




1. 秤 [chèng]秤 [chèng]衡量轻重的器具:市~。磅~。~砣。……



汉语拼音:tiān chèng






  1. LIBRA & LIBRA: This is not a bad connection, but boredom can be a definite risk, as you will both expect to be entertained.


  2. The sun in Libra will allow you to balance a few of your new ideas.


  3. You are best not to say too much to colleagues. Emotional matters may not be easy for you to handle.


  4. The balance scales held by the rider to measure out the grain, and the very high price of the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.


  5. As you know, Libra rules over marriage, best friends, business partnerships, and competitors (think yin-yang).


  6. On the equinox, the Sun enters Libra, giving you a sense of the balance of your life.


  7. For Libra, hosting Saturn in your own sign and your first house of "me" can be very painful.


  8. You may have been saving up for something you really wanted, Libra, when an unexpected expense compels you to spend some of your savings.


  9. Libra is still standing in front of the closet trying to decide on a costume.


  1. 双子是变动星座,天秤是本位星座。

    Gemini a Mutable Sign and Libra a Cardinal Sign.

  2. 天蝎会在天秤服从后占据主动。

    Scorpio should dominate while Libra submit.

  3. 天秤星座是算阳历的还是农历的

    I am leo stand for stateliness

  4. 爱好奢华是天秤的一大特征。

    Love for luxury is one of the personality traits of Libra.

  5. 天秤和双子都是风象星座。

    Both Libra and Gemini are Air Signs.

  6. 天蝎继承了天秤丝丝暧昧的多情。

    Scorpene inherited the scale of the Silk ambiguous Duoqing.

  7. 天秤善于倾听,有很好的理解力。

    Libran is a great listener and has good perception skills.

  8. 守卫城堡东南部的天秤望楼。

    Tenbin Yagura was a guard tower and armory that protected the southeast flank of the castle.

  9. 天秤你怀疑爱人, 认为对方不再爱你。

    Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved.

  10. 天秤宫天文学中黄道上的第七宫。

    The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology.

  11. 这段期间, 月亮也会处在天秤宫。

    During part of that time, you will also have the moon in Libra.

  12. 射手对于天秤的冒险会持冷漠态度。

    Sagittarius will remain indifferent to the Libra's adventures.

  13. 人类与大自然相比,感情的天秤是倾斜的。

    Compared human with nature, the libra of feeling is tilted.

  14. 你像天秤一般悬挂着一边是悲, 一边是喜。

    Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.

  15. 天秤喜欢在恋爱中扮演领导者的角色。

    Libra likes a position of leadership in a relationship.

  16. 未婚的天秤会不测且疯狂地陷入恋爱。

    Unmarried Librans will unexpectedly and madly fall into love.

  17. 少女的天秤无法向父母中任何一方倾斜。

    The scales of Layla influenced by Moor and Iberian.

  18. 天秤品味奢侈,处女则谨慎,但并不吝啬。

    Libras tastes are expensive. Virgo is careful, not to say miserly.

  19. 酒红色,紫罗兰和红色则能帮助天秤提升财运。

    The colors burgundy, violet and red increase the earning potential.

  20. 巨蟹多变的性情也让天秤感觉难以相处。

    It is difficult for the Libra to get on well with a Cancers changeable temperament.

  21. 天秤最好的武器便是正确的战略和机敏的态度。

    The Libra's best weapon is a correct strategy and tact.

  22. 当出现性格上的碰撞时,天秤需要做出让步。

    In case there is a collision of characters Libra should concede.

  23. 天秤座在采取行动钱天秤最好确定已经做好准备。

    Make sure that you have all the pertinent facts before taking action.

  24. 与祂相应的是风象星座, 包括宝瓶, 双子与天秤。

    He corresponds with the Wind signs, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra.

  25. 天秤星座南半天球的一个星座,靠近天蝎座和处女座

    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo.

  26. 黄色族倾向于理智, 就像处女宫和天秤宫得太阳。

    Yellow folk tend to be mental such as Virgo and Libra sun signs.

  27. 黄色族倾向于理智,就像处女宫和天秤宫的太阳。

    Yellow folk tend to be mental such as Virgo and Libra sun signs.

  28. 一旦天秤变得争执不休, 双鱼便会陷入沮丧之中。

    If Libra becomes quarrelsome, Pisces will plunge into despondency.

  29. 最终, 天秤会对双鱼想倚赖他人的欲望感到厌烦。

    Finally Libra will become tired with a Pisces desire to rely on someone.

  30. 金牛座主管的是自然, 对天秤来说不够浪漫。

    Taurus is the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra.


  1. 问:天秤宫拼音怎么拼?天秤宫的读音是什么?天秤宫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天秤宫的读音是,天秤宫翻译成英文是 Libra

  2. 问:天秤座拼音怎么拼?天秤座的读音是什么?天秤座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天秤座的读音是,天秤座翻译成英文是 Libra

  3. 问:天秤星号拼音怎么拼?天秤星号的读音是什么?天秤星号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天秤星号的读音是,天秤星号翻译成英文是 SuperStar Libra



“天秤”是个多义词,它可以指天秤(心灵终结3.0中的步兵英雄单位), 天秤(一种衡器)。