


1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……





汉语拼音:sī lù








  1. 思想的门径;思维的条理脉络。

    《尺牍新钞》卷七引 明 俞琬纶 《答友人书》:“凡不得意文,皆思路不开时所作。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·结构》:“作传奇者,能以‘头绪忌繁’四字刻刻关心,则思路不分,文情专一。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录三十三》:“科学能教人道理明白,能教人思路清楚,不许鬼混。”



  1. I also got to start this blog and open up a dialog for an interesting subject, a real look at job searching ideas and applications.


  2. There's probably ways to find the top 20 most interesting brain teasers. But the point is to see how the interview subject thinks.


  3. And I hope each of you will return home full of new ideas and a renewed sense of both purpose and possibility.


  4. It was a little daunting at first, but he helped me to understand how to approach the action, and now it all seems obvious to me.


  5. "We had a model and a general idea of what we wanted to do, " says Carl Chamberlin, one of the early team managers.


  6. Daintry had been a brooding restless presence, silent, locked in thoughts of his own.


  7. Please do not follow the train of my thought, or else it becomes fiction and consequently loses it's value.


  8. But this integrated, one-bank approach is the opposite of what some of the Swiss boutique players are trying to achieve.


  9. And as I struggled to understand that, I came up with a way of framing the question that seemed to work for me in my investigations.


  1. 总体战略思路

    overall strategy

  2. 抱歉,我思路断了一下。

    Sorry, I lost my train of thought for a second.

  3. 考试期间,我思路中断了。

    During the exam I had a mental block.

  4. 我跟不上他的思路。

    I couldn't follow his train of thought.

  5. 你能理解那种思路吗?

    Can you understand that train of thought?

  6. 这条论据的思路不完整。

    The thread of the argument was coming undone.

  7. 他在辩论时思路非常敏锐。

    He argued with great acuteness.

  8. 你这道题的思路是对的。

    Your reasoning in this question is correct.

  9. 我跟不上你的推理思路。

    I can't follow your line of reasoning.

  10. 敲门声打断了他的思路。

    The knock on the door interrupted his train of thought.

  11. 我们俩的解题思路简直殊途同归。

    We have handled this problem in different ways, but we have both reached the same conclusion.

  12. 楼梯间的脚步声打断了他的思路。

    Footsteps on the staircase interrupted his train of thought.

  13. 走廊里传来的声音打断了他的思路。

    Sounds from the corridor intruded on his thoughts.

  14. 我确实知道如何拼写它,只是思路中断了。

    I do know how to spell it, I just had a mental block.

  15. 她试着思考,但是酒精已经阻塞了她的思路。

    She tried to think but the alcohol had clogged her thoughts.

  16. 由于思路不对,所以你们做的都是无用功。

    Since you are not on the right track, everything you have done is futile.

  17. 这也是一个尝试新闻简报新思路的平台。

    It is also a platform for experimenting with new ideas of journalistic presentation.

  18. 他努力把思路拉回到正在讨论的问题上。

    With an effort he dragged his mind back to the matter in question.

  19. 她已经整理好了自己的思路,准备了一个合理的托词。

    She had marshalled her thoughts and had a legitimate excuse ready.

  20. 在解决问题时,我们的思路和方法应该再多元一些。

    When trying to solve problems, we need to be more open-minded.

  21. 阿诺尔特这样评论那些风格前卫的提袋子女士系列舞会礼服,依他的设计思路,设计这些时装的目的不是供人穿穿。但是这理念将会应用于成衣及其他产品。

    His ideas are not meant to be worn, ' Arnault says of the avant-gardish collection of bag-lady-style ball gowns, ' but the ideas descend down to pret-a-porter and to everything in the line.


  1. 问:思路拼音怎么拼?思路的读音是什么?思路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:思路的读音是sīlù,思路翻译成英文是 reasoning



“思路”是个多义词,它可以指思路(林一峰音乐专辑), 思路(汉语词语)。