


1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……





汉语拼音:yǔ tiān






  1. 谓凡合乎天道者,则得天助。

    《国语·越语下》“持盈者与天” 韦昭 注:“与天,法天也。”《管子·形势》:“持满者与天。” 尹知章 注:“能持满者,则与天合。”《史记·越王句践世家》:“持满者与天。” 司马贞 索隐:“与天,天与也。言持满不溢,与天同道,故天与之。”



  1. If he let that doubt take hold, he would never be able to deal with Skywalker again, or be able to lead his men.


  2. In time, she was able to communicate to Skywalker through the computer system itself, displaying messages across monitors.


  3. No, because those who are too greed, will put the dream with high places, all day but never considered himself ever reach the dream.


  4. Red Cross Society of China: Vice President Guo Changjiang has no contact with Tian Lue Group's Chairman of the Board Qiu Zhenliang.


  5. When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of cloud.


  6. The water and the sky merge into a pure whole.


  7. At the ending of the rainbow, Where the mountains touch the sky.


  8. This purified reaction product is used in a second stage: a coupling reaction of the purified activation reaction product with aspartate.


  9. Through the use of flying buttresses and towering spires, they created houses of worship that appear to touch the sky.


  1. 忙时与天比

    day to busy hour ratio.

  2. 与天赤道有关的

    Relating to the celestial equator.

  3. 与天奋斗,与地奋斗,与人奋斗。

    With days struggle, and struggle, and people struggle.

  4. 诗、词、曲之分途天人之分与天人合一

    The difference between verse, poetry and ballad

  5. 相干长度的偏差趋势与天顶角偏差相似。

    To a great extent, the dispersion of coherence length is the same as zenith angle.

  6. 陶渊明与天人相适的心灵和乐

    The Happy Spirit of Tao Yuanming in Harmony with Nature

  7. 在美丽彩虹的尽头,众山岭与天相连。

    At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains the sky.

  8. 汉字的宗教,美学,符号属性与天人合一精神

    The Religious, Aesthetic, and Symbolic Nature of Chinese Characters and Their Spirit of Harmonious Union between Man and Nature

  9. 人与天的关系, 其症结点就在时间。

    The crux of the relationship between people and heaven is just the time.

  10. 黄道与天赤道相交得一点, 太阳向北移动。

    the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Pisces.

  11. 黄道与天赤道相交的一点,太阳向北移动。

    the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Pisces.

  12. 人与天协调是月令天人学说基本观点和理念。

    Coordination of man and heaven is the basic idea and concept of the theory of heaven and man in Yue Ling.

  13. 瘦素及其受体与天疱疮发病关系的研究

    The Study of Leptin and Leptin Receptor in Pemphigus Patients

  14. 见一个梯子直立在地上,梯顶与天相接

    Behold, a stairway set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven.

  15. 黄道与天赤道相交得一点, 自此太阳向南运动。

    the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Virgo.

  16. 黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动。

    the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Virgo.

  17. 论周代神权崇拜的演变与天人合一观周公的神权思想

    Change of the Theoretical Worship and the Concept of Unity of Universe and Human Beings in the Zhou Dynasty

  18. 天与地茶餐吧

    Cafe Europa Cafe Heaven and Earth

  19. 在天与地交汇的那瞬间

    In that split second when heaven and earth converges

  20. 马丁安排第二天与他会面。

    Martin arranged to meet him the next day.

  21. 看到天与地就在那一线之间。

    I saw heaven and earth were on the line.

  22. 这是我在天与地之间得命运。

    It is my fate to be in between heavy and earth.

  23. 这是我在天与地之间的命运。

    It is my fate to be in between heavy and earth.

  24. 我是天与海的主, 我听见百姓哀求。

    I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry.

  25. 我告诉你, 天与地都会消失, 而你不会。

    I tell you that heaven and earth shall pass away, but you shall not.

  26. 看见的只是天与地的相接,现实与虚幻的轮回。

    See only the heaven and earth phase, the reality of reincarnation and the illusory.

  27. 使它们能够在天与地之间魔法般的来去

    That they can move magically between sky and earth

  28. 教练对第二天与对手的比赛持谨慎态度。

    The coach sounded a note of caution over tomorrow's game against our rivals.

  29. 教练对第二天与对手的比赛持谨慎态度。

    The coach sounded a note of caution over tomorrow's game against our rivals.

  30. 教练对第二天与对手得比赛持谨慎态度。

    The coach sounded a note of caution over tomorrow's game against our rivals.



【拼音】 yǔ tiān

【注音】ㄧㄩˇ ㄊㄧㄢ
