







汉语拼音:xiāng fěi






  1. 榧的通称。常绿乔木,生长于 浙江 、 安徽 、 江西 、 福建 等地。木材耐水湿,可作造船材料。其种子亦名“香榧”、“榧子”,供食用,可榨油,又可入药。



  1. You've just read about three ways to save Torreya Taxifolia. Unfortunately, none of these three options provides a satisfactory solution.


  2. Torreya grand is also called Fine Resolution, the Resolution really is the best quality plant metabolites is a fruit.


  3. But there are so many torreya trees here.


  4. Determination of aluminum in fragrant nut by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry


  5. Investigation on insect pests and diseases in Torreya grandis and their natural enemies in Zhejiang Province


  6. Natural Resources of Torreya grandis Fort in Western Hunan and Their Preservation and Exploitation


  7. Early-ripening and High-yielding Cultivation Patterns and Technical Measures of Chinese Torreya


  8. Symptom of Drooping Disease of Torreya grandis Seedling and Its Control


  9. Standardized production is the only way to expand the industry of Chinese torreya


  1. 香榧外种皮

    Torreya grandis epispem

  2. 香榧硕丽盲蝽

    Macrolygus torreyae

  3. 香榧细小卷蛾

    Lepteucosma torreyae

  4. 哦?这叫香榧树。

    Really? It's called the Chinese torreya tree.

  5. 香榧嫁接成活因素研究

    A study of factors influencing survival of Chinese torreya stocks by grafting

  6. 香榧保果增产技术试验

    Test on increase production of Torreya grandis by fruit protecting

  7. 香榧细菌性褐腐病研究

    Study on Bacterial Brown Rot of Torreya Grandis

  8. 标题 香榧有性生殖得研究。

    Investigation on sexual reproductive cycle in Torreya grandis.

  9. 标题 香榧有性生殖的研究。

    Investigation on sexual reproductive cycle in Torreya grandis.

  10. 黄山不同类型香榧品质研究

    Quality Studies of Three Types of Huangshan Chinese Torreya

  11. 诸暨香榧的现状, 问题与对策

    Current Production, Problem and Countermeasure of Chinese torreya in Zhuji

  12. 但在这里却有好多香榧树。

    But there are so many torreya trees here.

  13. 香榧树雄榧枝嫁接技术初报

    The male branch grafting technique of the Chinese torreya tree

  14. 香榧的核型和性别的早期鉴别

    Early discrimination of karyotype and sexuality for Chinese torreya.

  15. 香榧假种皮中紫杉醇的检定

    Determination of Taxol in Aril of Torreya grandis cv. Merrilli

  16. 湘西香榧自然资源及其保护利用

    Natural Resources of Torreya grandis Fort in Western Hunan and Their Preservation and Exploitation

  17. 香榧成年树高枝换接雄枝技术

    Technique of Changing Top Branch of Chinese Torreya Adult Tree for Sturdiness

  18. 香榧苗木立枯病症状及防治试验

    Symptom of Drooping Disease of Torreya grandis Seedling and Its Control

  19. 香榧经炒制食用,清香浓郁,松脆香酥。

    Torreya grandis by frying food, incense rich, Crunch crisps.

  20. 香榧果实外皮挥发油化学成分的研究

    A Study on the Composition of the Essential Oil of the Crust of the Torreya Grandis.

  21. 香榧花芽分化与核酸的关系研究初报

    The Relationship between Flower Bud Differentiation of Torreya grandis and Nucleic Acid.

  22. 香榧细菌性褐腐病的症状及防治试验

    Symptom and control of bacterial brown rot in Torreya grandis Fort

  23. 香榧生长习性及提高造林成活率的关键技术

    Growth Habit of Torreya grandis and the Key Techniques of Promoting Its Forestation Survival Rate.

  24. 我基地主要产香榧苗木,同时所处位置也是香榧产地。

    I base the main producing seedlings Torreya grandis, Torreya grandis is also the location of origin.

  25. 香榧小孢子叶球的发育及花粉超微结构研究

    Studies on the Development of Male Cone and the Ultrastructure of Pollen in Torreya grandis.

  26. 香榧为常绿乔木,属紫杉科榧属,是世界稀有干果之一。

    Torreya grandis evergreen tree is a yew Branch Resolution is, one of the world's rare fruits and vegetables.

  27. 调查发现香榧优良品种细榧中存在多个不同来源的类型。

    The investigation from 2001 to 2006 showed that Xifei variety of the Torreya grandis maybe come from a few torreya trees.

  28. 调查发现香榧优良品种细榧中存在多个不同来源得类型。

    The investigation from 2001 to 2006 showed that Xifei variety of the Torreya grandis maybe come from a few torreya trees.

  29. 香榧系第三纪孑遗植物, 为我国特有得珍贵经济树种。

    Torreya grandis Merrillii is tertiary relict plant, and is a precious economic species peculiar in China.

  30. 香榧系第三纪孑遗植物,为我国特有的珍贵经济树种。

    Torreya grandis Merrillii is tertiary relict plant, and is a precious economic species peculiar in China.


  1. 问:香榧拼音怎么拼?香榧的读音是什么?香榧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:香榧的读音是,香榧翻译成英文是 Torreya grandis

  2. 问:香榧醇拼音怎么拼?香榧醇的读音是什么?香榧醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:香榧醇的读音是xiāng fěi chún,香榧醇翻译成英文是 torreyol

  3. 问:香榧硕丽盲蝽拼音怎么拼?香榧硕丽盲蝽的读音是什么?香榧硕丽盲蝽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:香榧硕丽盲蝽的读音是xiāngfěi shuòlìmángchūn,香榧硕丽盲蝽翻译成英文是 Macrolygus torreyae



香榧,(学名:Torreya grandis Fort. ex Lindl. cv. Merrillii.),别名中国榧,为红豆杉目、红豆杉科、榧树属常绿乔木,中国原产树种,是世界上稀有的经济树种,主要生长在中国南方较为湿润的地区,生于海拔1400米以下,温暖多雨,黄壤、红壤、黄褐土地区,目前主要分布于中国安徽黟县、浙江诸暨、富阳等地。
