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汉语拼音:tú zhāng
Being a simple shy woman, she was afraid to take him to the fancy court in Benares, but she saved the king's signet ring.
因为生性单纯害羞,她不敢带男婴去贝拿勒斯那座让人眩目的宫殿,但是她把图章戒指保留了下来。He kisses with a perfect seal around your mouth like he's trying to suck your brains out.
他亲得好像一个图章盖在你嘴上就像要把你整个脑子吸走似的。A few years later, the company began a rubber stamp for the whole of Spain manufacturers of machinery and equipment and consumables.
几年后,该公司开始为整个西班牙的橡皮图章制造商提供机器设备和消耗品。Since I'm married, . . . I give you my honour, I've not touched a bit of stamped paper.
我以名义向你担保,……自结婚以来,什么盖过图章的纸,我一丁点儿也没动过。For that I mostly used the clone stamp tool, tool that allows you to paint something using another part of the picture for reference.
为此我大多使用克隆图章工具,它允许你使用图片其他部分作为参考来绘制。What is to be done? As long as you press chewed gum on the surface of the seal flatly, it can clear dirt thoroughly and keep seal clean.
这时只要将嚼过的口香糖,平整压贴粘于章面上,就能彻底粘起赃污,维持图章面的清洁。I used the cloning tool to remove her and the lighter little dot in the corner (which I think is an air vent).
我用的仿制图章工具,来移除这人,还把小亮点移到了角落,我把这里当透气孔(透光)。Their feelings and desires are made of wax: the last comer stamps them with his seal and obliterates all previous impressions.
他们的情感和愿望是用蜡制成的――最后到的人用图章在上面盖上印,把以前的印迹都抹掉。On cylinder seals one sees Ea sitting on a thrown with water streams out of his shoulders.