


1. 鲜 [xiān]2. 鲜 [xiǎn]鲜 [xiān]新的,不陈的,不干枯的:~果。~花。~嫩。新~。滋味美好:~美。~甜。这汤真~。有光彩的:~明。~亮。~艳。味美的食物:尝~。时~。特指鱼虾等水产食物:海~。鱼~。〔~卑〕中国古代……





汉语拼音:xiān wèi








  1. 指新鲜的鱼肉菜肴。

    元 李文蔚 《燕青博鱼》第二折:“你出门去寻些时新的果品,各色的鲜味来,等我宽心的吃几杯儿。”

  2. 鲜美的滋味。

    石三友 《金陵野史·曲园的“东安鸡”》:“烹煮不能过久,以熟嫩为度,且应收汤,以保存鸡的鲜味。” 周启范 《宁波的海鲜·蛏子》:“蛏子和其他蛤类一样,不能烧得过熟,否则,即失去水份,鲜味消灭,不吃也罢。”



  1. Interestingly, our attachment to umami starts early: human breast milk is said to be very rich in the taste.


  2. Umami has frequently been used as a flavor enhancer, in both Eastern and Western cultures.


  3. Crab is cold and cool things, plus a few shrimp to go in and a cold, 2 to also increase the flavor.


  4. Key: Pucai that it has no flavor, cooking time must Wei Hou and thick soup cooked, so Pucai get from fresh flavor.


  5. The freshness and tastiness of a dish often depend to a great extent on the quality of the dashi used.


  6. Rimini is another wonderful seaside town along the eastern coast of Italy where you can find some of the best seafood around.


  7. According to the investigation of authoritative institute, yeast extract takes market share up to 35%. And this tends is increasing sharply.


  8. Go with your gut: Japanese scientists recently identified umami receptors not only on the tongue but throughout the digestive tract.


  9. Put a piece of dried noodles into the boiling water for about one minutes. Use chopsticks to stir throughly until loosen.


  1. 鲜味氨基酸

    Amino acid

  2. 充满天然鲜味的早餐谷类。

    The breakfast cereal that is full of natural goodness.

  3. 使肉类更加鲜味,口感特别嫩滑。

    So that more meat flavor, taste special mashed and wah.

  4. 利用黄粉酿造鲜味调味液的研究

    Study on brewing flavor seasoning using yellow powder as raw material

  5. 特点蚝味香醇, 豆腐嫩滑, 汤鲜味浓。

    Mellow flavor characteristics of oysters, tofu, fresh, Tang Xian Sauvignon.

  6. 鲜味物质及其在水产调味品中的应用

    Umami substance and application in spice of seafoods

  7. 具有新鲜海带固有的鲜味和气味,无异味

    It has the taste and smell of fresh kelps owned inherently, no peculiar smell

  8. 淋面用了大量虾来熬汤,鲜味十足!

    The Lum Mees soup used a lot of prawn to cook, freshness and tasteful.

  9. 适用于质老筋多,鲜味不足或质地鲜嫩的原料。

    Applicable to the tendons of the old, less than flavor or texture of fresh raw materials.

  10. 花蛤净化前后主要营养成分及鲜味氨基酸的比较

    Comparison of Nutritious Constituents and Tasty Amino Acids of Bivalve Hemolymph both before and after Purification

  11. 做汤或炒菜时,放入少许可立增汤菜的鲜味。

    The delicious flavor can be enhanced immediately when adding a little to the soup and dish.

  12. 味精遇碱性食品会变成谷氨酸二钠,使其失去鲜味。

    MSG will become a case of basic food, disodium glutamate, loss of flavor.

  13. 衡量食味的主要品质指标有甜味,质地,香味和鲜味等。

    The edible quality of vegetable soybean consists of sweetness, flavor, texture and taste.

  14. 鲜味经常被用来作为风味增强剂,在东方和西方文化。

    Umami has frequently been used as a flavor enhancer, in both Eastern and Western cultures.

  15. 玉米面包将会吸收肉汤的鲜味, 这是这道菜肴的亮点。

    Having absorbed the umami flavor from the broth, the corn bread becomes the highlight of the meal.

  16. 还要记住, 沾太多得芥末酱会把鱼肉得鲜味盖掉。

    Also, remember that too much wasabi will mask the delicate flavors of the fish.

  17. 还要记住,沾太多的芥末酱会把鱼肉的鲜味盖掉。

    Also, remember that too much wasabi will mask the delicate flavors of the fish.

  18. 烹饪要点鱼丸要用汤煨一下, 才更具鲜味和口感。

    Cooking points fish soup simmer about to use only more flavor and taste.

  19. 可以利用蒜、辣椒及香料等天然材料带出菜式的鲜味。

    Choose vegetable dishes which flavour is enhanced by natural ingredients such as garlic, chilli pepper and spices.

  20. 爱慕思宠物鲜味酱是主人满足爱犬味觉的最健康选择!

    Lams Savory Sauce is a healthy way to top dry dog food for mealtime variety.

  21. 干草,桃子及番石榴的香味。柑橘果的鲜味。最配海鲜类食物。

    Aroma of hay, peach and guava. Citrus fruit flavors with a crisp finish. Pair with fresh seafood.

  22. 我们采用上等材料制成风味特佳的各种羹类食品, 鲜味可口。

    We use top quality fresh raw materials meat soup and squid soup which taste specially delicious.

  23. 以蒸煮出的蛤蛎汤汁做成鲜味青酱, 并拌甜椒增加味觉层次。

    Clam and sweet pepper cooked with Pesto sauce and steamed clam soup.


  1. 问:鲜味拼音怎么拼?鲜味的读音是什么?鲜味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲜味的读音是,鲜味翻译成英文是 Umami