




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……







汉语拼音:yāng jí chí yú








  • 【解释】:比喻无缘无故地遭受祸害。
  • 【出自】:《吕氏春秋·必己》:“宋桓司马有宝珠,抵罪出亡,王使人问珠之所在,曰:‘投之池中。’于是竭池而求之,无得,鱼死焉。此言祸福之相及也。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. Drones have rarely, if ever, killed just the intended target.


  2. Ironically, when the mosquitos suffering from the toxic gas, So am I. what the hell can i do ?


  3. Developed in future should not be complacent , as arrogant and despotic than fish in the moat suffer, or bear the brunt of your own;


  1. 城门失火,殃及池鱼。

    A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat.

  2. 城门失火,殃及池鱼。

    Innocent people get into trouble on the account of others' misfortune.

  3. 这种怀疑也殃及池鱼。

    Suspicion will also infect other banks.

  4. 气象要素与池鱼泛塘关系研究

    Studies on Relation between Meteorological Factor and Asphyxia of Pond Fishes

  5. 小鱼饲养池

    minnow pail.

  6. 挫鱼池即是一小水池,池中的鱼不断地被鱼钩钩上来又释放。

    The ponds were nothing more than small pools of fish were repeatedly captured by fishhooks and released.

  7. 油轮漏油污染海水, 殃及鱼鸟, 是环境得大灾难。

    Oil spill is an environmental disaster which kills fish and birds as well as pollutes the sea.

  8. 油轮漏油污染海水,殃及鱼鸟,是环境的大灾难。

    Oil spill is an environmental disaster which kills fish and birds as well as pollutes the sea.

  9. 他被皇帝软禁了起来,过着池鱼笼鸟一样的生活。

    He was confined by the emperor, living like a fish in a pond or a bird in a cage.

  10. 他被皇帝软禁了起来,过着池鱼笼鸟一样的生活。

    He was confined by the emperor, living like a fish in a pond or a bird in a cage.

  11. 一群小鱼正在池水中游曳。

    A school of small fish were swimming in the pool.

  12. 一群小鱼正在池水中游曳。

    A school of small fish were swimming in the pool.

  13. 人工湿地循环净化杭州植物园玉泉观鱼池水效果分析

    Analysis on Effect of Constructed Wetland Treating Fishpond Wastewater in Hangzhou Botanical Garden

  14. 城门失火, 殃及池鱼, 这事你也脱离不了干系。

    When the city gate is on fire, the fish in the moat will suffer, you can't escape responsibility.

  15. 城门失火,殃及池鱼,这事你也脱离不了干系。

    When the city gate is on fire, the fish in the moat will suffer, you can't escape responsibility.

  16. 池溏养鱼法

    pond pisciculture.

  17. 水泥池养殖黄颡鱼试验

    Pseudobagrus fulvidraco Culture in an Indoor Concrete Pond

  18. 把鱼网撒入小河池。

    Cast the net into the stream.

  19. 我是一条小池的大鱼。

    I'm a big fish in a little pond.

  20. 我是一条小池得大鱼。

    I'm a big fish in a little pond .

  21. 做小池塘的大鱼还是做大池塘的小鱼?

    To Be a small Fish a Big Pond or a Big Fish a Small Pond ?

  22. 池养大口胭脂鱼鱼种的食性

    Food and feeding habits of big mouth buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus in fish pond

  23. 有些鱼游到泥池表面呼吸空气。

    Some fish came up to the surface of the muddy pool for air.

  24. 对虾育苗池饲养条纹鲈商品鱼的试验

    Experiment on Culture of Commercial Striped Bass Morone saxatilis in Shrimp Nursery Ponds

  25. 污池里长大的鱼,总有臭泥味。

    Fish bred up in dirty pools will stink of mud.

  26. 现代单养池里有数以百万计的鱼。

    There are millions of fish in the modern monoculture pond.

  27. 池养条件下军曹鱼仔鱼的消化道内容物

    Alimentary canal contents of cobia rachycentron canadum larvae cultured in ponds.

  28. 我经营自己的公司。我是一条小池里的大鱼。

    I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond.

  29. 它就像一池的春水,让鱼儿离不开。

    Its surface like a pool, so that fish can not do without.

  30. 它常常是必要的,以消除鱼从池和消毒,一切。

    It is often necessary to remove the fishes from the tank and sterilize everything.


  1. 问:殃及池鱼拼音怎么拼?殃及池鱼的读音是什么?殃及池鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殃及池鱼的读音是yāngjíchíyú,殃及池鱼翻译成英文是 bring disaster to the fish in the moat--cause trou...


名称:殃及池鱼拼音:yāng jí chí yú解释:本意为(城门失火)殃及池鱼,比喻跟自己有关系的关连体如果有损失的话,就会联系到自己,如唇亡齿寒,比喻无缘无故地遭受祸害。