


末了(liǎo ),完了(liǎo),与“始”相对:年~。~场(末了一场)。~极。~审(司法部门对案件的最后判决)。~端。靡不有初,鲜克有~(人们做事无不有开头,而很少能坚持到底)。从开始到末了:~年。~生。饱食~日。人死:临~。送~。到底……


尖端,梢:~梢。~端。秋毫之~(毫毛尖端)。最后,终了:~了(liǎo )。~尾。~日。~代。穷途~路。非根本的,次要的,差一等的:~业。~技。舍本逐~。碎屑:~子。碎~。传统戏剧角色名,一般扮演中年以上男子:正~。副~。外~。~本(以男角……



汉语拼音:zhōng mò







  1. In some mechanical problems the final deformed state of the material body can be reached by the composition of two deformations .


  2. there was one stab wound point in terminal wound and thick unpenetrated omental wound.


  3. Lung transplantation remains the only therapeutic option shown to improve survival for many end-stage interstitial lung diseases.


  4. Micturition terminal can have the abdominal pain, sometimes visible to the naked eye hematuria, a few patients with low back pain and also.


  5. Responsible for the new hospital treatment, patients discharged from hospital presentation and guidance to better terminal disinfection.


  6. Diabetes is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia which facilitates the irreversible formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).


  7. The conversion of beta to alpha cells is shown to be a process of terminal differentiation.


  8. Objective To investigate the distribution and infection situation of the definitive host of Angiostrongylus cantonensisin Fuzhou.


  9. Objective To explore the relationship between advanced glycation end products(AGE), coronary heart disease(CHD)and diabetes.


  1. 终末感受器

    peripheric receptor.

  2. 呼气终末压

    pulmonary expiratory end pressure.

  3. 致密纡曲轴突终末

    dense sinuous axonal terminal

  4. 在终末的面前颤抖吧, 凡人!

    Tremble mortals before the coming of the end!

  5. 它存在于气管、支气管树直至终末支气管。

    They exist in the trachea and in the bronchial tree up to the terminal bronchioles.

  6. 回盲瓣水肿,不规则,尽管终末结肠空余的。

    The ileocecal valve is edematous and irregular, whereas the terminal ileum is spared.

  7. 逆行指动脉终末背侧支皮瓣修复指端缺损

    Reverse flap based on the end dorsal branches of digital artery to repair fingertip defect

  8. 该声明仅在您进入疾病得终末期方为有效。

    This directive will take effect only when you are in the terminal phase of an illness.

  9. 该声明仅在您进入疾病的终末期方为有效。

    This directive will take effect only when you are in the terminal phase of an illness.

  10. 腓动脉终末前穿支与外踝前动脉吻合形成外踝前动脉弓。

    The lateral anterior malleolar artery anastomosed with the lowest perforating branch of the peroneal artery to form the lateral malleolar artery arch.

  11. 实施病毒性肝炎病家终末消毒的两种方式比较

    Comparison between two methods for terminal disinfection of homes of patients with viral hepatitis

  12. 网膜伤的网膜厚未穿透者,终末伤为一处刺伤点。

    there was one stab wound point in terminal wound and thick unpenetrated omental wound.

  13. 指动脉终末背侧支逆行岛状皮瓣修复指端缺损

    Repair of fingertip defect with reverse flap based on end dorsal branches of digital artery

  14. 犬眶下动脉终末支逆行插管导药入眼实验研究

    Experimental study of retrograde catheterization and administration of drugs into eyes through the infraorbital arteries in dogs

  15. 晚期糖化终末产物在老年大鼠骨质疏松发病中的作用

    Effects of advanced glycosylation end products in pathogenesis of senile osteoporosis

  16. 到研究终末具有抑郁症状患者由开始时的17例减少到9例。

    At the end of this study, patients with depressive symptom decreased from17 cases in the beginning to9 cases at the end.

  17. 糖基化终末产物的增加是造成糖尿病血管病变的主要因素。

    AGEs are and may be a causal factor, in the development of vascular complications of diabetes.

  18. 重度子癎前期终末器官受累不平行性及其围产结局探讨

    Study on unparalleled damage of end organs in severe preeclampsia and perinatal outcomes

  19. 晚期糖化终末产物对大鼠成骨细胞增殖和分化的影响

    Effect of advanced glycosylation end products on proliferation and differentiation of rat osteoblastic cells

  20. 该病人甲状腺功能低下, 此为桥本甲状腺炎得终末病变。

    This patient was hypothyroid. This is the end result of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

  21. 头面部感觉神经一级传入纤维终末的溃变类型及特点

    Degenerating variations and ultrastructural features of the sensory afferent nerve terminals from the head and face

  22. 马肉孢子虫的包囊超微结构及其实验感染终末宿主的研究


  23. 终末期肝肾病患者同侧颈内静脉置入多条导管的可行性

    Feasibility study of multiple catheters inserting via same side internal jugular vein in the treatment of advanced liver and kidney disease

  24. 指动脉终末背侧支逆行岛状皮瓣修复指端缺损的临床研究

    Repair of fingertip defect with reverse island flap based on the end dorsal branches of the digital artery

  25. 三叉神经初级传入纤维终末的超微结构特点及突触联系

    Ultrastructural features and synaptic connections of the primary afferent fiber terminals of the trgeminal nerve

  26. 大鼠延髓网状背侧亚核下行投射终末在脊髓灰质的分布

    Distributions of the descending projection terminals from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis to the spinal gray matter in the rat

  27. 猫后肢背根全切后背核突触性终末的可塑性 电镜定量研究

    The plasticity of synaptic terminals in clarke's nucleus after complete rhizotomy of the dorsal roots innervating hind limb in the cat


  1. 问:终末窝拼音怎么拼?终末窝的读音是什么?终末窝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末窝的读音是zhōng mò wō,终末窝翻译成英文是 terminal fossa

  2. 问:终末网拼音怎么拼?终末网的读音是什么?终末网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末网的读音是zhōng mò wǎng,终末网翻译成英文是 terminal web

  3. 问:终末部拼音怎么拼?终末部的读音是什么?终末部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末部的读音是zhōngmòbù,终末部翻译成英文是 terminal portion

  4. 问:终末钩拼音怎么拼?终末钩的读音是什么?终末钩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末钩的读音是zhōng mò gōu,终末钩翻译成英文是 definitive hook

  5. 问:终末分化拼音怎么拼?终末分化的读音是什么?终末分化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末分化的读音是zhōng mò fēn huà,终末分化翻译成英文是 terminal differentiation

  6. 问:终末分支拼音怎么拼?终末分支的读音是什么?终末分支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末分支的读音是zhōngmòfēnzhī,终末分支翻译成英文是 terminal branches

  7. 问:终末器官拼音怎么拼?终末器官的读音是什么?终末器官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末器官的读音是zhōng mò qì guān,终末器官翻译成英文是 end organ

  8. 问:终末奋进拼音怎么拼?终末奋进的读音是什么?终末奋进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末奋进的读音是zhōng mò fèn jìn,终末奋进翻译成英文是 working hard at the last stage

  9. 问:终末尾椎拼音怎么拼?终末尾椎的读音是什么?终末尾椎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末尾椎的读音是,终末尾椎翻译成英文是 zygostyle

  10. 问:终末消毒拼音怎么拼?终末消毒的读音是什么?终末消毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末消毒的读音是zhōng mò xiāo dú,终末消毒翻译成英文是 terminal disinfection

  11. 问:终末管癌拼音怎么拼?终末管癌的读音是什么?终末管癌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末管癌的读音是zhōng mò guǎn ái,终末管癌翻译成英文是 terminal duct carcinoma

  12. 问:终末细胞拼音怎么拼?终末细胞的读音是什么?终末细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末细胞的读音是zhōng mò xì bāo,终末细胞翻译成英文是 terminal cell; end cell

  13. 问:终末途径拼音怎么拼?终末途径的读音是什么?终末途径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末途径的读音是zhōng mò tú jìng,终末途径翻译成英文是 terminal pathway

  14. 问:终末重排拼音怎么拼?终末重排的读音是什么?终末重排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末重排的读音是zhōng mò chóng pái,终末重排翻译成英文是 terminal rearrangement

  15. 问:终末呼出气拼音怎么拼?终末呼出气的读音是什么?终末呼出气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末呼出气的读音是zhōng mò hū chū qì,终末呼出气翻译成英文是 end-expiratory gas

  16. 问:终末囊泡期拼音怎么拼?终末囊泡期的读音是什么?终末囊泡期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末囊泡期的读音是zhōng mò náng pāo qī,终末囊泡期翻译成英文是 terminal sac period

  17. 问:终末杀菌法拼音怎么拼?终末杀菌法的读音是什么?终末杀菌法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末杀菌法的读音是zhōngmòshājūnfă,终末杀菌法翻译成英文是 terminal sterilization

  18. 问:终末溶酶体拼音怎么拼?终末溶酶体的读音是什么?终末溶酶体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末溶酶体的读音是zhōng mò róng méi tǐ,终末溶酶体翻译成英文是 telolysosome

  19. 问:终末电解质拼音怎么拼?终末电解质的读音是什么?终末电解质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末电解质的读音是zhōng mò diàn jiě zhì,终末电解质翻译成英文是 terminating electrolyte

  20. 问:终末糖基化拼音怎么拼?终末糖基化的读音是什么?终末糖基化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终末糖基化的读音是zhōng mò táng jī huà,终末糖基化翻译成英文是 terminal glycosylation