


1. 脏 [zàng]脏 [zàng]身体内部器官的总称:内~。五~六腑。心~。肾~。肺~。~器。……





汉语拼音:zàng fǔ






  1. 中医总称人体内部的器官。心、肝、脾、肺、肾为五脏,胃、胆、三焦、膀胱、大肠、小肠为六腑。

    唐 韩愈 《<张中丞传>后序》:“人之将死,其臟腑必有先受其病者。” 清 蒋士铨 《临川梦·改梦》:“北地雪高冰厚,食炕餐煤,粪灰填于耳鼻,沟秽中于臟腑。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○五回:“从次日起,他们便如法泡製起来,无非是寒热兼施,攻补并进,拿着 苟才 的臟腑,做他药石的战场。”



  1. Melanie smiled at him through sparkling tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals.


  2. The relationship between the nerve distribution in the auricle, and vital organs and limbs of the body.


  3. The method of tonifying kidney and essence replenishment was used in clinic, and pattern syndrome differentiation was also emphasized.


  4. They are not isolated points on the surface, but contact and transport between body organs and tissues.


  5. This syndrome is usually caused by chronic cough, or prenatal deficiency or caused by sickness in other organs.


  6. He thinks that "liu jing" means six basic types of disease not six meridians-organs. The pair of Taiyang-Shaoyin is external syndrome.


  7. He is to wash the inner parts and the legs with water, and the priest is to burn all of it on the altar.


  8. Therefore, the pulse signal can be reflected the change of mechanisms and pathophysiology in the blood and viscera.


  9. As along as the mind combine with the position of HUN YUAN QIAO and when inside QI abundant to certain level, viscera will react soon.


  1. 中医脏腑学说

    Theory of visceral

  2. 脏腑功能失调

    Function of organs disorder

  3. 调节脏腑功能

    regulate entrails and meridian function

  4. 经脉脏腑相关

    Correlation between Channels and Viscera.

  5. 脏腑兼病辨证

    syndrome differentiation of concurrent visceral manifestation

  6. 脏腑肌肉运动训练

    exercise of viscera muscle movement

  7. 脏腑辨证取穴法

    selection of acupoints according to visceral syndrome differentiation

  8. 脏腑辩证取穴法

    selection of acupuncture points according to the syndromes of the viscera

  9. 中医学的脏腑是解剖的脏腑

    Internal Organs in Chinese Medicine is That in Anatomy

  10. 治病必明脏腑经络

    Theory of viscera and channels and collaterals should come along with the treatment

  11. 脏腑兼病证动物模型研究

    Abstracts of Main Articles Animal Model Studies of Viscera Symptom Complex

  12. 在脏腑经络来说, 脏腑为本, 经络为标。

    Meridian in the organs, the organbased, for the standard meridian.

  13. 下合穴与脏腑相关性探析

    Study on the correlation between lower confluent point and viscera

  14. 辩证分析脏腑经络与眼的关系

    A dialectical analysis of relation between collateral channel of internal organs and eyes

  15. 脉象的形成,与脏腑气血关系密切。

    Formation of pulse signal has close relations with the blood and viscera.

  16. 脏腑辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位

    In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position

  17. 浅谈脏腑藏泻理论及临床应用举例

    On Theory of Visceral Preserving and Discharging and Its Clinical Application with Examples

  18. 经脉及络脉代表着体内的脏腑。

    The channels and collaterals are the representation of the organs of the body.

  19. 针刺效应与脏腑功能失调程度的关系

    Relationship between Acupuncture Effect and Degree of Dysfunctional State of the Viscera

  20. 各个脏腑,身体各个部分,也都是若有若无的。

    Every viscera and all parts of body are all something but nothing.

  21. 舌体歪斜与肌体脏腑器官病理程度相关。

    The deviation of tongue can objectively reflect some physiological and pathologic changes in the body.

  22. 在面部的不同部位分属于不同的脏腑和经络。

    In different parts of the face belongs to different viscera and meridians.

  23. 人体气血是脏腑经络生理活动的物质基础。

    Qi and blood in the body are the material basis for the physiological activities of the zangfu and meridians.

  24. 又洗了脏腑和腿, 烧在坛上的燔祭上。

    He washed the inner parts and the legs and burned them on top of the burnt offering on the altar.

  25. 阴阳失调,气血失常、经络和脏腑功能紊乱等。

    Imbalance between yin and yang, disorder of Qi and blood as well as dysfunction of the viscera and meridians.

  26. 脏腑学说是古代对解剖学与生理学的综合概括。

    Entrails theory sum up the ancient anatomy and physiology.

  27. 这个系统在内联络脏腑组织, 在外沟通筋骨肌肤。

    This system, internally, links the zang fu organs and, externally, joins the tendonsand skin.

  28. 中药注射液为主治疗中风中脏腑的前瞻性观察

    Prospective Observation on Apoplexy Hitting Viscera Treated Mainly by Injection of Chinese Materia Medica.

  29. 问疼痛的部位可以帮助了解脏腑经络的病理改变。

    Asking about locality of the pain helps understand pathological changes of internal organs and meridians.

  30. 过度的惊恐, 会损伤脏腑精气, 导致脏腑气机逆乱。

    Excessive panic, will damage the viscera essence, cause the inverse viscera qi activity.


  1. 问:脏腑拼音怎么拼?脏腑的读音是什么?脏腑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脏腑的读音是zàngfǔ,脏腑翻译成英文是 A general designation for Chinese medicine in t...

  2. 问:脏腑肌拼音怎么拼?脏腑肌的读音是什么?脏腑肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脏腑肌的读音是zàng fǔ jī,脏腑肌翻译成英文是 visceral muscle


