




处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:qǐ bàn







  1. 筹集、置办。


  2. 措手之处,办法。

    《歧路灯》第四十回:“ 惠观民 当此青黄不接之时,麦苗方緑,菜根未肥,毫无起办,只得又向城中来寻胞弟。”



  1. Take a lap around the playground. Team up with your Virgo friends for a birthday party.


  2. She took an early liking to sewing and instead of playing with dolls, spent much time dressing them in material she had cut from curtains.


  3. When birthday , handle the birthday together gather together.


  4. Ma Youyou is kills people master, with Japanese's way; And colludes with the Koizumi Junichino same place to manage.


  5. There is none like to do parties? A


  1. 她白手起家办起这个公司。

    She developed the company from nothing.

  2. 他办起事来就像老板似的。

    He carries on as if he were the boss.

  3. 他已在新加坡办起一家合资公司。

    He has started a joint venture in Singapore.

  4. 只会让执法官办起事来碍手碍脚。

    Just make the work of law enforcement officers more difficult.

  5. 小孩子要求读书, 小学办起了没有?

    The children want to go to school. Have we set up primary schools

  6. 他经验丰富,办起事来总是游刃有余。

    He is quite experienced and always does a job with skill and ease.

  7. 他们在那儿建立了家庭,办起了农场。

    They built their homes and made their farms there.

  8. 他办起事来丁是丁, 卯是卯, 从不含糊。

    He is very exacting in his work.

  9. 请你放心,我办起事来既勤快又小心。

    Send back your answer as soon as you can, and be careful to write explicitly.

  10. 实践成功以后,我们花3千元办起了家庭小工厂。

    After practice is successful, we spent 1000 yuan 1 to run domestic coolie plant.

  11. 随后,村里办起鞋料商店,支持农民发收制鞋业。

    Subsequently, the village runs shoe feed store, supportive farmer hair accepts shoemaking job.

  12. 他下岗后办起了一家专门生产无机肥料的工厂。

    After being laid off he established a plant that specialized in producing inorganic fertilizer.

  13. 岭南大学从幼稚园办起,直到小学,中学,大学衔接一气。

    The Kindergarten Lingnan University, from kindergarten, primary school, middle school and to university.

  14. 其后校舍为敌伪政权所占据,用来办起一间凤山小学。

    Puppet regime an enemy occupied buildings used to run from a Fengshan Primary School.

  15. 看他那么痛苦万状,就知道他办起事来决不会十分稳妥。

    His excessive distress will not allow him to pursue any measure in the best and safest way.

  16. 若一个国家因为成本过于高昂 而负担不起怎么办?

    But what if a country can't afford to pay more because it's maybe too expensive?

  17. 要是她父母问起,怎么办?

    What if her parents ask questions?

  18. 要是你的鼻塞不起作用怎么办?

    What if your nose plug didn't work?

  19. 但是如果你的皮疹又起了怎么办?

    But what if you get another rash?

  20. 从买房之日算起还是从办房本之日算起。

    Calculate from the day that buys a house rise or from do Fang Benzhi day to calculate.

  21. 宝宝快三个月了,头皮和眉毛的皮肤老起皮屑怎么办?

    Three months a baby soon, scalp and eyebrows dander from the skin of the old how to do?

  22. 如果脸上起了癣怎么办?

    If how tinea rose to do on the face ?

  23. 劳拉西泮不起作用,怎么办

    Lorazepam's not working. damn it. what do we do?

  24. 在星点测试之下主镜没有可办别的表面起皱。

    Primary surface ripple below discernable amount in star test.

  25. 眼睛周围突然的起了些红斑怎么办?

    How did some of erythema rise suddenly to do all round the eye?

  26. 因为内分泌大乱额头上起了豆豆该咋办?

    Because fabaceous beans rose to should do how on endocrine big random forehead

  27. 炒菜被油烫了下现在起水疱了该怎么办呢

    Was the fried dish ironed by oil do next remove blister now how should do

  28. 失眠怎么办?药物不起作用?

    How does insomnia do Is remedy not effective.

  29. 他创办起一家很成功的公司。

    He has carved out a successful business.

  30. 小型巴士再次出现于屿巴车队,应该要从屿巴增办34线说起。

    The return of minibuses story in NLB should be started with the commissioned of 34.