再就多妻制和多夫制说几句话。For only the total destruction of the Red Army would constitute complete defeat in the civil war; but this has never happened.
因为国内战争的根本的失败,就是整个红军的覆灭,然而这样的事实是没有的。Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
谁要是把自己标榜为真理和知识领域里的裁判官,他就会被神的笑声所覆灭。Cai Yong's life happened to be at the turning point of the East Han Dynasty from a downfall to complete collapse.
蔡邕的一生,大约与汉末顺、桓、灵三朝相始末,正值东汉王朝从衰败走向覆灭的时期。After that day, I established my reign over Israel, and Ahab's family, alongwith the priests of Baal, were all massacred.
从那天起,我开始统治以色列,而亚哈王朝,就这样与太阳神的教士们一起,覆灭了。Economic troubles will exacerbate political tensions. But rumours of the death of capitalism have been exaggerated.
经济困境将加剧政治紧张局势,但要说资本主义要覆灭未免是太危言耸听了。The Confederate army would be caught between two powerful forces. Lee would have to withdraw, or lose his army.